Fun Facts-7 活用知识搜查线-7
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年7月18日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年7月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:439
Q: The Earth is home to more than seven billion people. But what would happen if everyone jumped at once? 地球上有超过70亿人口居住,倘若每个人同时跳跃会发生什么事呢?
(A) We would cause a powerful earthquake. 我们会导致强震发生
(B) We wouldn’t do much of anything. 我们无法产生多少影响
(C) We would stop the Earth’s rotation. 我们会让地球停止自转
A: If you said B, jump for joy because it’s the answer. The Earth is much too heavy to be affected by all its inhabitants jumping in unison. In fact, it would take seven million times more people than the current population all jumping together to produce an earthquake with the magnitude of Japan’s 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Surprisingly, the force of that earthquake changed the Earth’s spin enough to make every day 0.00000018 seconds shorter than before.
Q: The first photograph was taken in 1826. But how many photos have been taken since then? 世界上第一张照片于1826年被拍下,而从那之后共有多少张照片被拍下呢?
(A) 900 million photographs 9亿张照片
(B) 250 billion photographs 2500亿张照片
(C) 3.5 trillion photographs 3.5兆张照片
A: You captured the right answer if you picked C. Since the invention of digital photography, the number of pictures taken has soared. A team of bloggers calculated the number by multiplying the average number of photos taken with a digital camera by the number of digital cameras owned. Then they added that number to all the film sold since 1826. The team also guesstimated we took four billion photos worldwide in 2012 alone.
population [͵pɑpjəˋleʃən] n. 人口
China has the largest population of any country in the world.
spin [spɪn] v. 旋转;自旋
You can control a baseball's spin by the way you throw the ball.
photography [fəˋtɑgrəfɪ] n. 拍照,摄影
photograph n. 照片
Jerry studied photography in school because he likes to take pictures.
calculate [ˋkælkjə͵let] v. 计算
Jennifer calculated her daily spending on a piece of paper.
average [ˋævərɪdʒ] adj. 平均的
The average height of an adult giraffe is around five meters tall.
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jump for joy 高兴得跳起来, 欢呼雀跃
inhabitant [ɪnˋhæbətənt] n. 居民,居住者
in unison [ˋjunəsn] 一致的或协调的行动; 共同; 一起
magnitude [ˋmægnə͵tjud] n. 震级
trillion [ˋtrɪljən] n. 兆
soar [sor] v. 猛增;暴涨
multiply [ˋmʌltəplaɪ] v. 乘,使相乘
guesstimate [ˋgɛstə͵met] v. 猜测;估量
Q: We have two eyes so we can perceive depth, and we have two ears to help figure out which direction sounds originate from, but why do we have two nostrils? 我们拥有双眸以察觉深度,及一双耳朵以明白声音从何处而来,但为什么我们有一对鼻孔呢?
(A) So we can get twice the amount of oxygen. 如此我们才能吸进两倍的氧气量
(B) So we can smell more than one thing at a time. 如此我们才能一次闻不只一样东西
(C) So we can absorb different particles at different rates. 如此我们才能以不同的速度吸收不同的微粒
A: If you chose C, then you sniffed out the right answer. Throughout the day, our nostrils perform one of two tasks. One hole pulls in chemicals like oxygen quickly, because they’re needed right away, while the other brings in select particles slowly. The slower one does this because certain small matter takes longer to process. Our nostrils switch roles throughout the day. So, the functions of two nostrils can complement each other.
Q: You and I are looking at the same apple; I see red and you see red, but do we see the same red? 你和我正同时凝视着同一颗苹果。我看到红色,你也看到红色,但我们看到的是一样的红色吗?
(A) Yes, we would both see the exact same shade of red. 没错,我们见到的红色完全相同
(B) It’s impossible to tell whether we are seeing the sane color or not. 我们看到的颜色相同与否是无法辨认的
(C) My red is definitely darker than your version of red. 我看的红色绝对比你的红色要深
A: If answer B was the apple of your eye, then congratulations. Since you cannot take a look at the world through another person’s eyes, it’s impossible for you to know if you both see one color in the same way. Things which are experienced, but cannot possibly be explained to another (like your version of the color red) are called qualia. Scientists call this failure to explain these experiences the “explanatory gap.”
-by Kristopher Snyder
depth [dɛpθ] n. 深度,厚度
deep adj. 深的
The pool is suitable for diving because its depth is ten meyers.
absorb [əbˋsɔrb] v. 吸收
Cloth is useful for cleaning spilled drinks because it absorbs liquids well.
matter [ˋmætɚ] n. 物质
A car's engine releases smoke and other matter into the air.
switch [swɪtʃ] v. 转换
Paul switched his seat on the plane for one near a window.
version [ˋvɝʒən] n.(某人或从某角度对事物的)一种描述,说法
The new version of the dictionary contains more recently created words.
gap [gæp] n. 分歧,隔阂;差距
Be careful of the gap between the train and the platform edge.
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perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 察觉;感知
originate [əˋrɪdʒə͵net] v. 发源;来自
nostril [ˋnɑstrɪl] n. 鼻孔
particle [ˋpɑrtɪk!] n. 微粒;颗粒
complement [ˋkɑmpləmənt] v. 补充,补足
apple of one's eye 极珍爱之人或物
qualia [k'wɑlɪə] n.「感质」就是人的知觉意识或感觉感受
explanatory [ɪksˋplænə͵torɪ] n. 解释的;辩明的