Freewheeling Portland 无乐不作的波特兰
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年2月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:344
No matter how you choose to get around in this outpost of half a million, car keys aren’t required 在这个拥有五十万居民的前哨站,无论你选择以何种方式走透透,都不需要汽车钥匙
When guests at Portland’s hip Ace Hotel want to break away for some urban exploring, they can borrow a Dutch-designed cruiser [bicycle] and a cycling map laced with helpful hints: Do steer clear of train tracks and yield to pedestrians; don’t blow through red lights or ride while using a cell phone.
The Zoo Bombers, a tribe of Portland cyclists (and sporadic intrepid visitors), convene a few blocks from the Ace on Sunday evenings. Their agenda: Climb aboard one of the light-rail MAX trains that crisscross the metro area, get off at the Oregon Zoo, and careen downhill to their original starting point on souped-up kiddie bikes. Blood, bruises and broken speed limits are par for the course.
Normal but different 异于一般的常态
Founded in the mid-19th century as a shipping and logging center (which prompted one of its first nicknames, Stumptown), Portland has been a poster child for progressive urban planning for decades. And as lofty fuel prices drive destinations to tout their pedestrian- and biker-friendly attributes, the city’s extensive mass transit, green credentials and neighborhood-centric culture are gathering even more attention.
“We still have parking lots filled with SUVs”, says Shelby Wood, who writes PDXgreen, a column and blog about sustainable living. “But here,” she adds, “it seems normal to do things that still strike other parts of the country as awfully different” – from raising free-range chickens in backyards to creating crosswalk “bike boxes” that let cyclists get ahead of cars at busy intersections, with the goal of reducing collisions.
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get around 随意走走 to travel from place to place
outpost [ˋaʊt͵post] n. 前哨基地
hip [hɪp] adj. 新潮的; 赶时髦的 very fashionable or stylish
break away 脱离; 挣脱 to move rapidly away from or ahead of a group
cruiser bicycle (这里指的是)出租自行车
cruiser [ˋkruzɚ] n. 巡洋舰; 流动出租车; 【美】警察巡逻车
lace with(饮料或食物)里掺入(少量的酒、药等)to add or intersperse with something in order to produce a certain effect
hint [hɪnt] n. 建议,指点,注意事项
steer clear of 避开
steer [stɪr] v. 行驶,行进
yield to someone 让步于, 屈服于, 向…投降 to let someone go ahead; to give someone the right-of-way
yield [jild] v. 屈服; 屈从; 让步
sporadic [spəˋrædɪk] adj. 零星的; 偶尔的; 间或出现的
intrepid [ɪnˋtrɛpɪd] adj. 勇敢的;大胆的;无畏的;坚韧不拔的 extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations
crisscross [ˋkrɪs͵krɔs] v.(在…范围内)纵横交错、交叉
careen [kəˋrin] v. 倾侧;(车等)摇晃着行驶 to go forward quickly while moving from side to side
souped-up 改装的(使马力或速度增加) making mechanical changes to something, especially a car, to make it unusually powerful
soup [sup] v.【俚】增加(发动机等)的马力(或效率)[(+up)]; made more powerful
kiddie [ ˈkɪdi ] n. 小孩; (= kiddy)
prompt [prɑmpt] v. 促使; 引起; 导致
poster child 模范人物,典型代表(亦作 poster boy 或 poster girl,由慈善募捐海报中的儿童之意引申而来)a person who is a prominent example or type of something; the perfect example or representative of something
lofty [ˋlɔftɪ] adj. 高耸的,极高的
destination [͵dɛstəˋneʃən] n. 目的地,终点 the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey)
tout [taʊt] v. 招徕顾客;兜售
attribute [ˋætrə͵bjut] n. 属性;特性,特质
green [grin] adj. 关心生态的;关心环保的 relating to the protection of the environment
credential [krɪˋdɛnʃəl] n.(常复数)国书;凭据;证书 a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
strike [straɪk] v. 打动,感动,给……以印象 to affect or overcome with strong emotion
awfully [ˋɔfʊlɪ] adv.【口】极度地;非常地
free-range [ˋfri͵redʒ] adj.(家禽)自由放养的 relating to farm animals that are allowed to move around outside and are not kept in cages
crosswalk [ˋkrɔs͵wɔk] n. 行人穿越道;斑马线
Forget the rental car 用不着租车
Among the smitten is Paul Kahn, a Philadelphia lawyer who has just arrived in Portland via Amtrak from Seattle. After hopping a MAX train for a seven-minute ride from downtown to lushly forested, 130-acre Washington Park, Kahn and his wife, Janet, are now ensconced on a free shuttle bus.
“We never considered renting a car, because Portland’s so compact and easy to get around,” says Kahn.
