Living with Children 教养大不易
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年10月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:319
Parenting is much more than rewarding good behavior and punishing bad 教养之道并非只是赏罚分明
More than 40 years of behavior modification propaganda has the typical American parent convinced that the discipline of a child is accomplished by effectively manipulating reward and punishment. Consequences do indeed have their place, but whereas dogs and other lower life forms respond reliably to reward and punishment, humans do not. As many parents will affirm, rewards given for good behavior may result in an increase in bad behavior. Likewise, punishment may do nothing but steel a child’s resolve to prove that no one can tell him what to do.
Be a leader, not a friend 要当孩子的引导者,而不是孩子的朋友
Discipline is the process by which one transforms the terrible toddler into a prosocial human being who will look up to his parents (and other adults whom they identify as legitimate authority figures), follow their lead, and subscribe to their values. In other words, the child will respect, obey, and be loyal. That is not accomplished by manipulating reward and punishment. It is accomplished by providing two essential L-words: Love and Leadership.
The problem in today’s parenting environment is that many, if not most, parents have substituted enabling for love and relationship for leadership. The enabling comes from parents who believe it is their job to solve all their children’s problems, from how to spend after-school time to making sure homework is returned to school without blemish. The attempt at relationship is evidenced by dads who strive to no higher ideal than to be their children’s buddies and moms who do more to and for their kids than they do their husbands. This is all well-intentioned, but good intentions are no excuse.
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behavior modification 行为改变 the direct changing of unwanted conduct by means of basic learning techniques
propaganda [prɑpəˋgændə] n. 宣传,宣传活动(或计划,方法)
reliably [rɪˋlaɪəblɪ] adv. 可靠地;确实地
affirm [əˋfɝm] v. 证实,确认
resolve [rɪˋzɑlv] n. 决心,决意
toddler [ˋtɑdlɚ] n. 刚学走路的小孩
prosocial [proˋsoʃəl] adj. 亲社会的,忠实(或拘泥)于既定社会道德准则的 caring about the rights of others and behaving in ways that benefit them
look up to 敬佩; 尊敬 to admire; respect
subscribe [səbˋskraɪb] v. 同意,赞许
well-intentioned [ˋwɛlɪnˋtɛnʃənd] adj. 好意的;出于好意的
excuse [ɪkˋskjuz] n. 理由;借口
True parent-love is not concerned with a child’s immediate reaction to a parental decision. Because they cannot easily distinguish need from want, children do not know what is in their best interest. Therefore, true parent-love may cause a child to become upset.
Focus on the long term 眼光放远
Likewise, leadership is less concerned about the here and now than it is the future. Again, a child’s initial response to effective leadership may not be “positive.” It is only over time that the child begins to realize that his parents’ leadership is in his best interest, even if he doesn’t always like its form. Leaders also recognize that the attempt at relationship is antithetical to leadership. Therefore, if parents put leadership first, relationship will follow naturally in its own time, and it will be a better relationship as a consequence.
Leadership is simple the calm, confident conveyance of authority. It is acting like you know what you are doing, the nature of your purpose, and what you want. It is not having a consultation with a 4-year-old concerning what foods will grace his plate for dinner. Leadership is not concerned that the child is averse to vegetables. It is concerned with producing a citizen who loves his neighbor enough to graciously accept any food the neighbor serves him.
Make your expectations clear 清楚表达期待
I recently asked an older friend of mine how his parents caused him to be obedience to their wishes. “What methods did they use?” I asked. He thought about that for a while, and then said, “They didn’t use any methods at all. They simply expected, and their expectations were clear.”
Note that my friend’s parents didn’t plead, bargain, bribe, cajole, reason, explain or threaten. They simply expected. With the onehand they loved; with the other they led. And each of the two hands knew what the other was doing.
−by John Rosemond
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antithetical [͵æntɪˋθɛtɪk!] adj.【正式】正相反的; 对立的 the exact opposite
consultation [͵kɑnsəlˋteʃən] n. 商议; 咨询 [(+with)] a meeting to discuss something or to get advice
grace [gres] v. 为…增色;使更加优美
graciously [ˋgreʃəslɪ] adv. 亲切地;和蔼地;殷勤地
obedience [əˋbidjəns] n. 服从,顺从
plead [plid] v. 恳求
Vocabulary Focus
manipulate [məˋnɪpjə͵let] v.(熟练地)操作,运用 to handle or use something skillfully
steel [stil] v. 使坚强,使下决心 to make stronger or more firm
blemish [ˋblɛmɪʃ] n. 瑕疵;污点;缺点 a mark or flaw that detracts from something
distinguish [dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] v. 区别;识别 to recognize or understand the difference between two things
conveyance [kənˋveəns] n. 表达,传达 the act of expressing or communicating something
averse [əˋvɝs] adj. 反对的;不愿意的;嫌恶的(+to)[+to-v] strongly disliking or opposed to
cajole [kəˋdʒol] v. 勾引;诱骗 to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do, by pleasant talk and sometimes false promises