Reading Biology’s Book: Genetic Testing 生物图谱:基因检测
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年8月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:271
On April 14, 2003, the Human Genome Project published our part in the book of nature: the human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence. Understanding the sequence is akin to reading a favorite novel translated into an unknown language: though we know what happens, we’re not sure what the words mean. Nevertheless, there is a very practical application to contemporary advances in genomics: genetic testing.
At present, such testing can easily discern genetic information related to disease, enabling prospective parents to be screened for genes that pass on lethal disorders such as sickle-cell anemia. Most commonly, though, newborns are tested for absent or abnormal genes that could lead to illness. In the U.S. alone, four million babies are screened annually for genetic diseases, cancer predisposition, and paternity.
The medical applications of genetic testing stand in clear contradistinction to its social or legal applications. About 1 in 3 men requesting paternity testing discover they are not the biological father of the child in question. Likewise, uncovering genetic predisposition to disease can be an obstacle to obtaining medical insurance in the calculating world of American HMOs.
Indeed, the potential conflict of interest problems associated with genetic testing raise ethical issues that are not less complex than the human DNA sequence itself.
【注】:HMOs(Health Maintenance Organizations)美国健保计划机构提供的医疗健康照护计划内容,是根据每月所收的固定费用而订。
sequence [ˋsikwəns] n.【数】序列
akin [əˋkɪn] adj. 同类的;近似的[(+to)]: similar to
genomics [dʒəˈnomɪks] n. 基因组学
discern [dɪˋzɝn] v. 分辨,识别;看出
prospective [prəˋspɛktɪv] adj. 预期的﹐ 未来的﹐ 可能的
screen [skrin] v. 检查,筛查(以确定是否患病)
predisposition [͵pridɪspəˋzɪʃən] n.〔以某种方式行事的〕倾向; 易患某疾病的倾向
paternity [pəˋtɝnətɪ] n.【法律】父亲的身分﹐ 生父
stand [stænd] v. 处于某种状态
contradistinction [͵kɑntrədɪˋstɪŋkʃən] n. 对比;对比的区别
obstacle [ˋɑbstək!] n. 障碍﹐阻碍﹐妨碍
calculating [ˋkælkjə͵letɪŋ] adj. 有算计的﹐工于心计的﹐用尽心机(作损人利己之事)的
ethical [ˋɛθɪk!] adj. 伦理的,道德的
Sentence of the Day
Research is progressing like nobody's business.
like nobody's business【口】非常 very well; very much
Pre-med students Francis and James are studying together: 医预科学生法兰西丝和詹姆士在期中考前一块儿读书:
J: I was amazed to learn that the number of genes which make up homo sapiens is only about 30,000. Even if our midterm only tests a few of them, it’s going to be killer.
F: Not if you studied! Actually, scientists were expecting to find many more genes. The Human Genome Project is inspiring, particular the new avenues in genetic testing it’s opened up.
J: Right, this stuff about predictive gene testing is cool. It would be good to know if you’re going to get sick with something.
F: Remember, you can’t know anything for certain because these tests only suggest the probability of getting sick. Scientists can already use this “stuff” to assess predisposition for breast or colon cancer, but they’re hoping to predict many other diseases.
J: Don’t get snarky! I wanted to add that gene therapy is the real radical outcome of what starts with genetic testing.
F: So, you do study sometimes. True, once we find a genetic problem, we can sometimes supply the body with the missing gene. Scientists are currently targeting diseases like Alzheimer’s for such treatment.
J: Doctors need more than scientific knowledge, you know like a good “bedside manner.”
F: We can practice that after the midterm!
-by Iain Ferguson
pre-med premedical 医学院预科的
homo sapiens 人类;现代人
midterm [ˋmɪd͵tɝm] n.【美】〔大学的〕期中考试
killer [ˋkɪlɚ] n. 致命之物
avenue [ˋævə͵nju] n. 途径,方法
colon [ˋkolən] n.【解】结肠
snarky [ˈsnɑrkɪ] adj. 恶声恶气的
radical [ˋrædɪk!] adj. 根本的,基本的
A good bedside manner A good bedside manner is typically one that reassures and comforts the patient while remaining honest about a diagnosis.
bedside manner 医疗服务态度; 医生对病人的态度
Sentence of the Day
They're hitting the books.
hit the books 用功