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The Arctic’s Coolest Wildlife 酷寒北极最「酷」的野生物








Birds dominate the barren scenery in the far North  鸟类主宰荒芜北方极地


Norway’s Svalbard Archipelago, situated some 600 miles south of the North Pole, is one of Europe’s last major wilderness areas. Two-thirds of this High Arctic area is permanently covered in ice and snow, but come summer, wings and webbed feet bloom on this frozen land.



Claus and Elin may look like they’re having a picnic sitting on a blanket on a rocky beach in an Arctic fjord, but they’re both just enjoying a break. They’ve been taking turns swinging a 20-foot-long fishing rod fitted with a noose to lasso kittiwakes off cliffs so they can take blood samples from the birds. Further down the fjord in another remote cove, Borge and Anette strap on helmets before taking a short hike to check eggs in a bird’s nest because they know that while hanging over the edge of a sea cliff the angry glaucous gull parents will attack. Both teams of researchers, who work for the Norwegian Polar Institute, are monitoring sea bird health in the Arctic and looking for signs of stress and disease due to climate change and industrial pollutants.



Working with wildlife  和野生物打交道


The teams work at an Arctic outpost nestled on the west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest island in the Svalbard Archipelago. Observing these Norwegian field researchers in action gave me a newfound respect for wings, webbed feet and researchers. “We work seven days a week; we work with animals,” says Borge. This most northerly settlement in the world is a modern scientific community known as the International Arctic Research Station of Ny-Ålesund, where some 200 scientists from some 20 different nations assemble for the summer to take the pulse of the Arctic.

史毕兹柏根岛是史瓦巴特群岛中最大的岛,观察这些挪威实地调查人员(译注:虽然field research一般译成田野调查,但field research指到实验室以外的地点进行现场实地调查,有时这些地点在野外,但有时也可能不在野外)在史毕兹柏根西岸一处有遮蔽的北极偏远据点实际工作的情形,让我对有翅及蹼脚动物与研究人员油然而生一股新的敬意。柏赫表示,「我们每周工作七天,和动物打交道。」这个全世界最北边的据点是个现代科学社群,名为「新奥勒松国际北极研究站」,来自约二十个不同国家的约两百名科学家,夏天时聚集在此,以了解北极现况。





More Information

archipelago [͵ɑrkəˋpɛlə͵go] n. 群岛,列岛 a group of small islands or an area of sea in which there are many small islands

High Arctic 高纬北极地

webbed [wɛbd] adj. 有蹼的

fjord [ fjɔrd ] n.(尤指挪威海岸边的)峡湾 a long strip of sea between steep hills, found especially in Norway

fit [fɪt] v. 安装

noose [nus] n. 绞索,套索

kittiwake [ˋkɪtɪ͵wek] n.【鸟】三趾鸥

cove [kov] n. 小海湾,小湾; 山凹;洞穴

strap [stræp] v. 用带捆绑(或束住)

glaucous [ˋglɔkəs] adj. 蓝绿色的

Norwegian [nɔrˋwidʒən] adj. 挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的

outpost [ˋaʊt͵post] n. 前哨基地

newfound [ˈnjufaʊnd] adj. 新发现的 recently discovered









Transformed landscape  全然不同的景观


When this High Arctic zone “heats” up from mid-April to mid-August with round-the-clock midnight sun, the polar desertis transformed into a hot spot of activity. Although there’s always a wintry feel in the air next to glaciers, it’s clearly summer back on the permafrost. The top few inches of this frozen land thaw during the four months the sun never sets, allowing over 160 species of plants to spring to life.



This time of year, the tundra takes on a purple hue from the small clusters of saxifrage flowers, the treeless landscape burgeons with nesting birds, and the ocean swarms with marine life. Whales, seals and walruses wallow in Svalbard waters, and some 3,000 polar bears, 10,000 or so reindeer and hundreds of thousands of sea birds are scattered throughout the archipelago.



The rulers of the roost  禽鸟之王


Sea birds dominate the landscape. Some of the largest concentrations of sea birds in the North Atlantic region are in Svalbard. Colonies of little auks, black-legged kittiwakes, Brünnich's guillemots and northern fulmars pack the bird-rocks. Common eider ducks nest throughout the islands while along the coast and tundra there are large populations of geese and wading birds. Most sea birds stay at sea all winter and only come on land to nest and breed during summer, which is why they flock to the Svalbard Archipelago.



Sea birds are not only prolific, they’re hearty as well – the Arctic tern is legendary for having the longest regular migration of any known animal, flying around 24,000 miles roundtrip, from its Arctic breeding grounds to Antarctic and back again each year. Svalbard’s sole songbird – the snow bunting – is also the smallest migratory bird to cross the Barents Sea flying to Africa. Meanwhile, the Svalbard ptarmigan is the only bird that stays “home” for the winter; the rest head to the Barents Sea along the coast of Norway.






