Kazimir Malevich: The Supremacy of Pure Feeling 马勒维奇:至上主义
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年9月26日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年11月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:498
It is art that calls for the end of painting. Instead of focusing on images, it is based purely on emotion and raw revolutionary instinct. ___1___ Fearlessly, he called out to his fellow artists, “…… follow me comrades, in flight, into the depths,” as a general would call out to his troops.
Malevich was always an experimentalist. After studying at the Drawing School in Kiev, he explored modernist styles like Cubism and Futurism. ___2___ He called it Suprematism, which he defined as “….. the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art.”
Suprematism involved geometric shapes, flatly painted on the pure canvas surface. ___3___ Black Square, which is just that, was the forefather. White on White features a white square within a larger white frame.
___4___ He considered himself a revolutionary even after the Communist Party tried to censor his art, and even imprisoned him for it. ___5___ Its power derives not only from its appearance, but from the bold commitment of the man who created it.
−by Joe Henley
A. But it would be something of his own creation that would set the art world on its ear.
B. Malevich created many of these compositions.
C. Both idealistic and rebellious, the work of Ukrainian artist Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) brought art into new territory.
D. Malevich’s art was closely tied to the Russian Revolution that was happening around him.
E. But this reaction only gave his work all the more meaning.
imprison [ɪmˋprɪzn] v. 监禁;关押
commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 信奉;支持;献身
idealistic [aɪ͵dɪəlˋɪstɪk] adj. 理想主义的
More Information
supremacy [səˋprɛməsɪ] n. 至高无上;最高地位
call for 要求, 号召
revolutionary [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj. 革命性的﹐创新的
instinct [ˋɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能;天性
call out: 大声地喊,召集 to speak loudly to get someone's attention
Cubism [ˋkjubɪzəm] n. 立体派
Futurism [ˋfjutʃɚ͵ɪzəm] n. 未来派,未来主义
Suprematism [səˈprɛməˌtɪzən]n. 至上主义
define [dɪˋfaɪn] v. 给……下定义
geometric [dʒɪəˋmɛtrɪk] adj. 几何图案的
flatly [ˋflætlɪ] adv. 平面地; 平坦地
forefather [ˋfor͵fɑðɚ] n. 前辈; 始祖
censor [ˋsɛnsɚ] v. 检查(出版物等),审查
derive [dɪˋraɪv] v. 源自..., 出自...
set something on its ear: 使.....大为惊讶 to change a type of activity in a surprising and exciting way
Ukrainian [juˋkrenɪən] adj. 乌克兰的
be tied to 与…紧密联系在一起
reaction [rɪˋækʃən] n. 反应
Suprematism (Supremus No. 58), Krasnodar Museum of Art (Malevich, 1916)
1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( E ) |