The Joy of Sliding: Inline Skating 直排轮飙上路
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:544
The first known inventor of inline skates was a British instrument maker named Joseph Merlin. In 1760, he made a pair of wheeled boots for a masquerade party, but ended up crashing into a mirror while making his grand entrance. Despite this striking beginning, inline skates fared less well than roller skates, which blossomed as a popular fad through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
In 1979, Scott Olson – a Minnesota hockey player – stumbled upon an antique pair of roller skates with wheel inline, rather than the traditional “quad” design of two wheels under the toe and two under the heel. In 1983, Olson began aggressively promoting his updated inline skate under the name “Rollerblade.” Rollerblades quickly prevailed over “quad” skates because they allow greater maneuverability, stability, and speed.
Many discovered that inline skates were a fast, convenient way to get around their neighborhood, while “extreme” skaters began performing death-defying stunts, much like skateboarders. Ice hockey players began playing roller hockey in the summer, thus introducing hockey to a whole new audience. These days, there’re men’s and women’s semi-professional roller hockey leagues, and televised extreme skating – trends now spreading through Europe and Asia as well. Inline skating has come a long way since Merlin smash debut!
masquerade [͵mæskəˋred] n. 假面舞会;化装舞会
blossom [ˋblɑsəm] v. 发展,繁荣
fad [fæd] n. 一时的流行;一时的风尚
stumble [ˋstʌmb!] v. 偶然碰见,碰巧发现[(+on/upon/across)] discover, find
quad [kwɑd] n. 同类四个构成的一组
prevail [prɪˋvel] v. 胜过,战胜[(+over/against)]
maneuverability [mə͵nuvərəˋbɪlətɪ] adj. 可操作性, 机动性
get around 可以四处走动 to travel from place to place
death-defying 不畏死亡的; 视死如归的 does not fear death like a warrior
stunt [stʌnt] n. 惊人的表演,绝技;惊险动作
skateboarder [ˋsket͵bɔrdɚ] n. 参加滑板运动的人
have come a long way 大有进步 to make a lot of progress and improvement
Sentence of the Day
The popularity of inline skating is going full steam ahead in Asia.
full steam ahead 开足马力地, 尽力地
Tina and Ben are two friends about to go inline skating. It’s Ben’s first time: 蒂娜和班是朋友,两人要结伴去溜直排轮。这是班第一次溜直排轮。
B: OK, so I make sure the boots fit nice and tight, right?
T: Exactly. Since skate companies started using buckles instead of laces in the early nineties, it’s gotten much easier to make skates snug and stable.
B: I’ve got my pad and a helmet. What about wrist guards?
T: For sure! Wrist guards will prevent you from hurting your wrist if you break a fall with your hands.
B: Could you explain this brake again?
T: Sure. Just straighten your leg and the brake engages.
B: This system seems a lot safer than the old “tilt your heel back” brakes. So, where are you taking me anyways?
T: I thought we could check out the skateboard ramp near here.
B: You gonna show me how to get air?
T: Uh, no. There’s a nice empty parking lot next to the ramp.
B: When I get used to this stopping thing, can we go on the ramp?
T: Not yet. Instead, how about we go to a group skate downtown this Saturday? In cities like New York and Paris, thousands of skaters get together every week to get some exercise and socialize.
B: That sounds cool! Now, let’s go blading.
-by Lyle Wagner
buckle [ˋbʌk!] n. 带扣;扣子
lace [les] n. 鞋带;带子
snug [snʌg] adj. 舒适的;(衣服等)紧贴合身的
helmet [ˋhɛlmɪt] n. 头盔
guard [gɑrd] n. 防护物; 护具
engage [ɪnˋgedʒ] v. 啮合,接合; 从事,忙于
tilt [tɪlt] v. 倾斜;翘起
ramp [ræmp] n. 斜坡;坡道
blade [bled] v. (用直排轮鞋)溜冰
Sentence of the Day
Inline skates should fit as snug as a bug in a rug.
as snug as a bug in a rug【口】【谑】非常舒适, 十分安逸