Cricket 101 板球101
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:601
To the uninitiated, the game of cricket might resemble baseball. Both games pit a batter against a player who hurls a ball. If the batter hits successfully, he tries to score runs for his team while the fielders try to get him out. Such similarities are unsurprising, for cricket gave rise to a number of ball and bat games, foremost among them baseball.
No one is exactly sure of cricket’s origins. Historical records indicate that cricket dates from the 1300s, easily making it the oldest team game in contemporary sport. One theory holds that it began as a game played by English shepherds in which one player stood in front of a gate while another bowled a stone at him. What began as a humble shepherd’s diversion has spread to almost every corner of England’s former Pax Britannica.
The game of cricket officially went international in 1877, when Australia and England’s national teams first played in Melbourne. There still remains no longer-standing international sports rivalry than that contested every two years between England and Australia for the “Ashes” cricketing trophy. The intense competitiveness of these matches set the tone for the development of a game renowned for its gentlemanly rivalry and, before all else, an inviolable sense of fair play.
cricket [ˋkrɪkɪt] n.【體】板球
uninitiated [͵ʌnɪˋnɪʃɪetɪd] adj. 缺乏某種特定知識和經驗的;不識此道的
pit [pɪt] v. 使相鬥;使對立;使競爭[(+against)]
hurl [hɝl] v. 猛力投擲[(+at/upon)]
run [rʌn] n.(板球或棒球运动中击球后跑动得到的)一分
fielder [ˋfildɚ] n.〔板球或棒球比賽中〕守場員﹐外野手
give rise to 引起, 引發, 導致…to be the cause or origin of; bring about
foremost [ˋfor͵most] adj. 最重要的
shepherd [ˋʃɛpɚd] n. 牧羊人
bowl [bol] v. 投(球);滾(鐵環等)
diversion [daɪˋvɝʒən] n. 娛樂,消遣
Pax Britannica(尤指19世纪)英国强权下的世界和平
pax [pæks] n.(常作P-)由一大国控制下的国际和平
long-standing [ˋlɔŋˋstændɪŋ] adj. 存在已久的,長年的 of long duration or existence
rivalry [ˋraɪv!rɪ] n. 競爭;對抗
set the tone for 定下基调
gentlemanly [ˋdʒɛnt!mənlɪ] adj. 有禮貌的﹐ 紳士風度的
before all else 先于一切; 特別 especially
inviolable [ɪnˋvaɪələb!] adj. 不可侵犯的
Sentence of the Day
Cheating is unacceptable, of course, but most of all, it’s just not cricket.
The greatest cricketer of all time was Australian batsman Donald Bradman. A batting average above 50 denotes a great batsman, yet Bradman’s average was a stupefying 99.94. In the early 1930s, he batted Australia to a series of victories over England. When the Ashes series began in Australia in 1932, the English team were desperate to win, but how far were they willing to push fair play.
The English employed the unheard-of tactic of bowling at the batsman’s upper body and head. Known as the “bodyline” strategy, such throws were difficult to hit, not to mention extremely dangerous.
A game played by the two countries in Adelaide that year may have been the most unpleasant ever. Several Australian batsmen were seriously injured and one received a fractured skull. The crowd came close to rioting while diplomats and cricket administrators dispatched telegrams to England protesting bodyline tactics. Though England won back the Ashes, diplomatic relations between the two countries were damaged. The bodyline strategy was swiftly outlawed.
In November 2003, Pakistan and India, close to war just months earlier, initiated a rapprochement. To the greater public in both countries, this involved one thing: the reopening of cricketing ties. The gentlemanly spirit of cricket, it seems, does move nations.
-by Colin Gread
denote [dɪˋnot] v. 意思是…
stupefying [ˋstjupə͵faɪɪŋ] adj. 使人目瞪口呆的
unheard-of 從未聽說的;不為人所知的
fracture [ˋfræktʃɚ] v. 使破裂;使骨折
come close to 将近;非常接近
rioting [ˋraɪətɪŋ] n. 暴亂,騷亂
dispatch [dɪˋspætʃ] v. 派遣;發送;快遞
telegram [ˋtɛlə͵græm] n. 電報
outlaw [ˋaʊt͵lɔ] v. 宣布……為不合法
rapprochement [͵ræproʃˋmɑŋ] n.【法】(國家之間)友善關係的建立;恢復邦交;友好
Sentence of the Day
“There are two sides out there. One is trying to play cricket, the other is not. The game is too good to be spoilt.”