What’s Behind the Salem Witch Trials? 破解萨冷巫术悬案
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年10月31日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年11月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:438
In December 1691, some girls in the strict Puritan community of Salem, in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, started showing unusual symptoms. They would go into convulsions, feel their skin crawl, and have hallucinations. Doctors were ___1___ to provide an explanation. At some point, the possibility of witchcraft was mentioned. Soon afterwards, hysteria swept through the town. Throughout 1692, scores of people were ___2___ of witchcraft and imprisoned. Of them, 20 were executed.
Over the years, numerous possible explanations have been offered ___3___ why this occurred. They range from serious psychological explanations to less credible ones, such as the actual presence of witchcraft. One scientific argument, ___4___, may hold some truth.
In Salem, rye grain was grown to make bread, and this grain can host a fungus called ergot. In humans, this fungus acts as a poison and can cause convulsions. It can also produce hallucinations similar to ___5___ caused by the drug LSD. It grows best when there has been a warm, damp spring and a hot wet summer. This appears to ___6___ the case in 1961. The grain was harvested and stored, and then turned into flour before Thanksgiving in November. The symptoms, ___7___ started to occur in December of that year. While it cannot actually be proven, it is possible that the Salem witch trials took place because of tainted bread!
−by Joe Schier
1. |
(A) able |
(B) unable |
(C) capable |
(D) possible |
2. |
(A) charged |
(B) sentenced |
(C) acquitted |
(D) accused |
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(A) as to |
(B) due to |
(C) owing to |
(D) thanks to |
4. |
(A) thus |
(B) therefore |
(C) however |
(D) hence |
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(A) that |
(B) those |
(C) one |
(D) which |
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(A) be |
(B) being |
(C) having been |
(D) have been |
7. |
(A) unseemly |
(B) unsurprisingly |
(C) supposedly |
(D) sympathetically |
symptom [ˋsɪmptəm] n. 症状
hallucination [hə͵lusnˋeʃən] n. 幻觉
execute [ˋɛksɪ͵kjut] v. 处死
credible [ˋkrɛdəb!] adj. 可信的;可靠的
More Information
Puritan [ˋpjʊrətən] adj. 清教徒的
community [kəˋmjunətɪ] n. 小区
Massachusetts [͵mæsəˋtʃusɪts] 美国麻萨诸塞州
convulsion [kənˋvʌlʃən] n. 抽搐,惊厥
crawl [krɔl] v. 爬,爬行
witchcraft [ˋwɪtʃ͵kræft] n. 巫术
hysteria [hɪsˋtɪrɪə] n. 歇斯底里; 毫无来由的情绪激动;情绪爆发
range [rendʒ] v.(范围)涉及
rye [raɪ] n. 裸麦,黑麦
fungus [ˋfʌŋgəs] n. 真菌
ergot [ˋɝgət] n. 麦角
similar to 和...相似
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide 麦角酸二乙胺(一种迷幻药)
damp [dæmp] adj. 有湿气的;潮湿的
harvest [ˋhɑrvɪst] v. 收割;收获
witch [wɪtʃ] n. 女巫
trial [ˋtraɪəl] n. 审问,审判
tainted [ˋtentɪd] adj. 污染的;感染的;腐败的
as to: 关于 with regard to
1. ( B ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |
5. ( B ) |
6. ( D ) |
7. ( B ) |