The Key to Success 经商成功之钥
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:432
If a small business wants to satisfy its customers’ needs while maintaining healthy profit, one of the things it needs to be focused on is what is known as a marketing concept. There are several elements to a marketing concept, of which the two most important are understanding consumer orientation and adapting a systems approach.
Effective marketing can only come about from understanding consumer behavior. This begins with realizing that consumers are not only looking to purchase goods and services, but are also on the lookout for ‘benefit’. And, just as a businessperson wants a consumer to be aware of his product, a businessperson should know his target market – particularly its demographics – and his would-be customers’ shopping and spending patterns. For Example, senior citizens rarely buy acne cream.
The adoption of a systems approach ensures that each aspect of the business is coordinated, in addition to equipping it with an ‘early-warning system.’ A business with a systems approach is conscientious of its business image, practices good consumerism and quickly picks up danger signs or indications that something may be wrong with the way the marketing strategy is being implemented.
In effect, a marketing concept that has sound element can mean the difference between a business that is shipshape and one that is like a leaky tub.
orientation [͵orɪɛnˋteʃən] n. 方向;方位;倾向性
come about 发生; 产生
lookout [ˋlʊkˋaʊt] n. 监视﹐ 留神观察
demographics [͵dɪməˋgræfɪks] n. 人口统计资料(如年龄、性别、收入等等)
would-be [ˋwʊd͵bi] adj. 想要成为的
senior citizen【婉】老年人〔尤指60岁以上或已退休者〕
acne [ˋæknɪ] n.【医】痤疮;粉刺;面疱;青春痘
coordinate [koˋɔrdnɪt] v. 协调,调节
conscientious [͵kɑnʃɪˋɛnʃəs] adj. 凭良心的;诚实的; 认真的; 细心负责的
consumerism [kənˋsjumərɪzm] n. 保护消费者利益的行为
pick up(不费力地)获得,学会
indication [͵ɪndəˋkeʃən] n. 征兆;迹象;暗示
in effect 实际上; 生效 in essence; to all purposes
shipshape [ˋʃɪp͵ʃep] adj. 整齐清洁的﹐ 井井有条的
Sentence of the Day
A stitch in time saves nine.
a stitch in time saves nine【谚】一针及时, 可省九针(及时行动, 免得问题成堆); 小洞不补, 大洞吃苦
In addition to a marketing concept, a small businessperson also needs to have a product strategy. The focus may be on a narrow product line, a highly specialized product or service, or a product-service package that goes the extra mile. Central to devising a product strategy is awareness that a product has a life cycle with four interrelated stages: As a product moves through each stage, strategies will vary.
When a product is first introduced into the market, sales and profits are low. This is when the product’s features, uses and advantages must be emphasized to attract those would-be buyers.
Substantial profits accrue when sales take off. However, by the growth stage, competitors have entered the market, and the marketing strategy needs to be adjusted to encourage brand loyalty.
The maturity stage is characterized by aggressive competition, accompanied by corresponding reductions in product prices and profits.
The decline stage occurs when a product’s popularity wanes and sales begin a freefall due to technological change or new social trends. This is the right time to cease promoting the product and to consider phasing it out. But by this point, any astute businessperson has a new product waiting in the wings, ready to hit the market and revitalize his business.
-by David Needham
go the extra mile 做比期望的多得多的努力 to try harder to please someone or to get the task done correctly; to do more than one is required to do to reach a goal
central [ˋsɛntrəl] adj. 重要的[(+to)][Z]
awareness [əˋwɛrnɪs] n. 察觉;觉悟;体认
interrelated [͵ɪntɚrɪˋletɪd] adj. 有互相关系的
vary [ˋvɛrɪ] v. 使不同;变更;修改
accrue [əˋkru] v.(利息等的自然)孳生,增加[(+to/from)]
corresponding [͵kɔrɪˋspɑndɪŋ] adj. 相应的﹐由此引起的
wane [wen] v. 衰落;没落;消逝
freefall 自由落体的
phase out (使)逐步淘汰 to discontinue or withdraw gradually
astute [əˋstjut] adj. 敏锐的,精明的,机敏的
wait in the wings 蓄势以待, 严阵以待 to be ready to be used or employed instead of someone or something else
revitalize [riˋvaɪt!͵aɪz] v. 使复活;使复兴
Sentence of the Day
Somewhere down the line, we'll need a new product.
down the line at a point or an end in the future.