The Courage to be Poor 安贫的勇气
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年4月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:326
Giving up everything, but gaining so much more 放弃一切,却得到更多
In 1999, Liz McKie was living the high life in Phoenix, Arizona, as a recruiter for a hard-charging sports agent. “Lots of big money, glamorous parties and private jets,” she said. “I’d see young kids from extreme poverty dropped into a world of $30,000 watches.”
Financial gurus, including Suze Orman in The Courage to Be Rich, claimed to know the path to the American Dream.
But McKie’s life of luxury went into free fall because of a debilitating cocaine addiction. [She] moved back to the land of rehab and returned to her former vocation as a hairdresser.
In 2002 she and some friends took a cheap winter vacation to the Dominican Republic. Eight trips and a recession later, McKie found the “courage to be poor.”
Now the executive director and founder of Dove Missions in the resort town of Puerto Plata and more recently in Haiti, McKie is a nonprofit CEO with a humble four-figure income.
Giving it all away 付出一切
At a time when many Americans are shaken to the core because of a lost job, foreclosure or a dwindling 401(k), McKie did the scariest thing of all: She jumped off the treadmill. She shed all of her possessions and moved to Puerto Plata to improve the lives of others and forever change her own.
For McKie, giving it all away was easy after working for so many years with people who had nothing. “It made me free,” she said.
Dove Missions is a tiny fish in the nonprofit pond. Located in a slum in the other side of the tracks in Puerto Plata, McKie’s youth development school isn’t far from some of the world’s more beautiful resorts and beaches. Tourists who dare to wander just a few blocks outside the compound see sandy beaches littered with garbage, syringes and homes thrown together with scraps of metal and wood.
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recruiter [rɪˋkrutɚ] n. 招聘人员
glamorous [ˋglæmərəs] adj. 富有魅力的;迷人的
guru [ˋgʊru] n.【口】宗师;权威;大师 an expert in a particular subject who gives advice
American Dream 美国梦(指追求富庶、自由和机会均等等)the belief that everyone in the United States has the opportunity to be successful and prosperous if they work hard
rehab [`rihæb] n.【美】〔酗酒﹑吸毒者的〕康复治疗
vocation [voˋkeʃən] n. 行业,职业
hairdresser [ˋhɛr͵drɛsɚ] n. 美发师
recession [rɪˋsɛʃən] n.(经济的)衰退;衰退期
foreclosure [forˋkloʒɚ] n. 丧失抵押品赎回权
dwindle [ˋdwɪnd!] v. 渐渐减少;变小
401(k) 延后课税的美国退休金制度 a retirement investment plan that allows employees to contribute a fixed amount of income to an account without paying taxes until after withdraw, usually after retirement
shed [ʃɛd] v. 摆脱,去除
slum [slʌm] n. 贫民窟 a very poor and crowded area of a city
litter [ˋlɪtɚ] v. 使充满[H][(+with)] to scatter about
throw together 匆匆拼凑
scrap [skræp] n. 少量,一点点[S][(+of)]
With no more teaching experience than she learned as a single mother and youth group director in Minneapolis, Minnesota, McKie started volunteering at a youth center for ages 6 to 14. Mckie immediately connected with the homeless street kids, who craved attention. She taught young girls some basic cosmetology with donated hair dryers and supplies that she collected from friends in salon business.
An eye-opening experience 一个前所未有的经验
When McKie brings friends or volunteers to the area where she works, most of them spend the first day sobbing. First it’s the garbage, the sewage, the flies, mosquitoes and pollution so thick that you choke. Then it’s the suffering of someone who befriends you, like 6-year-old Stephania, who came to McKie for medical attention. Mckie bought the girl an inhaler for asthma brought on by neighbors smoking crack cocaine – the smoke blows into her family’s shack. She had a gash on her forehead from a stray bullet fired during a robbery.
At the vocational and recreational center that Dove Missions completed last year, McKie helps more than 80 boys and girls learn skills – sewing, woodworking and cosmetology – to provide them with legitimate income and keep them off the streets. Parents who get the kids to school clean and dressed are given food vouchers as an incentive. McKie hopes that the children in the school will find work to lead lives that don’t involve prostitution, drug dealing or other illegal activity.
Before the recent earthquake, McKie was expanding Dove’s reach into Haiti. She’s working with other groups on the island of Hispaniola to establish an orphanage in a border town three hours from Puerto Plata. In addition to options for donations, McKie offers volunteer vacations to work beside Dominicans and Haitians.
It will be a dream vacation, McKie promises. Just not the American dream.
−by John Ewoldt
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cosmetology [͵kɑzməˋtɑlədʒɪ] n. 美容术 (包括美颜、美发、美肤、美甲等美容技术) the study of cosmetics and the cosmetic treatment of the skin, hair and nails
sob [sɑb] v. 呜咽;啜泣
inhaler [ɪnˋhelɚ] n.【医】吸入器;人工呼吸器
asthma [ˋæzmə] n.【医】气喘(病),哮喘
bring on 引起 to cause to appear
shack [ʃæk] n. 简陋木屋,棚屋
gash [gæʃ] n. 深长的切口(或伤口)
recreational [͵rɛkrɪˋeʃən!] adj. 消遣的;娱乐的;休养的
woodworking [ˋwʊd͵wɝkɪŋ] n. 木工(艺)
incentive [ɪnˋsɛntɪv] n. 刺激;鼓励
prostitution [͵prɑstəˋtjuʃən] n. 卖淫
Vocabulary Focus
the high life 奢侈的生活; 浮华生活; 高品质的生活 an exciting way of living, in which rich and successful people enjoy themselves by spending a lot of time and money in fashionable places; InformalAn extravagant or luxurious style of living.
hard-charging 充满活力的, 斗志旺盛的 someone with a vigorous and aggressive personality who performs extremely well; very aggressive, determined, or ambitious
free fall (价值或价格的)直线下落,暴跌 the process of failing or losing strength quickly and continuously
debilitating [dɪˋbɪlə͵tetɪŋ] adj. 使〔身体或精神〕虚弱的 causing weakness
shaken/rotten to the core 糟透了; 烂透了 to feel upset and worried to an extreme degree; thoroughly bad
jump off the treadmill 指辞掉繁忙又乏味的工作 to leave something that seems to have no positive effect and no end
a tiny fish in the pond 指团体中微不足道的小角色 something that is small and relatively unimportant among a vast number of larger and better-known things
eye-opening 令人大开眼界的;很有启发的 something startling, surprising or revealing
stray [stre] adj. 迷路的,走失的; 偶尔的;意外的;零星的 leaving the correct course something should follow
voucher [ˋvaʊtʃɚ] n. 代金券﹐凭证 a card or piece of paper which can be exchanged for goods or services
DOVE Missions - Dominican Republic
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