Buying Time 采购时刻
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年7月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:470
Imagine if cars didn’t come equipped with any gauges. Drivers would never know for certain whether they were going to run out of gas, overheat or get stopped for speeding. Likewise, small business owners could rely on instinct to decide when to stock up on inventory, but it would be risky and inefficient. In larger companies with hundred of stock items or more, it is nearly impossible for purchasing managers to operate without systematic inventory management.
Timing is an oft overlooked, but essential, aspect of inventory management. The most obvious risk associated with poor timing is a ‘stockout,’ or not being able to meet client demand because inventory is too low. This can cripple a firm through lost sales and damaged relationships. Conversely, overstocking inventory drives up costs for storage and insurance, and increases the risk of obsolescence (an especially big problem in the fast-paced tech industry).
Unfortunately, figuring out the optimum time to place orders is never easy; demand forecasts are rarely spot-on and even ‘just-in-time’ orders can come in late. So remember the rule of thumb that roughly 80 percent of a firm’s income is earned from 20 percent of its products. As such, focus on getting the orders right for that crucial 20 percent.
gauge [gedʒ] n. 测量仪器;计量仪
for certain 无疑地; 确定地
stock up 囤积﹐ 贮存
inventory [ˋɪnvən͵torɪ] n.【美】存货; 库存
timing [ˋtaɪmɪŋ] n. 时间的选择﹐时机的掌握
overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 看漏;忽略
stockout <美> 存货售完
cripple [ˋkrɪp!] v. 使陷入瘫痪; 损坏;严重削弱
conversely [kənˋvɝslɪ] adv.【正式】相反地; 另一方面
obsolescence [͵ɑbsəˋlɛsəns] n. 过时; 淘汰﹐ 废弃
spot-on【英】【口】完全正确的;准确的 Informal absolutely correct; very accurate
just-in-time 刚好在顾客需要的时候提供物资或服务
rule of thumb 基本原则; 经验法则; 行事法则
Sentence of the Day
It's important to hedge your bets.
hedge one’s bets 两面下注(以防损失);
Sabrina is Bob’s boss at a company that assembles high-end notebook computer: 莎宾娜是鲍伯的上司,他们公司专做高阶笔记本电脑的生产线组合代工:
B: Sales of our competitors’ new mobile platform are killing our forecast. I think we’re going to have to place an order for new-model chips ahead of schedule.
S: No can do. Our money’s all tied up in the old-model chips you bought two months ago, sitting here in inventory. Why did you order so many?
B: It was what everybody wanted.
S: The operative word is “was.” With the new chips running nearly two percent faster, nobody wants those old chips now.
B: We could bundle in a WLAN card with some of the notebooks. We’re going to be a bit overstocked soon on that front.
S: OK, but do you realize how much it would be weigh?
B: Approximately 200 grams more than our competitor’s new models.
S: At our end of the notebook market, that much weight is a problem. I know I don’t want to lug around that extra weight.
B: Maybe buyers could be enticed if we lopped a little off the price.
S: We’re practically selling at a loss as it is. I’m starting to think we couldn’t give these chips away. Unless …. The chips are insured against theft, aren’t they?
B: You’re not suggesting …….
S: Of course not.
【注】:WLAN 为 Wireless Local Area Network「无线局域网络」的缩写。
-by Charles Yonts
assemble [əˋsɛmb!] v. 配装,装
chip [tʃɪp] v. 集成电路片;芯片
tied up(东西)搁死的
operative [ˋɑpərətɪv] adj. 起作用的;有效的
overstock [ˋovɚˋstɑk] v. 进货过多
front [frʌnt] n.(政治,经济等的)方面
lug [lʌg] v. 使劲拉;吃力地携带
entice [ɪnˋtaɪs] v. 诱惑; 诱使
lop [lɑp] v. 删削[(+off)]
insure [ɪnˋʃʊr] v. 为……投保;接受保险[H][(+against)]
Sentence of the Day
He's on the spot.
on the spot 在现场