On the Run 男生女生向前跑
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年12月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:468
Getting Started
So you’ve decided you need some exercise and you’re considering taking up running. Good choice! Running is popular for several good reasons: It’s one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise around, which means it can help you both look and feel great. It also doesn’t require you to join any gyms or clubs. Before you begin, however, there are a few things you need to do.
First of all, you need to get a physical examination. It doesn’t matter if you’re young and in apparent good health; even high school athletes get checkups before they hit the track. If you are overweight, a former smoker, or have a history of heart disease in your family, it’s even more crucial. Don’t be too casual with your health: Get a checkup.
You can, however, be casual about your running clothes. Yes, you’ve seen runners in fancy gear, but you don’t have to be a fashion plate when you go running. Regular T-shirts, shorts, and sweats for cold days will suffice.
Your running shoes, on the other hand, are an important investment. Use your judgment: You need shoes that feel good and support your feet, and they don’t need to cost an arm and a leg; don’t let anyone tell you that you must have the latest technological wonder in shoes.
The only other necessity is a jogging bra; this only applies if you are a woman, naturally, but if it gets cold in your area, then a stocking cap is a necessity for everybody. Presto! You’re ready to run!
take up 做, 喜欢上; 接受 to develop an interest in or devotion to
casual [ˋkæʒʊəl] adj. 随便的; 非正式的
gear [gɪr] n.(尤指特种用途的)衣服
fashion plate 【美】穿着很时髦的人 a person who consistently wears the latest fashions
suffice [səˋfaɪs] v. 足够
cost an arm and a leg 耗资不菲;付出高昂的代价 to be very expensive
stocking cap 绒线帽 a close-fitting knitted cap that resembles a stocking and often has a long tapering tail with a tassel attached.
presto [ˋprɛsto] adj. & adv. 赶快
Sentence of the Day
I was run off my feet today.
Keeping It Up
You start running so that you’d look and feel better. Now you’re limping, your whole body hurts, and you feel terrible. What went wrong?
Many beginning runners injure themselves and give up; they decide that running was a mistake. But the mistake is usually in the way they run, not in the fact that they are running. You can have a long and successful running career just by avoiding some common pitfalls.
Many beginning runners are injured for the same reasons: They are either not used to exercise, are used to a different kind of exercise, or they overdo it. Everyone has heard that they should start slowly and not run too far or too fast in the beginning, but people get impatient; they want to see results!
The desire for quick results quickly results in injury, but this does not have to be the end of your running days. If you have muscle pain after running, remember the acronym RICE: Rest the injury, apply Ice, apply Compression, and Elevate the injury above your heart. Later, after the pain has lessened, you can apply heat to speed up healing by improving circulation.
When you do return to running, don’t make the same mistake twice! Start slowly and treat yourself gently. The results will come soon enough.
limp [lɪmp] v. 一瘸一拐地走,跛行
pitfall [ˋpɪt͵fɔl] n. 易犯的错误
impatient [ɪmˋpeʃənt] adj. 无耐心的,不耐烦的
acronym [ˋækrənɪm] n. 首字母缩略字
compression [kəmˋprɛʃən] n. 压缩,压挤
elevate [ˋɛlə͵vet] v. 举起;抬起
lessen [ˋlɛsn] v. 减轻
Sentence of the Day
Keep your chin up.