The Culture of Fitness 健身风潮:大家一起动起来
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年11月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:294
A throng of well-toned bodies walks past. You join them and walk into the gym. You hear the sound of barbell weights clinking together and the labored panting of people doing some cardio on the treadmill. Today is the beginning of your commitment to health. Welcome to the culture of fitness.
Around the world, the number of overweight people is on the rise. A sedentary lifestyle and high-calorie food have expanded our collective waistline. Nowhere is this truer than in the United States, where two-thirds of adults are obese. Obesity gives rise to a number of problems, from a high risk of heart disease to social isolation. However, the best solution to this problem is simple: doing regular exercise! Fitness is about much more than just looking good. It is about overall health and well-being.
Gyms began to spring up in the United States in the 1820s. By the turn of 20th century, the bodybuilding craze started to pick up stream. To sell more gym memberships, entrepreneurs used images of strong, sculpted physiques and promoted exercise’s health benefits. The idea of fitness caught on among the general public. Today, more and more people head to the gym after work or school, or even on their lunch breaks. The overwhelming cry from health professionals, public policymakers, and fitness enthusiasts is “Let’s get moving!”
fitness [ˋfɪtnɪs] n. 健康
commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺
overweight [ˋovɚ͵wet] adj. 超重的;过重的
on the rise 在上升, 在增加 increasing in frequency or intensity
sedentary [ˋsɛdn͵tɛrɪ] adj. 坐着的,需要(或惯于)久坐的
collective [kəˋlɛktɪv] adj. 集体的;共同的
give rise to something 引起, 引发, 导致… to cause something; to instigate something
isolation [͵aɪs!ˋeʃən] n. 隔离;孤立
overall [ˋovɚ͵ɔl] adj. 总的,全部的
spring up 突然出现, 迅速增长 to appear or develop suddenly; to sprout, as with a seedling
membership [ˋmɛmbɚ͵ʃɪp] n. 会员身分(或地位、资格); 会员数
overwhelming [͵ovɚˋhwɛlmɪŋ] adj. 压倒的;势不可挡的
enthusiast [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æst] n. 热衷者﹐热心的人
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throng [θrɔŋ] n. 人群;大群
well-toned 线条良好的
gym [dʒɪm] n. 体育馆﹐ 健身房
barbell [ˋbɑr͵bɛl] n. 哑铃﹐杠铃
clink [klɪŋk] n. 叮当声
labored [ˋlebɚd] adj. 吃力的
pant [pænt] v. 气喘,气促
cardio [ˋkɑrdɪo] n. 心肺训练
treadmill [ˋtrɛd͵mɪl] n.(运动使用的)跑步机
waistline [ˋwest͵laɪn] n. 腰围
obese [oˋbis] adj. 肥胖的;过胖的
well-being [ˋwɛlˋbiɪŋ] n. 舒适; 健康; 幸福
turn [tɝn]n. (世纪)初
bodybuilding [ˋbɑdɪ͵bɪldɪŋ] n. 健身法(举重,柔软体操等活动)
craze [krez] n. 狂热;风尚
pick up 加快, 加速 to increase in speed or amount
physique [fɪˋzik] n. 体格,体形
At first, gym workouts were all about building muscle mass and looking bigger. Dumbbells, cable-assisted weight machines, and bench presses filled gyms across the globe. Using this equipment, gym members could strengthen any part of their body – biceps, arms, chests, calves, you name it! A new job was also born: personal trainers. They could give guidance ranging from the proper use of equipment to a diet that facilitates bodybuilding.
Gradually, the trend moved from getting bigger to maintaining fitness. Treadmills and exercise bikes became gym equipment. Gymnastics and dancing classes also found their way into most exercise facilities.
Walk into any exercise facility around the world and chances are you’ll be able to sign up for a yoga class. Doing yoga, you not only look and feel better, but also stay on the cutting edge of fitness culture. Another trendy exercise is Pilates. Developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates, it is intended to tone muscles and improve strength and flexibility. Both yoga and Pilates have Hollywood celebrities among their fans!
Fads and fitness overlap in that both struggle to last. About 50 percent of people who start an exercise program can’t stick with it after six months. So what is the best way to keep motivated? Just go to the gym and surround yourself with people committed to fitness. You will feel better and healthier!
−by Joe Henley
equipment [ɪˋkwɪpmənt] n. 設備
you name it【口】能說出(或想到)的任何東西(或地方等)
facilitate [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] v. 促進
gymnastics [dʒɪmˋnæstɪks] n. 體操
facility [fəˋsɪlətɪ] n. 設備,設施
sign up for 參加俱樂部(或課程學習等)
flexibility [͵flɛksəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 彈性﹐柔性
celebrity [sɪˋlɛbrətɪ] n. 名人,名流
fad [fæd] n. 一時的流行
overlap [͵ovɚˋlæp] v. 重疊
stick with【口】繼續; 堅守
surround ... with [səˋraʊnd] v. 圍繞
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workout [ˋwɝk͵aʊt] n.〔尤指運動的〕鍛鍊﹐訓練
dumbbell [ˋdʌm͵bɛl] n. 啞鈴
biceps [ˋbaɪsɛps] n. 二头肌
calf [kæf] n. 腓,小腿
chances are 可能
yoga [ˋjogə] n.(印度的)瑜珈;瑜珈功
trendy [ˋtrɛndɪ] adj. 時髦的;流行的
Pilates [pɪ'lɑtiz] n.普拉提(类似瑜伽的一种健身锻炼)
tone [ton] v. 使〔皮膚﹑肌肉等〕更強健﹐使更健康
in that 基於...的理由; 因為 for the reason that
Reading Questions
1. What is one of the problems that may arise from obesity?
A. Overall health and well-being.
B. Increased risk of heart disease.
C. A sculpted upper and lower body.
D. A slimmer, more shapely physique.
2. What is NOT mentioned in this article?
A. Two-thirds of adults in America are obese.
B. In the early 19th century, gyms started springing up in America.
C. Personal trainers teach proper use of gym equipment.
D. Pilates helps people build up muscle mass.
3. Which of these alternative titles is NOT appropriate for this article?
A. Feeling a Little Chubby? Join a Gym!
B. Fitness: An evolving Trend
C. Combat Obesity with a Sedentary Lifestyle
D. Make Time for Exercise – Your Body Will Thank You
4. What can we infer from this article?
A. The only way to build muscle mass is by doing gymnastics.
B. Social isolation is the main reason why people decide to get fit.
C. Many exercises only make you look good, not feel good.
D. An entire industry has been built up around fitness culture.
1. ( B) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |