Wal-Mart – A Giant Under Attack 众矢之的沃玛百货
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年2月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:553
With annual revenues above US$200 billion and over 1.2 million employees, Wal-Mart is currently the world’s largest corporation. This mega-corporation is now facing tough accusations concerning its operating practices.
Wal-Mart cuts costs to the extreme, including requiring suppliers to open their books to Wal-Mart executives who identify where production expenses should be cut. With its unequalled financial clout, Wal-Mart gets what it wants.
Wal-Mart is known for imposing its conservatism on media companies. According to former Vibe magazine editor Dana Sacher, “If you don’t let them know in advance [magazine contents] they will … never carry it again.” Companies, unsurprisingly, conform to Wal-Mart’s standards.
While these strategies may be seen simply as “hardball” capitalism, Wal-Mart is also facing the largest civil rights suit in U.S. history. One point five million current and former female Wal-Mart employees have filed a class action lawsuit accusing Wal-Mart of systematic gender discrimination. Wal-Mart’s own data shows that women were paid a yearly average of $1,400 less than men, and female managers $14,000 less. Wal-Mart has asserted that it did nothing wrong, yet it subsequently altered its pay structure and job classification for hourly employees.
Of course, legal challenges are up to the courts. But the rest is up to consumers.
accusation [͵ækjəˋzeʃən] n. 指控,控告
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 确认;识别
book [bʊk] n. 账册 the financial records of a business, institution, etc
clout [klaʊt] n. 力量;影响;影响力 influence
conservatism [kənˋsɝvə͵tɪzəm] n. 保守主义
conform [kənˋfɔrm] to 遵照,遵守[(+to/with)] to act according to; to be in agreement with
hardball [ˋhɑrd͵bɔl] n. 强硬态度 the use of any means, however ruthless, to attain an objective
discrimination [dɪ͵skrɪməˋneʃən] n. 歧视
assert [əˋsɝt] v. 声称;坚持
Sentence of the Day
In terms of fair business practice, many believe that requiring suppliers to open their books is hitting below the belt.
hit below the belt 作不公平的攻击
Sheila and Bruce are lawyers discussing recent lawsuits against Wal-Mart: 席拉和布鲁斯两人是律师,正在讨论最近沃玛百货的法律诉讼案:
B: Giant companies like Wal-Mart are constantly under attack! It seems like the bigger the company, the more lawsuits are filed.
S: Don’t feel too sorry for Wal-Mart. With its size and clout, I’m sure it can weather the storm of a few lawsuits. It does have quite a stranglehold on the retail market, you know. Over 3,500 stores in the U.S. alone …
B: That’s pretty cynical, Sheila. Just because a corporation is wealthy doesn’t mean it has acted illegally or unfairly. Wal-Mart’s a huge employer. Look at all the employment it provides for local communities.
S: Some argue that for every two low paying Wal-Mart jobs, three well-paying small business are lost.
B: Maybe that’s the tough reality of free markets. And then there’s the recent accusation of profiting from sweatshops in Asia, where workers work for a pittance under appalling conditions. Even if true, that’s a local concern.
S: Hey, Wal-Mart has a policy of influencing suppliers’ own production standards. Remember a similar scandal in the sports apparel industry a few years ago? That negative publicity helped change industry standards.
B: I suppose this attention does raise consumer awareness.
S: See, criticism isn’t just cynicism – there’s a positive side, too!
-by Darshan Tyler
weather the storm 安然度过暴风雨 to experience something and survive it
stranglehold [ˋstræŋg!͵hold] n.〔对局势﹑组织等的〕完全控制 aforce, influence, or action that restricts or suppresses freedom or progress
cynical [ˋsɪnɪk!] adj. 愤世嫉俗的﹐冷嘲热讽的 sarcastic; mocking
sweatshop [ˋswɛt͵ʃɑp] n. 血汗工厂,剥削劳力的工厂(工资低、工时长、工作环境恶劣的工厂)
pittance [ˋpɪtns] n. 少量(或仅足餬口)的津贴 a meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration
appalling [əˋpɔlɪŋ] adj.【口】十分低劣的 causing extreme dismay, horror, or revulsion
apparel [əˋpærəl] n. 衣服,服装
Sentence of the Day
Like good lawyers, Sheila and Bruce exchange points in their discuss quid pro quo.
quid pro quo 赔偿 an equal exchange or substitution