Fun Facts-9 活用知识搜查线-9
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年9月12日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年9月12日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:452
Q: Which of these animals can move at the fastest speed? 下列何种动物可以用最快的速度移动呢?
(A) A cheetah. (猎豹)
(B) A peregrine falcon. (游隼)
(C) A sailfish. (旗鱼)
A: You really soar above the rest if you dove for B. This large, flying hunter gets a little help from gravity to win this contest. The falcon dives down at speeds up to 325 kilometers per hour to catch its prey. Of course, the cheetah and the sailfish are no slowpokes, as they are each the speed king of their environment. Cheetahs frequently run at 110 km/h. Sailfish rule the blue ocean and, believe it or not, can swim through the water just as fast as cheetahs go on land.
Q: What is the coldest temperature possible? 下列哪种温度是最低温呢?
(A) 0。C.
(B) -129。C.
(C) -273。C.
A: If you picked C, then you’re a cool customer. In fact, -273。C is known as “absolute zero,” and according to physicists, something at that temperature has no thermal energy. It is well-known that water freezes at 0。C, and -129。C is the coldest natural temperature on Earth. Although scientists have created very low temperatures in experiments, they have never achieved absolute zero.
dive [daɪv] for 朝…俯冲
Martin dove for the falling glass to catch it before it hit the ground.
frequently [ˋfrikwəntlɪ] adv. 经常地﹐频繁地
frequent adj. 常见的; 频繁的
Jim was busy and frequently went on business trips for his company.
rule [rul] v. 统治,管辖
Queen Elizabeth IIhas ruled England for over sixty years.
physicist [ˋfɪzɪsɪst] n. 物理学家
Physicists have been working for years to find out if time travel is possible.
experiment [ɪkˋspɛrəmənt] n. 实验
Scientists usually do experiments on mice before doing tests with humans.
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peregrine [ˋpɛrəgrɪn] adj. 周游各地的
soar [sor] v. 高飞,翱翔
gravity [ˋgrævətɪ] n. 重力;引力;地心吸力
falcon [ˋfɔlkən] n. 隼;(打猎用的)猎鹰
prey [pre] n. 被捕食的动物
cheetah [ˋtʃitə] n.【动】印度豹
sailfish [ˋsel͵fɪʃ] n. 旗鱼
slowpoke [ˋslo͵pok] n.【口】慢动作的人
a cool customer 沉着、冷静之士
thermal [ˋθɝm!] adj. 热的;热量的
Q: Bears have one very powerful sense, but which is it? 熊有非常敏锐的感官,是哪种感官呢?
(A) Smell. 嗅觉
(B) Sight. 视觉
(C) Sound. 听觉
A: You have a nose for animal trivia if you picked A. Then again, your nose is still nothing compared to a bear’s. Their noses are seven times more sensitive than a bloodhound’s, let alone a human’s. Bears can sniff a river to find fish, or even detect a bleeding animal from dozens of kilometers away. This powerful ability makes it important for campers not to leave out any yummy snacks for bears to come and find.
Q: Several animals can live longer than humans. Which animal can live the longest? 有些动物能比人类更长寿。哪种动物是最长寿的呢?
(A) A bowhead whale. (弓头鲸)
(B) A koi fish. (锦鲤)
(C) A jellyfish. (水母)
A: Swimming must be the secret to a long life, because all three of these choices live in the sea. However, it is a type of jellyfish, known as the “immortal jellyfish,” which outlasts the rest. While koi and bowhead can live up to two hundred years, we aren’t really sure how long the immortal jellyfish can live. It can become a mature adult, then go back to its immature stage, and repeat the process again and again. This curious animal may have found the fountain of youth.
-by Geoffrey Trager
let alone 更不必说;遑论
The baby can't even walk, let alone run.
detect [dɪˋtɛkt] v. 发现,察觉
Army dogs are trained to detect bombs with their noses.
bleeding [ˋblidɪŋ] adj. 流血的,出血的
bleed v. 流血
Jody grabbed a tissue because her nose was bleeding.
stage [stedʒ] n.(进展的)阶段;时期
Teenagers are at a stage in life when they learn to become more responsible.
fountain [ˋfaʊntɪn] n. 泉水;喷泉
People like to sit by the fountain and enjoy the cool air around it.
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have a nose for 对…敏感,很善于发现
trivia [ˋtrɪvɪə] n. 琐事
bloodhound [ˋblʌd͵haʊnd] n. 猎犬
sniff [snɪf] v. 嗅,闻
immortal [ɪˋmɔrt!] adj. 不死的,长生的
outlast [ˋaʊtˋlæst] v. 比……命长