New Year’s Resolutions 新年新希望
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年1月30日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年10月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:757
The end of one year and the beginning of the next is traditionally a time to take a look at our lives and decide what we want to change. Many people end up making New Year’s resolutions, which are usually vows to become a better, healthier, or more productive person. All too often, however, these commitments we make to ourselves last no longer than a few weeks, or even days. Perhaps the problem is that weset the bar too high. That is, we reach for the sky when we really should be content just reaching for the TV remote.
So this year, why not make a few resolutions you will be able to keep. Here are some suggestions. 所以今年何不许几个可以持之以恒的愿望呢?这儿有几项建议:
- Breathe. At least once every few seconds if you can manage it without too much effort. 呼吸。至少每几秒呼吸一次,假如你可以不用太费力就能呼吸的话。
- Watch television. A lot. Try to set aside two hours a day for non-educational programs. 看电视。看很多电视。试着每天拨出两小时看一些非教育性的节目。
- Annoy your parents. Twice a day is best, but once will do if that is too tiring. 去烦你爸妈。最好是每天两次,但如果太麻烦的话一天一次也可以。
- Sleep. Remember, practice makes perfect. 睡觉。记住,熟能生巧。
- Exercise more. We mean it! Acceptable forms of exercise include working on thumb muscles by text messaging as much as possible, and opening and closing the refrigerator. 多运动。这可是认真的!可接受的运动形式包括多传手机简讯来锻炼大拇指肌肉和开、关冰箱。
Of course, we are only joking. The new year is a great time for all of us to embark on a course of true improvement. Remember, life is short. Do you really want to look back on your teenage years and think, “Wow! I was the best sleeper and TV watcher Taiwan has ever seen”?
−By Amy Lovestrand
resolution [͵rɛzəˋluʃən] n. 决心;决定
productive [prəˋdʌktɪv] adj. 富有成效的
commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺
acceptable [əkˋsɛptəb!] adj. 可以接受的
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all too often 经常
bar [bɑr] n. 障碍,限制
reach for the sky 达到高远的目标
set aside 留出; 拨出
text message 传手机简讯
embark [ɪmˋbɑrk] v. 从事,着手[(+on/in/upon)]
look back on 回顧;回頭看