The Anatomy of an Oil Spill 漏油事件面面观
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年2月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:480
On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez hit a reef off the Alaskan coast. The resulting oil spill covered 800 km of shoreline and devastated the neighboring coastal environment. Though the Valdez spill was the worst in U.S. history, oil spill are a daily risk and occurrence.
An oil spill occurs when petroleum products are released into the environment due to human error, equipment malfunction, natural disasters, or, as is increasingly feared nowadays, intentional destruction. Of course, few oil spills approach the magnitude of the Valdez spill. Nevertheless, 14,000 spills of all sizes are recorded by the American EPA each year.
Most spills occur over salt water, forming oil slicks. As oil slicks get thinner they become sheens and take on a rainbow-like coloring. The effects on wildlife, as seen in Alaska, are devastating. Some animals are poisoned by ingesting oil while others are coated, leading to suffocation or exposure. Those animals that survive may pass poisonous chemicals up the food chain, culminating in a toxic fish sandwich for your lunch.
Some large-scale oil spills take dozens of years to disappear from local eco-systems and food chains. Given this frightening reality, it’s imperative that we treat Mother Nature better … or face her wrath.
anatomy [əˋnætəmɪ] n.(详细的)分析
reef [rif] n. 礁;暗礁
shoreline [ˋʃorlaɪn] n. 海岸线;岸线地带
devastate [ˋdɛvəs͵tet] v. 破坏;蹂躏
magnitude [ˋmægnə͵tjud] n. 巨大﹐庞大
slick [slɪk] n.(漂有浮油的)光滑水面;浮油
sheen [ʃin] n.〔外表的〕光泽﹐光彩 glistening brightness; luster ; v. 发光,闪耀
take on 具有; 呈现 give the appearance
ingest [ɪnˋdʒɛst] v. 摄取〔食物〕; 咽下
suffocation [͵sʌfəˋkeʃən] n. 窒息;闷死 the condition of being deprived of oxygen
imperative [ɪmˋpɛrətɪv] adj. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的 extremely urgent or important; essential
wrath [ræθ] n.【正式】愤怒﹐狂怒 angry, violent, or stern indignation
Sentence of the Day
Many people are still upset with Exxon because they feel the company dragged its heels when it came to helping fix the damage it caused.
drag one’s heels 故意拖沓或怠工
Tiffany and her boyfriend James are reading the daily newspapers while relaxing at a local café: 蒂芬妮和她的男朋友詹姆士在当地的一家咖啡馆休息,阅读当日的新闻报纸:
J: Oh no, look at this. Another oil spill in the news! Check out these photos.
T: Look at those poor oil-covered birds. With oil soaking their feathers, they lose all their insulation and can freeze to death.
J: How can they clean up such a mess?
T: Well, today most governments take oil spills pretty seriously and have prevention plans in place. But in case a spill happens, contingency plans have been prepared, and there’s an array of technology to fight it.
J: It says in the article that they are using giant floating booms to contain the spill, in addition to skimmer boats that collect oil from the water’s surface.
T: Right. During the Exxon Valdez spill, they relied on in situ burning to burn the oil right off the water. They even tried to use giant sponges called sorbents to soak up the stuff.
J: I guess oil spills are just a necessary evil of our energy-hungry world.
T: Yeah, it may be black gold to some people, but I’m sure those birds feel differently.
J: Well, I have my own cup of black gold right here. Pass the sugar, please.
-by Darshan Tyler
insulation [͵ɪnsəˋleʃən] n. 绝缘(体)
in place 准备就绪; 适当的 in the appropriate or usual position or order
contingency [kənˋtɪndʒənsɪ] n. 意外事故;偶然事件 an event that may occur but that is not likely or intended; a possibility
floating boom 浮栅;浮栏
boom [bum] n. 浮木挡栅,水栅(用来阻挡溢出的油扩散
skimmer [ˋskɪmɚ] n. 撇取浮物的器具
in situ【拉】在原处;在原位置 in the original position.
sorbent [ˋsɔrbənt] n. 有吸收作用之物; 吸附剂;吸着剂
a necessary evil 不可避免的恶事[弊害] something that you do not like but which you know must exist or happen
Sentence of the Day
The world really needs to clean up its act when it comes to the environment.
clean up one’s act 改变生活方式;改头换面,重新做人