Where Does a Compass Point? 每月一问:罗盘的指针指向何方?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年4月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:312
Victoria, from New Zealand, and Jackie, her Taiwanese boyfriend, are outdoor enthusiasts browsing in a Taipei camping store: 纽西兰籍的维多莉亚和她的台湾男友杰基都热衷于户外运动,两人在台北一家露营设备用品店里浏览:
V: Hey, where exactly does our compass point when we’re out tramping?
J: Tramping?! Oh yeah, that’s Kiwi for “hiking.” Let me answer your question with my new wireless Internet hookup.
V: You and your new PDA.
J: Hey, knowledge is power. Here we are: the Earth’s magnetic field is onion-shaped and acts like a river of magnetic force surrounding the Earth. The field attracts ferrous materials.
V: Ferrous materials? Iron, in other words. So a compass needle – being ferrous and immersed in this river of magnetic force – orients itself towards the magnetic pole of the Earth. But is that really the North Pole?
J: Ah, there’s the rub: it depends on what you mean by “North Pole.” At least two places on Earth can be defined as such.
V: So one “North Pole” is where a compass points?
J: Right. This website says that’s the magnetic north, and it covers a small area that moves up to 40 kilometers every year.
V: And the other “North Pole” must be the axis point of the Earth’s rotation?
J: Yep. That’s a fixed point called the true north.
V: Cool. The next time we’re tramping. I’ll know why we’re on the straight and narrow.
-by Grady Sales
compass [ˋkʌmpəs] n. 罗盘,指南针
enthusiast [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æst] n. 热衷者﹐热心的人
tramping [træmpɪŋ] n.(长途)徒步旅行
Kiwi [ˋkiwɪ] n.【非正式】新西兰人
hookup [ˋhʊk͵ʌp] n. 连接线路
ferrous [ˋfɛrəs] adj. 含铁的﹐铁的
immerse [ɪˋmɝs] v. 使浸没[(+in)]
orient [ˋorɪənt] v. 定……的方位
there’s the rub 这就是问题所在 something that you say when you are explaining what the difficulty is in a particular situation
rub [rʌb] n. 疑难点;要点
axis [ˋæksɪs] n. 轴;轴线
fixed [fɪkst] adj. 固定的
straight and narrow 循规蹈矩者, 正派人 the way of proper conduct and moral integrity
Sentence of the Day
This should take a lode off their minds.
【注】lode 与 load 为同音字老式的罗盘名