A Family Feud 手足阋墙
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年4月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:637
Ryan and Claudia are discussing the upcoming birth of their second child, Stuart: 雷恩和克劳蒂雅正在讨论他们即将出世的第二个孩子,史都华:
R: I can’t wait! I want to meet our new son today.
C: Me too! But I wonder how Martin will feel about becoming an older brother.
R: He’s going to love Stuart as much as we will.
C: I hope so. My sister and I fought like cat and dog. We still don’t see eye to eye! Didn’t you and your sister compete for your parents’ attention?
R: No, I think the prevalence of sibling rivalry is over-exaggerated. You and your sister must have got on sometimes.
C: Yes, we were friends and enemies at the same time. We knew we could hurt each other because, at the end of the day, we’d still be sisters.
R: I see. Do you think because my younger sister and I are of opposite sexes, we fought less?
C: Possibly. Being intrinsically different probably gave you less reason to compete.
R: Well, I remember she was irritated because there were thousands of photographs of me as a baby, but very few of her.
C: How could your parents do that to your sister? We’d better stock up on film because there are going to be just as many photos of both our sons!
feud [fjud] n.(个人或团体间的)仇恨;长期不和;争吵
fight like cat and dog(非正式)>(两人)争吵不休 to argue violently all the time
see eye to eye (与某人)看法完全一致 to agree with someone
prevalence [ˋprɛvələns] n. 流行,盛行;普遍
sibling [ˋsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹
rivalry [ˋraɪv!rɪ] n. 竞争;对抗
exaggerated [ɪgˋzædʒə͵retɪd] adj. 夸大的﹐ 言过其实的
get on 后面往往接 with, 再接人, 表示与某人友好相处 to be or continue on harmonious terms
intrinsically [ɪnˋtrɪnsɪk!ɪ] adv. 从本质上(讲)
irritated [`ɪrətetɪd] adj. 恼火的; 急躁的
stock up (为某种需要或目的)储备(某物) to build up a supply of something
Sentence of the Day
All's fair in love and war.
All's fair in love and war: In some situations, such as when you are in love or waging war, you are allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want.
Ryan is discussing Claudia’s concerns with his colleague, Stella: 雷恩正和同事史黛拉讨论克劳蒂雅所操心的事:
R: Claudia’s concerned Martin will be jealous after his brother’s born. Do you know what causes sibling rivalry?
S: Trust me, having four children, I know all about sibling rivalry! Children clash because they’re in competition for their parents’ time, attention and approval.
R: So, the first child becomes jealous after the second is born because his parents’ attention has been divided?
S: Yes, the older child dislikes the situation and holds the younger child responsible. He’ll try to find ways to make the parents stop loving the new brother!
R: Well, I’m not going to allow my son to antagonize his new brother!
S: You must remember that it’s natural. And it can actually be quite useful.
R: Excuse my skepticism, but what’s useful about havoc in your home?
S: Well, it can help your children value another person’s perspective, teach them to compromise, negotiate and control aggressive impulses.
R: I think I should have been more aggressive in my negotiations with Claudia! I’m not sure why I agreed to a second child.
S: Nobody said that parenting was child’s play, but experience is the better teacher. In a few years from now, you’ll probably be able to handle your sons’ squabbles without batting an eyelid.
-by Wade Barnett
jealous [ˋdʒɛləs] adj. 妒忌的
clash [klæʃ] n. 冲突;不协调
antagonize [ænˋtægə͵naɪz] v. 使对抗;使敌对
skepticism [ˋskɛptəsɪzəm] n. 怀疑的态度
havoc [ˋhævək] n. 浩劫﹐大破坏
perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 看法,观点
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. 妥协,让步
aggressive [əˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 好斗的,挑衅的; 有进取心的﹐ 有冲劲的; 执着的
impulse [ˋɪmpʌls] n. 冲动,一时的念头
parenting [ˋpɛrəntɪŋ] n. 父母对孩子的养育[照顾]
child’s play 【口】容易做的事. 轻而易举之事 something very easy to do
squabble [ˋskwɑb!] n. 争吵,口角
without batting an eyelid【口】不露声色; 处之泰然 without showing alarm or response; without blinking an eye
Sentence of the Day
He never had a fighting chance.
fighting chance 需经过努力奋斗才能获得成功的机会