A Raging Debate 燃烧吧,火苗!?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年11月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:463
Gary and Elizabeth are hiking on Yangmingshan: 盖瑞和伊丽莎白正在阳明山健行。
G: Have you heard about all those wildfires in the States this year?
E: Yeah. It’s terrible, isn’t it? All those beautiful trees up in smoke, not to mention the damages to property.
G: I agree about the loss of property, but not about the trees.
E: What? We’re talking about trees that were hundreds-of-years old. They’re irreplaceable!
G: I’m not arguing about their value; I’m just saying that wildfires can do forests more good than harm.
E: Look, I know that jack pine need fire to release their seeds, but how could a raging inferno possible help a stand of ancient sequoias?
G: Well, for one, charcoal produced by forest fires improves soil quality, by absorbing tannins and other growth-inhibiting agents.
E: That may be, but all things in moderation — the States has had over six million acres of forest scorched this year; that’s double the ten-year average.
G: Because we’ve adopted an overprotective attitude! If we’d just allowed small, controlled fires, there wouldn’t be so much fuel on the ground, and wildfires wouldn’t be getting so out of control.
E: Prescribed burning’s a thorny issue, so maybe we should just agree to disagree. We don’t want our debate to rage out of control, do we?
-by Michael Costello
raging [`redʒɪŋ] adj.〔感情〕强烈的
(go) up in smoke 被烧光 burning
irreplaceable [͵ɪrɪˋplesəb!] adj.〔因特别或贵重而〕独一无二的; 不可代替的
jack pine 短叶松
inferno [ɪnˋfɝno] n.【文】熊熊烈火﹐ 火海
stand [stænd] n. (一)丛 a group or growth of tall plants or trees
sequoia [sɪˋkwɔɪə] n.(产于美国加州的)红杉
charcoal [ˋtʃɑr͵kol] n. 木炭,炭
tannin [ˋtænɪn] n.【化】丹宁酸;丹宁;鞣酸
in moderation [͵mɑdəˋreʃən] 适度地; 有节制地 within moderate or reasonable limits
scorch [skɔrtʃ] v. 烧焦,烤焦
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] n. 燃料
prescribed [prɪˋskraɪbd] adj. 规定的
thorny [ˋθɔrnɪ] adj. 棘手的;麻烦的;多障碍的;引起争议的
Sentence of the Day
They’re fighting fire with fire.
fight fire with fire 以火攻火,以毒攻毒