Cuckoo For Cuckoo Clocks 煞到咕咕钟
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:605
Germany is famous for serving up some of the world’s best beer and pig knuckles, but its cuckoo clock tradition is less well-known.
In Germany’s Black Forest, winters bring very heavy snowfall. Long ago, winter often confined whole families to their farmsteads. In the 1600s, farmers here began to spend these isolated months hand carving wooden clocks to supplement their meager farm earnings. Come summer, peddlers would strap these clocks to their backs and sell them around Europe.
Some time around 1738, a clockmaker named Franz Ketterer struck upon the idea of including bellows in his clocks, like those of a church organ, to duplicate the call of a cuckoo bird. In addition, a miniature bird would spring out from behind a trap door as the clock chimed on the hour and the half-hour.
In the years that followed, ingenious Black Forest clockmakers created increasingly complicated and ornate cuckoo clocks that included music boxes and moving scenes of country life. The Black Forest became known for producing exquisite clocks which brought to life a distant, enchanted forest.
Recently, cheaper, battery powered imitations of cuckoo clocks have appeared, but authentic cuckoo clocks are still produced according to time-tested techniques in the Black Forest.
cuckoo [ˋkʊku] n.【鸟】杜鹃,布谷鸟
knuckle [ˋnʌk!] n.(四足兽的)膝关节
farmstead [ˋfɑrm͵stɛd] n. 农场建筑物和周围地区;农庄
meager [ˋmigɚ] adj.〔食物﹑金钱等〕不足的﹐贫乏的
peddler [ˋpɛdlɚ] n. 小贩
strap [stræp] v. 用带捆绑(或束住)
strike upon 发现; 想出 have a good idea
bellow [ˋbɛlo] n.〔送风催火的〕吹风器; 风箱
organ [ˋɔrgən] n. 管风琴,风琴
trap door 地板或屋顶上的活门
chime [tʃaɪm] v.(钟)鸣,鸣响
ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj. 心灵手巧的; 〔人〕善于创造发明的
bring to life 给…以活力put new life into
enchanted [ɪnˋtʃæntɪd] adj. 被施魔法的; 入迷的
imitation [͵ɪməˋteʃən] n. 仿制品;赝品; 模仿,模拟
Sentence of the Day
Cuckoo clocks have a reputation for keeping time very accurately.
A couple, Kevin and Oprah, are on a clockmaking tour in the Black Forest town of Furtwangen: 凯文和欧普拉这对夫妻正在黑森林地区的福特万根镇进行一趟咕咕钟制作参观之旅:
K: Legend has it that if you hear a cuckoo in the forest, good fortune will be yours.
O: Well then, shall we buy a cuckoo clock?
K: I’d love to! It would be a lovely addition to our living room.
O: My guidebook says that Franz Ketterer, the guy who pioneered the cuckoo clock, even had his little cuckoo birds move as they warbled the hour.
K: The clocks are produced with such attention to detail! These craftspeople sure care about the tradition.
O: Absolutely. Every part is hand cut and crafted by local master craftspeople. No wonder they’re so pricy.
K: The tour guide said the world’s most valuable cuckoo clock was made in 1787, and it tells the time around the world. We can see it in the Furtwangen museum.
O: Y’know, I used to think cuckoo clocks were made in Switzerland!
K: It’s a common misconception. Hopefully, we can afford a handmade clock after the tour – not one of those fakes, complete with their electronic cuckoo sounds.
O: I think we’d both go a bit cuckoo ourselves if we had to listen to that battery-operated imitation day in, day out!
-by Nick Wheeler
legend has it that 据传说…
addition [əˋdɪʃən] n. 附加物
pioneer [͵paɪəˋnɪr] v. 当先驱,成为开拓者; n. 先驱者,开拓者
warble [ˋwɔrb!] v.(鸟)啭鸣,唱
craftspeople [ˋkræftspip!] n. 工匠
misconception [͵mɪskənˋsɛpʃən] n. 错误想法﹐误解; 错误印象
complete [kəmˋplit] adj. 兼有的;附带的[F][(+with)]
go cuckoo【俚】愚笨的;疯狂的;失常错乱的 become insane
day in, day out 一天接一天地; 日复一日
Sentence of the Day
With their classic design, cuckoo clocks have no need to keep up with the times.
keep up with the times 与时俱进;跟上时代
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How It's Made Cuckoo Clocks