Along with the Max trains that whisk visitors from airport to downtown in 40 minutes, a sleek, tourist-friendly spoke of Portland’s public transportation system is its expanding network of streetcars. Launched in 2001, the Czech-made cars run every 12-15 minutes and cost $1.75 to ride all day. They link downtown with the newly developed South Waterfront, where a $4 aerial tram ride delivers million-dollar views of the Willamette River, Mount Hood and the downtown skyline.
Streetcars also have played a prominent role in the Pearl District’s evolution from an industrial landfill to a trendy loft- and condo-laced enclave. The Pearl District is still home to much-beloved Powell’s City of Books, which sprawls up to four stories high over an entire block and claims to be the world’s largest independent bookstore.
珍珠区之所以能从一个工业掩埋场蜕变为充满时尚气息、在周遭独树一帜、挑高、隔间少的建筑(译注:英文的 loft 原指阁楼、仓库或厂房,后来一些艺术家开始把宽敞挑高的库房改装成工作室,如今可泛指挑高、隔间少的建筑)和公寓林木的区段,电车在其中也扮演了重要角色。珍珠区仍是广受喜爱的「鲍尔书城」所在地,书城有四层楼高,占据一整个街区,号称是世界上最大的独立书店。
Over the river 河的另一岸
Whether they’re on foot, rental bike or public transportation, most Portland visitors without cars confine their expeditions to downtown and other areas west of the Willamette. But tourists who venture across one of the 10 bridges that span the river in or near the city center will gain an even better appreciation of the town.
Lower Burnside Avenue has gone from industrial zone to a magnet for foodies and indie music fans. They can chow down off lamb sandwiches at Le Pigeon, catch a performance at the Doug Fir Lounge – described as “Paul Bunyan’s vacation home in outer space” – and crash next door at the retro-hip Jupiter Hotel.
“I’d been in the airport about 45 seconds when I decided to stay,” say Joe Bass, who moved here four years ago. “You can bike or ride the bus everywhere.”
−by Laura Bly
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smitten [ˈsmɪtn] adj. 被迷住的; 着了迷的; 神魂颠倒的
smite [smaɪt] v. 使极度不安;折磨;使神魂颠倒[H][(+by/with)] to affect sharply with great feeling
Amtrak [ˋæmtræk] n. 美国铁路公司
compact [kəmˋpækt] adj. 小巧的;小型的
whisk [hwɪsk] v. 迅速移动;突然带走
sleek [slik] adj. 雅致的;时髦的;豪华的
spoke [spok] n. (车轮的)辐条;轮辐
streetcar [ˋstrit͵kɑr] n.【美】(市内)有轨电车
waterfront [ˋwɔtɚ͵frʌnt] n.(城市中的)滨水区
aerial [ˋɛrɪəl] adj. 空中的
tram [træm] n. 吊车; 煤车;矿车
skyline [ˋskaɪ͵laɪn] n.(建筑物等在天空映衬下的)空中轮廓线
loft [lɔft] n.(仓库、工场等上面的)不分隔的楼面
condo [ˋkɑndo] n.【口】各户有独立产权的公寓(大楼), condominium
enclave [ˋɛnklev] n. 被包围的领土 an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it; a group of people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area
confine [kənˋfaɪn] v. 限制;使局限[(+to)]
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征;探险;考察
appreciation [ə͵priʃɪˋeʃən] n. 领会;了解;认识
magnet [ˋmægnɪt] n. 有吸引力的人(或物)[(+for/to)]
foodie [fudɪ] n.【俚】美食家,美食主义者
indie [ˋɪndɪ] adj. 非主流的; 独立制作的 describes music made by small companies, which are not owned by larger companies
chow [tʃaʊ] v.【俚】吃
retro [ˋrɛtro] adj. 复古的; 怀旧的
Vocabulary Focus
freewheeling [friˋhwilɪŋ] adj.【口】无禁忌,无约束的 not limited by rules or accepted ways of doing things
blow through 匆忙离开; 闯 to go very quickly through something without stopping
convene [kənˋvin] v. 集会;聚集 for a group of people to come together for a meeting
par for the course 意料之中(的事);司空见惯 indicating when an event or situation is not good but is normal or as you would expect
ensconced [ɛnˋskɑnst] adj. 舒服地坐于…的; 安坐的 positioned safely or comfortably somewhere
chow down 大块朵颐 to eat a lot of food; Informal to eat heartily
crash [kræʃ] v.【俚】(免费)宿夜;睡 to sleep, or to stay at a place temporarily
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The Ace Hotel: Portland
Portland MAX Train Light Rail Station At The Zoo
Kiddie Bicycle Cross Crusade 2012 : Portland
'Time to Swim' - Shook Twins - Doug Fir Lounge - 6-30-2011
bike boxes
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