New Year, New You 新的一年,全新的你
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年12月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2009年12月30日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:324
Resolutions you’ll want to keep in 2010 你会想在二0一0年实行的新年新希望
(译注:resolution是决心、决定的意思,常用来表示新年新希望[New Year’s resolution(s)])
Looking forward to a new year and a new you? Tired of all the resolutions that never seem to go anywhere? New Year’s resolutions generally include getting into shape, finding a mate, improving finances, breaking a bad habit or finding a new job. Guess what? Most New Year’s resolutions fail within a month of trying.
In light of this, we have gathered some holistic resolutions; ones that you might not have considered, but may help you achieve balance and wellness. These resolutions focus on your mind-body spirit health and could be the springboard to an extraordinary year for you and others around you.
“I choose to forgive.” 「我选择原谅」
Do you have a resentment against someone or something that is sapping your energy? Choose to let go of those negative emotions. Forgiving does not make the wrongdoer right. By forgiving, however, you choose to free yourself of negative emotions.
“I choose to be grateful.” 「我选择感恩」
Choose to wake up each day and celebrate the sheer joy of being alive. Choose to be awake to the beauty of the sunrise or the smile of a coworker. Choose to make a daily habit of gratitude and to seek things you are grateful for.
“I choose to love my body in whatever state or form it is right now.” 「无论我目前的身体状况或体型如何,我都选择爱自己的身体」
To show love for your body, take steps to create lasting health. Eat what nourishes you. Exercise to good health. Do what you instinctively know is right. And avoid habits that you know hurt your body – the only body you are ever going to have.
More Information
resolution [͵rɛzəˋluʃən] n. 决心; 决定 a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad
get into shape 健美; 减肥, 使健康状况良好 work out; exercise
in light of 按照, 根据 because of certain knowledge now in hand; considering something
wellness [ˋwɛlnɪs] n.【美】健康
resentment [rɪˋzɛntmənt] n. 愤慨,忿怒,怨恨
let go of 放开, 放走, 放松
awake [əˋwek] adj. 认识到的,意识到的[(+to)]
gratitude [ˋgrætə͵tjud] n. 感激之情,感恩,感谢
nourish [ˋnɝɪʃ] v. 养育;滋养
“I choose healthy finances.” 「我选择保持健全的财务状况」
In these hard economic times, it is difficult to be positive about poor financial health. A good first step is an accurate assessment of your personal finances, without anger or denial. Then plan on how you will survive. Plan to simplify – perhaps move into a smaller space, drive a cheaper vehicle or forgo minor luxuries. Remember, we cannot change events that happen to us, but we can control our reactions, and we can lay out a plan for stable future.
“I choose spiritual joy.” 「我选择心灵上的喜悦」
Find something that invigorates you and gives you spiritual contentment. This could be walking along a nature trail, volunteering at a local shelter or joining a photography or book club. This could also include meaningful interaction with those you love – a phone conversation or a cup of coffee. This could be a quiet prayer or loving time with your child. Find a way to incorporate these things in your daily life.
-by Drs. Kay Judge and Maxine Barish-Wrenden
Six steps to keeping that New Year’s resolution 持守新年新希望的六大步骤
Many people make New Year’s resolutions, but unfortunately most don’t stick with them, says Joseph Grenny, co-author of Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
“Our good intentions unravel when our intentions meet our first impulse,” Grenny says. “So we may go out and see something on sale, yearn for it, then buy it, and there goes our budget.”
He analyzed the behavior of 900 people who struggled to make a personal change and found that those most likely to succeed used at least four of six basic strategies. They:
- Figured out their motivation. 查明动机
- Increased their skills. 增进自己的技能。
- Enlisted the help of family, friends and colleagues. 寻求亲朋好友及同事的协助。
- Steered clear ofsocial events and people who might sabotage them. 对一些可能破坏你实现希望的社交活动和人,要加以回避。
- Created an environment that is conducive to success. 营造出能促进成功的环境。
- Rewarded themselves for reaching milestones. 每当自己达成重大进展时,要奖励自己。
“If you use at least four of these kinds of strategies in combination, the odds of sticking with your resolution [go] up 400 percent,” Grenny says.
-by Nanci Hellmich
More Information
minor [ˋmaɪnɚ] adj. 不重要的,次要的 notnecessary; able to be thrown away
lay out 计划 to make a detailed plan for
contentment [kənˋtɛntmənt] n. 满足; 知足; 满意
shelter [ˋʃɛltɚ] n. 庇护所 a safe place where people in need can stay
Influencer [ˋɪnflʊənsɚ] n. 影响力
unravel [ʌnˋræv!] v. 破坏(计划、安排等)become undone
yearn [jɝn] v. 思念;渴望;向往[(+for/after/towards)][+to-v]
odds [ɑds] n. 机会,可能性;成功的可能性
Vocabulary Focus
holistic [hoˋlɪstɪk] adj. 整体论的; 全面的; 整体性的 dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part
springboard [ˋsprɪŋ͵bord] n. 跳板 something that provides you either with the opportunity to follow a particular plan of action, or the encouragement that is needed to make it successful
sap [sæp] v. 使大伤元气 to gradually weaken one’s strength
sheer [ʃɪr] adj. 全然的;纯粹的 not mixed with anything else; pure or complete
instinctively [ɪnˋstɪŋktɪvlɪ] adv.(出于)本能地;凭直觉 reacting or behaving naturally, without having to think about one’s actions or behavior
forgo [fɔrˋgo] v. 放弃,抛弃 to pass on the opportunity to have or do something enjoyable
invigorate [ɪnˋvɪgə͵ret] v. 赋予精神;鼓舞 to make someone feel fresher, healthier and more energetic
impulse [ˋɪmpʌls] n. 冲动,一时的念头 a sudden, strong desire to do something
steer clear 避开; 尽量避免见 [+of] to avoid something or someone
sabotage [ˋsæbə͵tɑʒ] v. 破坏;从事破坏活动 to intentionally prevent the success of a plan
conducive [kənˋdjusɪv] adj. 有助的,有益的,促成的[F][(+to)] providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist