It’s News For Fools
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年4月04日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年8月26日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:657
You should never believe everything you read – especially around April Fool’s Day. If you saw an outlandish story in the news three days ago that was too strange to be true, it just might have been a fake story run as a practical joke to trick you. The tradition of making others look foolish and gullible on April 1st is very old, and there are many theories about its origins. As early as the Middle Ages, many cultures around the world held spring festival to celebrate foolishness.
The most widely accepted theory of the holiday’s roots, however, goes back to the sixteenth century. When France switched from Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, the first month of the year was moved from April to January. Those who continued to celebrate the new year on the first of April were considered fools, and practical jokes were played on them. Over time, the holiday grew into what it is today.
Nowadays, anyone can be thevictim of an April Fool’s Day practical joke, and the pranks have become more complicated, elaborate, and some would say, more mischievous. The media especially have latched onto this holiday, and newspapers and TV and radio stations have been the biggest perpetrators of practical jokes. Even trusted news sources like the BBC and the London Times habitually trick the unwitting every April Fool’s Day. It seems no one is to be trusted on April Fool’s Day.
fake [fek] adj. 假的;冒充的
victim [ˋvɪktɪm] n. 受害者,受骗者
elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的
mischievous [ˋmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 恶作剧的;调皮的
the unwitting [ʌnˋwɪtɪŋ] n. 不知情的人
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outlandish [aʊtˋlændɪʃ] adj. 古怪的
gullible [ˋgʌləb!] adj. 易受骗的
Gregorian calendar 格利高里历法,阳历,西历
prank [præŋk] n. 胡闹;恶作剧
latch [lætʃ] v. 抓住;占有;理解[(+on/upon)]
perpetrator [͵pɝpəˋtretɚ] n. 做坏事者;犯罪者
Reading Questions
1. What is the main idea of the article?
A. April Fool’s Day has grown into a day of practical jokes, and you can not even trust the news on April 1st.
B. Every time we see an outlandish story in the news, we should never trust it.
C. April Fool’s Day began as a day when fools celebrate the beginning of a new year.
D. In spring, everyone feels foolish; that’s the origin of April Fool’s Day.
2. What is the first month of the Julian calendar?
A. July
B. January
C. April.
D. March
3. Which of the following statements best describes the word “elaborate” in the article?
A. Having details that are connected in a complex way.
B. Being made in a weak way and easily damaged.
C. Unable to cause harm
D. Simple and clear in meaning.
4. Which of the following sentences is NOT true
A. The origin of April Fool’s Day can be traced back to the Middle Ages.
B. When France switched calendars, the first month of the year was moved to a different month.
C. Over the years, the pranks on April Fool’s Day have become more mischievous and complex.
D. Trusted news sources rarely trick their readers or viewers on April Fool’s Day.
One of the most notorious April Fool’s pranks occurred in 1957. The BBC reported that excellent weather had given Switzerland a bumper crop of spaghetti. After watching footage of Swiss farmers happily___1___spaghetti from tree, hundreds of ___2___ wanted to know how to grow their own spaghetti trees. ___3___ typical British wit, the BBC told them, “Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.”
Another time, a radio station announced that the phone company was going to blow dirt out of the phone lines. Listeners were instructed to put plastic bags on their phones to keep their homes ___4___. A run on bags ensued as listeners rushed to the stores. Although that joke, like many practical jokes, was harmless, sometimes the joke can ___5___. When a radio station reported that the world would end on April 1st, listeners panicked and feared for ___6___. When the hoax was discovered, no one was amused.
Sometimes, journalists become the victims of April Fool’s pranks. In 2000, a news release was sent out to the media ___7___ the starting time of the 15th annual New York April Fool’s Day Parade. TV news crews arrived on the scene only ___8___ that they were the “April Fools” this time – there was no parade! It’s easy to be fooled and ___9___ you were fooled last Friday, take heart. Next year, you might not be fooled so ___10___. An old saying goes: “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.”
-By Will Thelin
notorious [noˋtorɪəs] adj. 恶名昭彰的,声名狼藉的
spaghetti [spəˋgɛtɪ] n. 意大利面条
panic [ˋpænɪk] v. 十分惊慌
news release 新闻稿
crew [kru] n. 一组(或一队等)工作人员
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bumper [ˋbʌmpɚ] adj. 特大的;丰盛的
footage [ˋfʊtɪdʒ] n.〔某个事件的〕影片
sprig [sprɪg] n. 小树枝
run [rʌn] n. 争购
ensue [ɛnˋsu] v. 接着发生;接踵而来
hoax [hoks] n. 玩笑;恶作剧
take heart: 振作起来,鼓起勇气,增强信心to be confident or courageous.
1. |
(A) pouring |
(B) pecking |
(C) picking |
(D) peering |
2. |
(A) viewers |
(B) spectators |
(C) witnesses |
(D) onlookers |
3. |
(A) As |
(B) From |
(C) For |
(D) With |
4. |
(A) stuffy |
(B) clean |
(C) airy |
(D) cozy |
5. |
(A) find a way |
(B) give a clue |
(C) go too far |
(D) make no difference |
6. |
(A) the most |
(B) the least |
(C) the best |
(D) the worst |
7. |
(A) announcing |
(B) announces |
(C) announced |
(D) which announce |
8. |
(A) finds |
(B) to find |
(C) found |
(D) find |
9. |
(A) when |
(B) since |
(C) if |
(D) unless |
10 |
(A) easy |
(B) easily |
(C) easier |
(D) more easily |
1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( D ) |
7. ( A ) |
8. ( B ) |
9. ( C ) |
10. ( B ) |