Small Wonders: Nanotechnology 「微」美的世界:奈米科技
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:281
Science is encroaching upon a brave new frontier of miniaturization. This dazzling progress will take us from the familiar and observable marcotechnology, past current miniaturization advances in microtechnology, to the atomically tiny scale of nanotechnology. This cutting edge research combines aspects of biology, physics and engineering to manipulate matter in the realm of nanometers – one billion (10-9) of a meter.
The potential applications of nanotechnology in medicine, computing technology and countless industrial processes are unprecedented. Imagine a legion of nanomachines inside your body unobtrusively scouring arterial fat buildup, cancerous cells, even viruses; materials the strength of steel but fifty times lighter; computers smaller than a fingernail and more powerful than any in existence.
Nanotechnology requires the grasping, positioning and reordering of molecules and atoms. At present, scientists have created simple products such as nanotubes of carbon molecules and at Cornell University, a nanoengine with tiny propellers of nickel powered by an enzyme. Future developments in nanotech research are focused on the creation of a nanoassembler, essentially a submicroscopic robot arm that will manipulate matter to create a desired product and nanoprocessors, like silicon microchips, but thousands of times smaller! This seems the stuff of pulp science fiction, but is, in fact, the frontier of the future.
encroach [ɪnˋkrotʃ] v. 侵入;侵占.[(+on/upon)]
brave [brev] adj.【旧】美好的
miniaturization [͵mɪnɪətʃəraɪˋzeʃən] n. 小型化;微型化
dazzling [`dæzəlɪŋ] adj. 给人印象深刻的; 特别吸引人的
scale [skel] n. 等级;级别
cutting edge 最前线;尖端
realm [rɛlm] n. 界,领域;范围
legion [ˋlidʒən] adj. 众多的,大量的
unobtrusively [͵ʌnəbˋtrusɪvlɪ] adv. 不引人注目地;不容易看到地
scour [skaʊr] v. 擦净;擦亮;洗涤
arterial [ɑrˋtɪrɪəl] adj. 动脉的,像动脉的
buildup [ˋbɪld͵ʌp] n. 累积;形成
grasp [græsp] v. 领会,理解
propeller [prəˋpɛlɚ] n. 螺旋桨;推进器
assembler [əˋsɛmblɚ] n. 装配工;装配器
submicroscopic [sʌb͵maɪkrəˋskɑpɪk] adj.【物】普通显微镜看不出来的
nanoprocessor 毫微秒处理机
microchip [ˋmaɪkro͵tʃɪp] n. 微晶(片);微型集成电路片
pulp [pʌlp] adj.〔杂志﹑故事等〕纸张和内容很差的; 庸俗的﹐低级趣味的
Sentence of the Day
Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine.
mill [mɪl] n. 磨坊;面粉厂
grind [graɪnd] v. 磨(碎);碾(碎);磨成
exceedingly [ɪkˋsidɪŋlɪ] adv. 非常地;极度地
Xavier, a journalist, is interviewing Isabel, a research professor at an American Ivy League university: 媒体作家塞维尔,正在访问美国一所长春藤盟校的大学教授伊莎贝尔:
X: Professor, would you agree that nanotechnology is the next great waves of scientific progress, along with genomics and information technology?
I: Absolutely. Many of the advances in these three fields dovetail together, but remember that nanotechnology is young in comparison and will probably require another decade or two of research.
X: What would you consider to be the beginning of nanoscience?
I: Practically, the modern idea began in 1959 with a famous speech by the great physicist, Richard Feynman. He proposed that there were no logical barriers to creating technology at the smallest scale of matter: the atom.
X: Some researchers are calling for ethical guidelines to counter the risk nanotechnology presents for destructive or clandestine applications – e.g., Big Brother watching us. Most of all, they want to prevent unforeseeable consequences as occurred with early nuclear accidents. How do you respond to this?
I: Ethical guidelines should always be developed concurrently with physical research. For example, one wishes to avoid the sort of conflict that has characterized the introduction of genetically modified crops.
X: Beyond the known possibilities of nanotechnology, how do you view a wild speculation such as creating a habitable planet of mars, known as terraforming?
I: If it does not violate physical law, nothing is necessarily impossible.
-by Iain Ferguson
genomics [dʒəˈnomɪks] n. 基因组学
dovetail [ˋdʌv͵tel] v. 吻合; 使〔两个计划﹑观点等〕吻合
propose [prəˋpoz] v. 提议,建议,提出
logical [ˋlɑdʒɪk!] adj. 合乎逻辑的
call for 要求﹐ 呼吁
counter [ˋkaʊntɚ] v. 反对;反击;反驳
clandestine [klænˋdɛstɪn] adj. 秘密的﹐ 暗中从事的
Big Brother “老大哥”(指操控别人的人、政府或组织)
unforeseeable [͵ʌnforˋsiəb!] adj. 不能预知的;预料不到的
concurrently [kənˋkɝəntlɪ] adv. 同时发生地,并存地
characterize [ˋkærəktə͵raɪz] v. 具有……的特征,以……为特征
habitable [ˋhæbɪtəb!] adj. 可居住的;适于居住的
terraform 行星地球化:将另一星球(的陆地景观)转变成具有地球陆地景观特性的样子 To transform (a landscape) on another planet into one having the characteristics of landscapes on Earth.
Sentence of the Day
There are many changes on the horizon.
on the horizon 即将发生的; 已露端倪的; 临近的