Fun Facts-10 活用知识搜查线-10
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年10月14日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年10月14日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:443
Q: Whenever light shines on an object, a shadow is cast behind it. But how much does that shadow weigh? 每当光照在物体上时,就会有影子投射于后。但影子有多重呢?
(A) It weighs a lot. 非常重
(B) It weighs very little. 非常轻
(C) It weighs nothing. 没有重量
A: You weren’t weighed down by anything if you guessed C. A shadow is weightless; in fact, an object in the shade is lighter than it is while in the light. The reason for this is that light actually pushes on objects. This downward force from sunlight makes things heavier when they are weighed. So if you are looking to lose a little weight on a sunny day, just step into the shade.
Q: We use mirrors to see how we look, but can you guess what color mirrors are? 我们用镜子来看自己的模样,但你能猜出镜子是什么颜色吗?
(A) They’re silver. 银色
(B) They’re green. 绿色
(C) They’re white. 白色
A: You saw through the question if your answer is B. Mirrors are usually depicted in illustrations as being silver, but they are in fact green in color. If two mirrors face each other, you get what is called a mirror tunnel, where reflections keep going forever. If you look “down” the tunnel, the further in the greener it looks. And therein hides the answer.
cast [kæst] v. 投射(光,影,视线等)
In the late afternoon, shadows are cast longer and longer.
shade [ʃed] n. 阴影
The lady used an umbrella to keep herself in the shade on a sunny day.
see through 看穿﹐识破
Mothers can often see through their children's lies.
illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n. 图案; 图示
illustrate v. 图解
This book is helpful for young children because it has many colorful illustrations.
reflection [rɪˋflɛkʃən] n. 反射
reflect v. 反射; 反映
Tina looked at her reflection in the mirror to make sure that her hair looked nice.
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weigh down 压弯,压垮; 使颓丧
weightless [ˋwetlɪs] adj. 无重量的
downward [ˋdaʊnwɚd] adj. 向下的
depict [dɪˋpɪkt] v. 描写﹐描述﹐描绘
therein [ðɛrˋɪn] adv. 在其中;在那里
Q: The most important part of our body is our brain. Could our body do anything without one? 我们的身体最重要的部分是大脑。少了它,我们的身体能做任何事吗?
(A) It could still move a little bit. 还能稍微动一下
(B) It would be capable of doing everything it does normally. 可以正常地做所有事
(C) It wouldn’t be able to do anything at all. 什么事也不能做
A: This question is a no brainer for you if you believe A is the answer. Our brains allow us to think, breathe air, and control our muscles, but without one we would not be capable of doing all those things. However, our bodies are likely to do a few things even after we’re dead. A dead body can twitch due to nerve responses. This is possible because energy stores up in the body and allow it to keep working-at least until the energy is exhausted.
Q: It’s likely that you’ve yawned a few times today. But why do we yawn? 你今天可能已经打了几次呵欠,但为什么我们会打呵欠呢?
(A) We yawn because we need more oxygen. 我们因为需要更多氧气而打呵欠
(B) We yawn to let out extra oxygen. 我们打呵欠排多余的氧气
(C) We yawn to relieve our brains. 我们打呵欠以舒缓大脑
A: If you said C, you weren’t nodding off. When a person gets tired, their brain starts heating up. In an effort to stop it from overheating, people yawn to cool it down. But we yawn for more reasons than just keeping our head cool. Early humanoids used to yawn and stretch their bodies to communicate with others within their tribe. This extra air from a yawn also allowed them to wake up and be more alert, which was helpful if there was a dangerous enemy nearby.
-by Kristopher Snyder
normally [ˋnɔrm!ɪ] adv. 正常地
normal adj. 正常的
It is normally sunny in Tainan, but today it is quite cloudy.
nerve [nɝv] n. 神经
Surgery is painful, so doctors give patients medicine to calm their nerves.
relieve [rɪˋliv] v. 缓和,减轻
Warm tea with honey can relieve a sore throat or a tooth that hurts.
effort [ˋɛfɚt] n. 努力,尽力
Young sports players must put forth great effort to become professional athletes.
tribe [traɪb] n. 部落;种族
The boys in this tribe must hunt on their own to prove that they are ready to be warriors.
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no brainer 简单的事情;毫无疑问的事
twitch [twɪtʃ] v. 使抽动;使痉挛
exhausted [ɪgˋzɔstɪd] adj. 耗尽的,用完的
overheat [ˋovɚˋhit] v. 过热
humanoid [ˋhjumənɔɪd] n. 类人动物;猿人