More Information

wintry [ˋwɪntrɪ] adj. 寒冷的,风雪交加的

permafrost [ˋpɝmə͵frɔst] n. 永久冻土(层)

thaw [θɔ] v.(冰,雪等)融化,融解

tundra [ˋtʌndrə] n.【地】苔原;冻土地带,冻原 part of the very large area of land in Northern Asia, North America and Northern Europe where, because it is cold, trees do not grow and earth below the surface is permanently frozen

take on 具有; 呈现 to acquire (an appearance, for example) as or as if one's own

saxifrage [ˋsæksəfrɪdʒ] n.【植】虎耳草属植物

walrus [ˋwɔlrəs] n.【动】海象

roost [rust] n. 群栖的禽鸟

concentration [͵kɑnsɛnˋtreʃən] n. 集中; 汇集

auk [ɔk] n.【鸟】(海鸦等)海雀

guillemot [ˋgɪləmɑt] n. 海鸠

fulmar [ˋfʊlmɚ] n. 海燕的一种

eider [ˋaɪdɚ] n.【鸟】绵凫

hearty [ˋhɑrtɪ] adj. 健壮的,精力充沛的 energetic,enthusiastic

tern [tɝn] n.【鸟】燕鸥

roundtrip [ 'raʊnd'trɪp ] n. 往返行程

songbird [ˋsɔŋ͵bɝd] n. 鸣禽;鸣鸟

bunting [ˋbʌntɪŋ] n.【鸟】鹀(雀科巫属鸣鸟)

ptarmigan [ˋtɑrməgən] n.【鸟】雷鸟









Other animals  其他动物


While features outweigh fur, Svalbard’s mammals are no lightweights, especially the King of the Arctic, the polar bear. This animal’s massive 1,500-pound body is made for the Arctic – special hollow tube-like hairs allow the sun to warm its black skin while its paddle-like paws are nature-made for snowshoeing on the ice and swimming. The ice bear, as it’s known in Norway, spends so much time driftingabout on the sea ice that it’s also considered a marine mammal. Svalbard’s other three land mammals are the Svalbard reindeer, Arctic fox and a mouse species.



All Arctic wildlife, large or small, depends on body fat to weather the winter, but sea birds have a “built-in” feature known as countercurrent exchange, which keeps them afloat in these frigid waters. A heat regulating system in their bodies cools outgoing blood and warms incoming blood, which makes them virtually chill-proof. Cruising the fjord in an open boat allows me to float alongside kittiwakes and fulmars perched on chunks of glacial ice to see the sea bird’s unique heating system in action.



Arctic grandeur  北极壮丽风光


During an early morning walk through Ny-Ålesund, I cross paths with a Svalbard reindeer then stop to watch an Arctic fox nurse her seven kits. I’m dressed for the 30 Fsummer temperature, but am still experiencing goose bumps – not the kind on a person’s skin which come from feeling cold, but simply from the Arctic’s “spine-tingling” majesty.



Despite the powerful nature of the landscape, I’m keenly aware of this environment’s fragility and indebted to these dedicated scientists looking after the Arctic’s denizens. As peaceful a scene this is, there’s never silence and my musings are soon disrupted by the calls from the barnacle geese flying overhead, as if to remind me of the Arctic’s coolest wildlife – the sea birds.



by Susan Zimmerman





More Information

paw [pɔ] n. 手掌

countercurrent [ˋkaʊntɚ͵kɝənt] n. 逆流

outgoing [ˋaʊt͵goɪŋ] adj. 外出的;出发的

cruise [kruz] v. 巡航于;航游于

grandeur [ˋgrændʒɚ] n. 宏伟,壮观,庄严

cross someone’s path 与某人偶然相遇

goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

spine-tingling [ˋspaɪn͵tɪŋglɪŋ] adj. 令人又惊又喜的,令人激动的; 令人毛骨悚然的

tingle [ˋtɪŋg!] v. 使感刺痛;使激动

majesty [ˋmædʒɪstɪ] n. 雄伟,壮丽;庄严

fragility [frəˋdʒɪlətɪ] n. 脆弱;易碎性

indebted [ɪnˋdɛtɪd] adj. 受惠的;感激的[(+to)]

denizen [ˋdɛnəzn] n. 居民; 动物 an animal, plant or person that lives in or is often in a particular place

as [æz] conj. 虽然 though

musing [ˋmjuzɪŋ] n. 思绪 contemplation; meditation

barnacle [ˋbɑrnək!] n.【鸟】黑雁







Vocabulary Focus

barren [ˋbærən] adj.(土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的,不毛的 unable to produce plants or fruit

lasso [ˋlæso] v. 用套索套捕 to catch an animal by throwing a rope that is shaped in a ring at one end over the animal’s head and then tightening the rope around its neck

nestle [ˋnɛs!] v. (使)置于,坐落在(安全、有遮蔽之处) to be in a protected or sheltered position, with bigger things around it

take the pulse 负责监测 to have a knowledge or understanding of what is currently taking place in a particular area

burgeon [ˋbɝdʒən] v. 迅速发展; 迅速增强 to develop or grow quickly

swarm with 充满; 挤满 for a place to be filled with large numbers of people or things moving around it

wallow [ˋwɑlo] v. (在水或泥浆中)躺卧,打滚 to lie or roll about slowly in wet earth, sand or water

prolific [prəˋlɪfɪk] adj. 多产的,多育的 producing a great number of offspring

lightweight [ˋlaɪtˋwet] n. 无足轻重的人 a person or thing considered of little importance

frigid [ˋfrɪgɪd] adj. 寒冷的,严寒的 extremely cold

keenly [ˋkinlɪ] adv. 强烈地 extremely









Norway's Svalbard, a haven at world's end



Fulmar at Hells Mouth




My Trip to Svalbard



 more videos

Frozen Planet - Snow and Ice Svalbard


Wild Arena's Spitsbergen: Land of the Ice Bear


Kittiwakes by Brenjohn

Barnacle Geese - Branta leucopsis




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Advanced English Travel (旅游景点) The Arctic’s Coolest Wildlife 酷寒北极最「酷」的野生物