Telling Write From Wrong 字理行奸寻真相
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年7月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:272
Steven Spielberg’s latest film, Catch Me If You Can, stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a brilliant young forger who fraudulently nets millions of dollars. Spielberg, however, treated fraud investigation with more Hollywood-style glamour than the actual task of investigating documents of dubious authenticity, called questioned-document examination, would merit.
Questioned-document examiners (QEs) are called in by police to evaluate documents in crimes such as fraud or medical malpractice. They are often required to authenticate signatures, such as those on alleged phony cheques. This is no easy task, for each individual writes in a unique manner and, furthermore, signs his or her name slightly differently every time. Indeed, any two signatures which appear identical are probably machine-produced fakes. To detect forgeries, QEs compare several bona fide signatures with suspicious ones, considering letter shape, the connection between letters, and the pressure applied by the writer.
QEs not only authenticate handwriting, but also reveal a document’s hidden history. In a recent case, a QE examined a phonebook seized from a suspected PCP factory. He found faint indentation on the book’s cover which revealed the chemical formula for PCP, written in the handwriting of the suspected manufacturer. In such cases, convictions occur only because QEs can distinguish “write” from “wrong.”
【注】:PCP(Phencyclidine)俗称天使尘(Angel dust)是1950年代被合成,主要用于麻醉,而后因会引起幻觉、躁动、谵妄等副作用而逐渐被废弃,随后因其会产生幻觉、欣快感而遭滥用,为欧美常见之滥用药物。吸食过量会产生意识模糊、失去方向感、知觉异常、躁动、好斗、暴力倾向、产生幻觉(尤其是视幻及听幻)、谵妄,过量时甚至会导致死亡。
-by Iain Ferguson
forger [ˋfɔrdʒɚ] n.〔文件﹑钱币﹑绘画等的〕伪造者
fraudulently [ˋfrɔdʒələntlɪ] adv. 欺骗地;不老实地
net [nɛt] v. 得到,使得到
glamour [ˋglæmɚ] n. 魅力,诱惑力
authenticity [͵ɔθɛnˋtɪsətɪ] n. 真实性﹐确实性﹐可靠性
merit [ˋmɛrɪt] v.【正式】应得到﹐值得
examiner [ɪgˋzæmɪnɚ] n. 检查人;审查员
call in 请来
malpractice [mælˋpræktɪs] n.(医师的)治疗不当;误诊
authenticate [ɔˋθɛntɪ͵ket] v. 证明……是真实的; 鉴定
alleged [əˋlɛdʒd] adj. 未有证据而被指称的﹐可疑的
phony [ˋfonɪ] adj.【口】假的;欺骗的
forgery [ˋfɔrdʒərɪ] n.(文件、艺术品等的)伪造; 伪造物,赝品
bona fide【拉】真实的;有诚意的
seize [siz] v. 没收;扣押;查封
faint [fent] adj. 微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的
indentation [͵ɪndɛnˋteʃən] n. 凹口,凹陷
conviction [kənˋvɪkʃən] n. 定罪;证明有罪
Sentence of the Day
This has got "fake" written all over it.