Bedroom Politics 手足同房妙事多
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年11月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:499
Sheena and Rudy are former neighbors catching up over coffee: 席娜跟以前的邻居鲁帝一起喝咖啡叙叙旧:
S: I offered my eldest, Lola, who’s now ten, the third bedroom the other night, but she said she prefers being in with her sister.
R: Kids can be surprising sometimes, can’t they? They often turn our assumptions about them upside down.
S: I thought she’d jump at the chance to have a room to herself. I guess we easily forget that kids think on a smaller scale than us when it comes to privacy.
R: Maybe you can use the spare room as a playroom. Or convert it into a study, or even just a “quiet zone.”
S: Yes, we’re thinking in that direction.
R: Does Lola get along well with her youngest sister?
S: Yes, apart from the occasional tiff. But I think of Lola’s staying put not as an expression of affinity for her sister, but more as a demonstration of the fact that humans are, after all, social animals.
R: There’s not much in the argument that isolation’s natural, let along good for us — especially when we’re young.
S: Lola seemed surprised that I’d even asked her if she’d like a bedroom of her own.
R: Well, no man is an island, remember. And neither is a ten-year-old girl.
catch up 了解近况; 叙旧
the other night 前两天的夜里,不久前的某个夜里
in with 同...友好相处; 与...交往
turn upside down 完全颠倒
jump at the chance 抓住机会
spare [spɛr] adj. 多余的,剩下的;空闲的
get along with 与...和睦相处
apart from 除...外
tiff [tɪf] n.(无关紧要的)口角,争执;生气
stay put 【口】呆在原处; 留在原地; 固定不动 to remain in a fixed or established position
affinity [əˋfɪnətɪ] n. 密切关系
not much 未必
argument [ˋɑrgjəmənt] n. 理由,论据;论点
no man is an island 人非孤岛孑然立 no one is self-sufficient; everyone relies on others.
Sentence of the Day
Two’s company; three’s a crowd.
Two’s company; three’s a crowd: A way of asking a third person to leave because you want to be alone with someone
Rudy and Sheena start to reminisce. 鲁帝跟席娜开始话当年:
R: I remember I missed my elder brother when he moved out of my bedroom.
S: Into his own room?
R: Into a university dormitory.
S: So you shared a room until he was eighteen?
R: Yeah, It wasn’t always smooth sailing, but I think I gained more than I lost. You know, other cultures think it’s actually cruel to put kids in their own room.
S: You’re reminding me of my experience at boarding school. When you share a room, you learn a lot about give and take—how to respect others’ space and needs.
R: My brother and I had our dustups, mainly about who was entitled to put what where and whose turn it was to use whatever. But agreement inevitably prevailed over territorial conflict.
S: So you cut deals and made trade-offs to get time to yourself like I used to with my roomies.
R: Of course. And the walls were never dull, because we were always trying to outdecorate each other. There were posters everywhere!
S: Yeah, kids don’t necessarily need a room of their own to establish and assert their identity, do they?
R: Nope. Unlike their adult contemporaries, they don’t automatically buy into the modern-day consumerist notion that it’s better to have more space.
-by Colin Gread
dormitory [ˋdɔrmə͵torɪ] n.【美】(学院等的)学生宿舍
smooth sailing 一帆风顺 If something is smooth sailing, then you can progress without difficulty.
boarding [ˋbordɪŋ] n. 寄膳(宿)
dustup [ˋdʌst͵ʌp] n.【口】骚动;争论;争吵
be entitled to 有权,有资格…
entitle [ɪnˋtaɪt!] v. 给……权力(或资格)[(+to)]
inevitably [ɪnˋɛvətəblɪ] adv. 不可避免地;必然地
prevail [prɪˋvel] v. 胜过,战胜,优胜[(+over/against)]
territorial [͵tɛrəˋtorɪəl] adj. 领土的
cut a deal (在司法方面)达成协议 to arrange a deal; to negotiate an agreement
trade-off [ˋtred͵ɔf] n.〔两种对立因素之间的〕平衡; 妥协; 协调 an exchange, esp as a compromise
roomie [ˈrumi] n.室友
dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,单调的,令人生厌的
assert [əˋsɝt] v. 坚称; 断言; 坚决表明
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] n. 同时代的人
buy into【非正式】相信〔观点〕Informal to believe in, especially wholeheartedly or uncritically
consumerist [kənˋsjumərɪst] adj.(用作定语)消费主义的
Sentence of the Day
They should share and share alike.
share and share alike: 【谚】事事均分 give equal shares to all