A Product Presentation 产品提案说明
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年4月29日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年4月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:413
Claude: Ms. Elaine, we’re ready to show you the product you asked us to work on. 伊莲女士,我们准备好要向您展示您要求我们研发的产品了。
Elaine: OK, hopefully it’s impressive. Regrettably, I don’t have much time though; I have to be at a meeting in an hour. But please, go ahead. 好,希望它能让人印象深刻。遗憾的是,我现在没有太多时间,一小时后我必须要参加一场会议,但请开始。
Claude: Thank you. We have put a lot of effort into this product to make sure our company remains the best. 谢谢您。我们花了很多心力在此产品上,以确保本公司在业界保持领先。
Elaine: Good. What have you created? 非常好。你们研发了什么?
Claude: Well, when you said you wanted innovation and mentioned that other smartphones run out of power easily, we came up with the idea of using solar power and created a new smartphone that can be charged by the sun. 嗯。当您说到您想要创新,及提到其他厂牌的智能型手机都很容易没电,我们便想出利用太阳能的点子,并研发一支能藉由太阳来充电的新型智能型手机。
Elaine: Well, solar power works slowly. And what will happen if it’s cloudy outside? Having many rainy days in a row is a prevalent thing here in Taiwan. 唔,太阳能功效不彰。而且如果外面是阴天怎么办?在台湾,连续很了天都是下雨天是非常普遍的现象。
Claude: You’re right, that’s why the phone can be plugged into an outlet if necessary. Also, we have coated the entire phone with miniature solar cells that can charge on very little light. Plus, the phone is highly energy efficient as well. 您说得对,所以这支手机在需要的时候能插上插座来充电。并且,我们以微型的太阳能电池包覆整支手机的外表,因此极少量的光源就能充电。另外.这支手机也具备高效节能的特性。
Elaine: OK, but we’re going to need a lot of testing to prove that this phone is functional before it can be released to the public. 好的,但在手机能够上市前,我们仍需要大量测试来证明它的实用性。
Claude: Yes ma’am, we’ll get back to working on it right away. 是,女士。我们会立刻着手。
-by Bryan shettig
impressive [ɪmˋprɛsɪv] adj. 予人深刻印象的
impress v. 使....印象深刻
The elephant in the show was impressive because it could stand on a ball.
mention [ˋmɛnʃən] v. 提到,说起[+v-ing][+(that)][+wh-]
A reporter must be sure to mention all the important parts of the news.
solar [ˋsolɚ] adj. 利用太阳光[能]的
Some houses get electricity from solar panels on their roofs.
plug [plʌg] v. 接通电源;连接
The radio's batteries are empty, so let's plug it into the wall.
functional [ˋfʌŋkʃən!] adj. 功能的,有作用的
function n. 功能; 作用
After the big crash, Jessie's car was no longer finctional.
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regrettably [rɪˋgrɛtəb!ɪ] adv. 抱歉地;遗憾地
innovation [͵ɪnəˋveʃən] n. 创新
in a row 连续不断地
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj. 流行的,盛行的;普遍的
outlet [ˋaʊt͵lɛt] n. 电源插座
miniature [ˋmɪnɪətʃɚ] adj. 小型的;微型的
Tips for a Successful Presentation 完美简报密技
Making a presentation can be a difficult thing to do for many people. When we speak in front of others, we often get nervous, feel overwhelmed and forget what we are going to say. Here are ways to improve the problems associated with public speaking.
First, practice always makes perfect. It’s even better to rehearse before an audience so he or she can give some advice. Second, try to open with a joke to break the ice. This will make the audience feel closer to the speaker and keep them alert to the presentation. If PowerPoint slides are needed, keep them simple so the audience can see them clearly from a distance. Body language is important, too. So remember to speak firmly and make eye contact with people in the room. Last but not least, cut out useless words like “um’ and “ah,” because they are irritating. By following these steps, a presentation should go well.
-by Bryan shettig
public speaking 演说
Politicians should be good at public speaking to with votes.
alert [əˋlɝt] adj. 留神的
The fire alarm made all the people alert and ready to escape the building.
slide [slaɪd] n. 幻灯片; 投影片
Mr. Crockett prepares slides for his business presentation.
firmly [ˋfɝmlɪ] adv. 坚定地;坚决地
Joe firmly disagreed with his friend’s decision to tell a lie to the teacher.
useless [ˋjuslɪs] adj. 无效的;无益的
It’s useless to argue with Jack because he doesn’t listen to anyone.
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overwhelmed [͵ovɚˋhwɛlm] adj. 使不知所措
rehearse [rɪˋhɝs] v. 排练,排演
last but not least 最后的但同样重要的
irritating 烦人的; 使人不快的