Pisces: The Feelings of Fishes 双鱼座的情意世界
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年3月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:512
Bill and Jennifer, ex-roommates, meet for coffee on a Monday night: 周一上比尔和前任室友珍妮弗碰面一起喝咖啡:
J: How was your weekend?
B: Pretty average. My friend Max got me into a date with his girlfriend’s sister.
J: Did you play the silent, mysterious type?
B: Yeah, but I think I came across as moody. According to Max, because she’s a Pisces, we should’ve hit it off immediately. That’s what he thought, anyways.
J: Ha! Goes to show what use astrology is! But if you buy it, Pisceans generally get along with people from all walks of life. They can swim in any circle and rarely seem like a fish out of water.
B: Yeah, but they’re also incurable romantics looking for Prince Charming. Or that’s what it said in today’s Astrology column in the newspaper.
J: So were you not romantic enough or just looking a bit slovenly?
B: I suppose I could’ve been more dapper. As for romance, she’s quite artistic and we chatted amicably for a while, but I just felt I was getting mixed messages.
J: Ah, she’s a tease. I guess that’s what’s fishy about Pisces: sometimes they can be unrealistic about love.
B: We talked about meeting up again, but I’m afraid I might not hook this one.
J: Just remember, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.
-by Charles Thompson
Pisces [ˋpɪsiz] n.【天】双鱼座;(占星术中的)双鱼宫
come across 使产生…印象 to do what is wanted
moody [ˋmudɪ] adj. 闷闷不乐的,郁郁寡欢的
hit it off 相处融洽 to be friendly with each other immediately
buy [baɪ] v.【俚】接受;同意;相信
Piscean [ˋpaɪsɪən] n. 属双鱼宫星座的(人)
walks of life 生活阶层
like a fish out of water 感到生疏 someone who is in a situation they are unsuited to
incurable [ɪnˋkjʊrəb!] adj. 不可救药的;无法矫正的
slovenly [ˋslʌvənlɪ] adj. 邋遢的,不修边幅的
dapper [ˋdæpɚ] adj. 衣冠楚楚的
amicably [ˋæmɪkəb!ɪ] adv. 友善地,友好地
tease [tiz] n. 爱戏弄人的人
fishy [ˋfɪʃɪ] adj.【口】可疑的;靠不住的
Sentence of the Day
A bad date should be like water off a duck’s back.
water off a duck’s back 毫无效果, 不起作用, 犹如耳边风
How to Understand Your Zodiac Sign- Pisces