How to Get a Rise From an Aries 激怒白羊座看这招
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年4月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:458
Claire storms into Jonathan’s office after lunch break: 午餐后克莱儿冲进强纳森的办公室:
C: I can’t believe what Matt just did!
J: Matt. Your new beau?
C: Yes, He blew his top at a burger joint because he didn’t like the waitress’s attitude when she spoke to me.
J: Sounds like your new man is an Aries. That would explain things.
C: Yeah, he’s Aries. You know, my sister married an Aries. She warned me about their hero-complex after my very first date with Matt.
J: Ariens love to play at being knights in shining armor.
C: Very romantic, but I wasn’t a damsel in distress!
J: But he thought you were. Dating a ram, you’ll need to walk a fine line between self-sufficiency and dependence on him. With their quixotic natures, Ariens need battles to fight even where one isn’t necessary.
C: I can support his tender ego, but he’s got to relax and quit chasing windmills.
J: You’d be better off buying him a punching bag and a pair of gloves.
C: You know, he’s really not my type, but he’s so affectionate, I just can’t stay away!
J: A real Romeo, huh?
C: Oh yes, but the next time he’s spoiling for a fight in public, we’ll be butting heads ourselves.
-by Charles Thompson
get a rise out of sb. 戏弄某人使之厌烦或愤怒
Aries [ˋɛriz] n.【天】白羊座;白羊宫
storm into 非常气愤地进入
beau [bo] n. 情郎,求爱者
blew one’s top 发脾气, 大发雷霆, 勃然大怒 lose control
joint [dʒɔɪnt] n.【俚】下流娱乐场所;小酒馆
complex [ˋkɑmplɛks] n.【心】情结,情丝
play at 做
damsel in distress【谑】需要帮助的女子
damsel [ˋdæmz!] n.【古】【文】少女;闺女
distress [dɪˋstrɛs] n. 危难,不幸
ram [ræm] n.【天】(大写)白羊(星)座; 公羊
walk a fine line 小心行事
self-sufficiency 自给自足 self-esteem, ability to manage for oneself
quixotic [kwɪkˋsɑtɪk] adj. 唐吉诃德式的﹐愚侠(式)的; 不切实际的﹐空想的 foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; especially : marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action
tender [ˋtɛndɚ] adj. 脆弱的,柔弱的
ego [ˋigo] n. 自尊心;自负
windmill [ˋwɪnd͵mɪl] n. 风车
affectionate [əˋfɛkʃənɪt] adj. 充满深情的,温柔亲切的
spoil for a fight 想打架 to be very eager to fight or argue
spoil for 渴望
butt [bʌt] v. 用头(或角)猛撞
Sentence of the Day
Matt’s behavior really got Claire’s goat.
get one’s goat 激怒某人; 使人发怒或厌恶
How to Understand Your Zodiac Sign- Aries