Catch A Wave – The Beauty of Surfing 冲浪乐逍遥
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年9月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:650
Surfing, or “he ‘e nalu” in Hawaiian, tests the very limits of human capabilities. Mastery requires extraordinary swimming skills, athleticism, nerve, a nearly religious zeal for “the perfect wave.” But how did an arcane coastal pastime transform into an international sport?
Traditional surfing was a far cry from today’s surfing. Traditional surf boards weighed up 80 kilograms, so ancient Hawaiians – though as skilled and daring as modern surfers – couldn’t have executed many modern moves. In the early years of western contact, surfing declined alarmingly (like most traditional Hawaiian culture). It’s in large part thanks to Duke Kahanamoku, a Waikiki Beach native, that the sport survived and flourished. Beginning in 1912, Duke demonstrated and spread the sport in California and Australia, laying the groundwork for the fifties surf revolution.
In the early fifties, technological advances vastly reduced the cost, weight, and size of surfboards. Overnight, almost any teenager could afford one, so the beaches were crawling with gremmies. As surfing’s popularity skyrocketed into the sixties, there were B-grade surf movies, The Beach Boys, Sally Field in the TV show Gidget…. Not to mention professional surf contests. Today, surfing’s devil-may-care attitude, clothing, and even its slang are more than a sport. They’re fixtures of popular culture.
surfing [ˋsɝfɪŋ] n. 冲浪游戏
mastery [ˋmæstərɪ] n. 完全控制; 熟练;精通
athleticism [æθˋlɛtəsɪzəm] n. 热爱体育
nerve [nɝv] n. 勇敢,胆量
zeal [zil] n.〔尤指实现宗教或政治目标的〕热情﹐热忱
arcane [ɑrˋken] adj.【文】秘密的﹐神秘的
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣;娱乐
a far cry from【口】与...大不相同 a thing that is very different from something else
alarmingly [əˋlɑrmɪŋlɪ] adv. 令人挂虑地;惊人地
groundwork [ˋgraʊnd͵wɝk] n. 基础;根基
crawl [krɔl] v. 充斥着[(+with)]
gremmie ['gremɪ] n. 笨手笨脚的冲浪板运动者 a young or inexperienced surfer
devil-may-care [͵dɛv!mɪˋkɛr] adj. 满不在乎的﹐ 不顾一切的 careless or reckless; happy-go-lucky
fixture [ˋfɪkstʃɚ] n. 固定在某位置的人或物;〔房屋或建筑物内的〕固定装修物; 固定附着物
Sentence of the Day
Duke Kahanamoku was never at sea when he was in the ocean.
at sea 不知所措, 茫然, 胡涂
Elizabeth walks into the living-room as her boyfriend Lawrence is watching a surfing DVD: 伊丽莎白的男朋友劳伦斯正在看一部冲浪电影的DVD时,她走进客厅里来:
L: Let’s go rhino hunting.
E: Uh, aren’t we going surfing in Hawaii for our vacation?
L: Of course, dude. “Rhino hunting” is the latest thing. It’s when surfers use power boats or jet skis to get towed out to waves that would be impossible to reach otherwise.
E: Ah, I suppose we’re heading to Waimea Bay on the North Shore for some twelve-meter waves? Maybe this gremmie is getting too stoked for Hawaii.
L: Hey, I’ve been surfing in Hawaii once before. I’m practically a local.
E: Whatever you say. If you’re such a rad surfer, why are you watching this DVD? Isn’t it ancient history?
L: Hey, Endless Summer is the surf movie that started it all! Rhino hunting or not, check out the style of these dudes. When this was released in sixty-six, surfers still rode long boards.
E: Right. And ironically, in sixty-six, a surfer named Nat Young changed surfing to a short board style when he blew everyone away at the World Surfing Championships.
L: Those were the days!
E: We’re getting ahead of ourselves. How about you call to confirm our hotel reservation?
L: OK. But only if we go buy some board wax afterwards.
-by Iain Ferguson & Lyle Wagner
rhino [ˋraɪno] n.【非正式】犀牛
dude [djud] n.【美】【俚】男人;男孩
jet ski【商标】水上摩托; 小型高速滑艇
tow [to] v. 拖,拉
otherwise [ˋʌðɚ͵waɪz] adv. 用别的方法
stoked [stokt] adj.【美口】〔因意外的惊喜而〕振奋的﹐非常兴奋的
rad [ræd] adj. 出色的;杰出的 slang excellent; wonderful
ironically [aɪˋrɑnɪklɪ] adv. 讽刺地
blow someone away 把别人给震了,让人非常吃惊
get ahead of oneself 好高骛远、不切实际 to do or say something sooner than it ought to be done so that the proper explanation or preparations have not been made
afterwards [`æftɚwɚdz] adv. 随后
Sentence of the Day
Elizabeth and Lawrence are chomping at the bite to go on vacation.
be chomping at the bite to 跃跃欲试 be very keen to start an activity or to go somewhere