Strategic Recalibration: Getting Business Back On Track in Tough Times 调整策略重新出发:企业起死回生的秘诀
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:479
When some companies experience a setback, they attempt to fix the problem with a knee-jerk reaction, often a massive downsizing. Far-sighted leaders, however, consider more effective, long-term approaches. Consider the following success story:
In March 2000, U.S.-based Cisco Systems was America’s most valuable company, worth $531 billion. When the company experienced a serious decline in sales in the winter of 2000, CEO John Chambers – rather than simply searching for deadwood to eliminate – chose instead to put Cisco’s house in order by implementing a strategic re-calibration.
According to business guru Amir Hartman, “a significant part of strategic recalibration is knowing when to seek growth. Not all growth is good.” Cisco Systems followed this advice by getting back to basic and limiting their business goals. Instead of aggressively pursuing new market opportunities and acquisitions, management focused on growth in earnings rather than in revenues. In addition, Chambers eliminated underperforming investments and overhauled Cisco’s personnel practices to ensure that the best talent was hired.
By the end of 2002, Cisco’s revenues had dropped about 15%, but its earning had nearly doubled from $1 billion in 2001 to $1.9 billion in 2002! That surge in earnings continued into 2003, indicating that Cisco had bounced back stronger than before!
recalibration [rɪ͵kælɪˋbreʃən] n. 重新校准
calibration [͵kælɪˋbreʃən] n. 校准,标准化
setback [ˋsɛt͵bæk] n. 挫折;失败
knee-jerk 直觉的;不经思考的
downsize [ˋdaʊnˋsaɪz] v. 裁减(员工)人数
approach [əˋprotʃ] n. 方法
deadwood [ˋdɛd͵wʊd] n. 无用的人(物)
house [haʊs] n.(从事某种生意的)公司
guru [ˋgʊru] n.【非正式】专家﹐权威
acquisition [͵ækwəˋzɪʃən] n. 收购
revenue [ˋrɛvə͵nju] n. 收入,收益
overhaul [͵ovɚˋhɔl] n. 全面检查
surge [sɝdʒ] n. 激增
Sentence of the Day
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
going [ˋgoɪŋ] n. 进行情况,进展
Harvey and Betty, corporate middle managers, are discussing upcoming employee evaluations in a meeting: 哈维和贝蒂是公司的中阶经理人员,两人正在讨论即将举行的员工考绩会议:
B: “Lean and Keen”
H: Yep. Whatever else one might say, the CEO has stuck pretty consistently to his new corporate catchphrase.
B: He has. It doesn’t make our evaluations next week any easier, though.
H: Sure. But at least the CEO has made the process more transparent. I used to work for a company whose evaluations were horrible. Mostly, they reflected the biases of the evaluator and were chockablock with qualitative impressions like “Seems to have a negative attitude.”
B: Well, we know what our departments are being evaluated on exactly, namely, the percentage reduction of our operating costs and our return-on-investments in the last two quarters.
H: Mmm …. quantifiable measurements don’t mislead. And, hey, the CEO himself is subject to a quantitative evaluation before the board of directors.
B: So that’s the “Lean” part, but what about “Keen”? Basically, he’s using a carrot and stick approach. But where’s the carrot?
H: Don’t forget that the vice-president for operations is retiring next year. The CEO’s promised recruit from inside the company for that position.
B: True. And he promised cash bonuses based on increased revenues.
H: Well, he’s been as good as his word so far.
-by Iain Ferguson
upcoming [ˋʌp͵kʌmɪŋ] adj. 即将来临的
evaluation [ɪ͵væljʊˋeʃən] n. 评估﹐评价; 评估报告
keen [kin] adj. 敏锐的,敏捷的; 渴望的,极想的
catchphrase [ˋkætʃ͵frez] n.〔演员或政客常用的〕时髦话﹐流行的词句
evaluator 打考绩者
chockablock [ˋtʃɑkəˋblɑk] adj. 塞得满满的
qualitative [ˋkwɑlə͵tetɪv] adj. 质的;性质上的
namely [ˋnemlɪ] adv. 即,那就是
return-on-investments 投资回报(财经)
quantifiable [ˋkwɑntə͵faɪəb!] adj. 可以计量的
mislead [mɪsˋlid] v. 将…引入歧途﹐误导
board of directors 董事会
carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒; 软硬兼施; 威逼利诱
recruit [rɪˋkrut] v. 征募(新兵);吸收(新成员)
as good as one’s word 守信 faithful to a promise
Sentence of the Day
The CEO is trying to bring his company into a good working order.