Virgo Love: How to Woo the Fastidious 处女座的爱情:如何让龟毛的人有好感
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年9月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:551
Christine and her brother Sean are preparing dinner for some guests: 克里斯廷和她弟弟尚恩正在为客人准备晚餐:
C: Is your new flame joining our little get-together tonight?
S: She is, but I’m worried there’s barely a smoking twig there, Christine. We’ve gone out twice, and …. nada.
C: Hmm. Well, you’ve jumped the biggest hurdle. Virgos are notorious for judging people by their appearance, so she must like yours.
S: I understand that the Virgo-chastity association is considered unfounded, but what am I to believe?
C: Well, Virgos are just insecure about romantic involvement, usually. You should make your feelings clear if you like this one. Also, they’re often pretty committed to work. Has she been busy?
S: Oh yeah. She’s an accountant, so there’s been loads for her to do with the end of the fiscal year approaching. Maybe that explains it.
C: Talented, hard working. I’ll bet she’s got a billboard body and is immaculately groomed.
S: You got it. But you’ll find out soon enough because she’s coming over early to help us prepare.
C: Great. Virgos are brilliant helpers – unlike you, little brother.
S: Hey, I figured she’s do my share and I could just get started on the wine.
C: If I were you, I’d go easy on the sauce. Virgos hate to be embarrassed.
-by Charles Thompson
Virgo [ˋvɝgo] n.【天】处女座;处女宫
fastidious [fæsˋtɪdɪəs] adj. 爱挑剔的;难讨好的;过分讲究的
flame [flem] n.〈俚〉爱人,情人
get-together 聚会;联欢会
twig [twɪg] n. 细枝,嫩枝
hurdle [ˋhɝd!] n. 障碍,困难
chastity [ˋtʃæstətɪ] n. 贞洁
unfounded [ʌnˋfaʊndɪd] adj. 没有事实根据的,无理由的
insecure [͵ɪnsɪˋkjʊr] adj. 不牢靠的;不稳定的
involvement [ɪnˋvɑlvmənt] n.(投入的)感情;(倾注的)热情
accountant [əˋkaʊntənt] n. 会计师
fiscal [ˋfɪsk!] adj. 会计的
billboard [ˋbɪl͵bord] n. 布告板, 广告牌
immaculately [ɪˋmækjəlɪtlɪ] adv. 完美地;无瑕疵地
groomed [ˋgrumd] adj. 打扮(好)的;修饰(好)的
go easy on something 【口】对某人/某物谨慎(或从容、有节制) to use something sparingly
sauce [sɔs] n.〈俚〉烈酒 Slang alcoholic liquor
Sentence of the Day
Virgos make sure they never have a hair out of place.
out of place 不合适; 不恰当; 不在正确的位置
How to Understand Your Zodiac Sign- Virgo