Why do People Get Motion Sickness? 每月一问:人为什么会晕车晕船?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:457
Perhaps you’ve experienced motion sickness when traveling by car, boat, or airplane. You certainly felt nauseated during your ordeal, and maybe vexed that those around you weren’t affected. Why can motion sickness disable almost anyone – 90 percent of all people have suffered motion sickness – while in transit, but not every time they’re on the move?
Our balance, or equilibrium, is maintained by the central nervous system (CNS) as it constantly collects and compares data from our inner ears, skin pressure receptors, and muscle and joint sensory receptors. The CNS correlates these various signals generated by movement to create our sense of balance. When the CNS receives conflicting data, we sometimes experience motion sickness. For example, if you’re reading a book in the back seat of a moving car, your eyes and skin receptors detect motion, but your eyes see only unmoving pages; your CNS is receiving conflicting information, so motion sickness is possible.
Exactly why one person becomes motion sick when another does not in the same situation is unknown. The simplest short-term remedy is to remind your CNS that it’s moving by facing forward and gazing at the horizon. Fortunately, motion sickness diminishes over time as our CNS adjusts to inconsistent messages.
nauseate [ˋnɔsɪet] v. 对……感到恶心
ordeal [ɔrˋdiəl] n. 严峻考验;苦难,折磨
vex [vɛks] v. 使生气;使痛苦;使烦恼;使困惑
transit [ˋtrænsɪt] n.〔人或货物的〕运输
equilibrium [͵ikwəˋlɪbrɪəm] n.〔相反的力量或影响〕平衡﹐均衡
correlate [ˋkɔrə͵let] v. 使相互关联
conflicting [kənˋflɪktɪŋ] adj. 相矛盾的;冲突的
remedy [ˋrɛmədɪ] n. 治疗;治疗法
gaze [gez] v. 凝视,注视,盯[Q][(+at/on/upon/into)]
Sentence of the Day
Motion sickness can lead to the Technicolor yawn.
Technicolor yawn 呕吐; 恶心 vomiting
technicolor [ˋtɛknɪ͵kʌlɚ] adj.【幽默】色彩(过分)鲜艳的﹐艳丽多彩的
Lily, who usually gets seasick, is on the desk of a boat during rough seas with her Uncle Joe, a retired fisherman: 海象恶劣时,一向就很容易晕车晕船的莉莉和乔叔叔在一艘船的甲板上。乔叔叔是位退休的打渔人:
L: I’m glad I took a motion sickness pill this time! Even though the boat is rolling and pitching, feel fine. Hey, Uncle Joe: you’re looking a little green. You OK?
J: (vomits over the side of the boat) Oh, I can’t believe this! I’m so dizzy!
L: Don’t worry. This is normal. Even astronauts get motion sickness sometimes.
J: But Lily, I’m an old sea dog! I shouldn’t get seasick.
L: Well, it’s been a while since you’ve been out to sea like this. Plus, like I already said, those chilidogs and coffee were a bad idea! Light foods and plenty of water are the ticket to avoiding motion sickness.
J: Ah, hogwash! Well, I’m going to stand out here in the fresh air and watch the horizon.
L: In the meantime, I’ve got a flask of hot ginger tea here. Apparently, ginger is an effective antiemetic.
J: There’s a new one! Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. While I’m sipping tea, you could head belowdecks.
L: Nah, Those diesel fumes below make me queasy. I’ll stay out here with you until you’re back on an even keel.
-by Margaret Mack
seasick [ˋsi͵sik] adj. 晕船的
rough [rʌf] adj. 狂暴的;剧烈的
pitch [pɪtʃ] v.(船只等)前后颠簸,摇晃
green [grin] adj. (脸色等)发青的
dizzy [ˋdɪzɪ] adj. 头晕目眩的
astronaut [ˋæstrə͵nɔt] n. 航天员,宇航员
chilidog [tʃɪlɪ͵dɑg] n. 涂有辣椒酱的热狗
hogwash [ˋhɑg͵wɑʃ] n. 蠢话﹐废话﹐胡言乱语
flask [flæsk] n.【英】保温瓶
antiemetic [æntɪɪˋmetɪk] n. 抗吐剂;止吐药
belowdecks [bɪlo'dɛks] adv. 在船舱内,在甲板下
diesel [ˋdiz!] n. 柴油引擎
fume [fjum] n.(有害,浓烈,或难闻的)烟,气
queasy [ˋkwizɪ] adj.(感到)恶心的﹐想呕吐的
on an even keel (指船)不倾斜, 平稳; 【喻】(生活)稳定 calm and not likely to change suddenly
Sentence of the Day
Uncle Joe has lost his sea legs.
sea legs 不晕船; 行船摇摆时仍能平稳行走的人