The Toilet: From Chamber Pots to Water Closets 马桶:从便壸到冲水马桶
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年3月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:455
What invention has most affected daily life over the years? Numerous conveniences have influenced history, but when nature calls, you’re sure to guess the answer right away! That’s right – the toilet is one of the greatest, yet most underpraised, inventions of them all.
The toilet has accompanied the rise and fall of many civilizations – its level of sophistication seeming to mirror society’s development. For example, remains dating to 2,500 BC show that there were toilets both in ancient India and ancient Egypt, complete with covered drains that removed excreta with running water. As these civilizations disappeared, so too did their advanced toilet designs.
For centuries in Europe, defecation often occurred outdoors, feces were dumped on the streets, and rivers often became polluted with sewage. The sheer vulgarity of this bestial public emptying of the bowels and the overwhelming stench of it all likely drove Sir John Harrington to develop the flushing toilet for Queen Elizabeth in 1596. It took two hundred years, however, for his design to become widely used.
The late nineteenth century saw Queen Victoria’s genteel reign and the British Empire dictating civilized notions to the world. The toilet, accordingly, came into vogue. It was even given its own area in the household, which evolved into what we now call the bathroom.
chamber [ˋtʃembɚ] pot 便壶,夜壶
nature calls 【婉】小便; 大便 when someone says - nature calls - they mean they have to go to the bathroom
underpraised 没有得到应有的赞赏的
sophistication [sə͵fɪstɪˋkeʃən] n.(科技产品的)复杂;精密
complete [kəmˋplit] adj. 兼有的;附带的[F][(+with)]
drain [dren] n. 排水设备
excreta [ɛkˋskritə] n. 排泄物(如尿、粪、汗)waste matter, such as sweat, urine, or feces, discharged from the body
defecation [͵dɛfəˋkeʃən] n. 排便 the elimination of fecal waste through the anus
feces [ˋfisiz] n. 排泄物
sewage [ˋsjuɪdʒ] n. 污水;污秽物
vulgarity [vʌlˋgærətɪ] n. 粗俗;粗野的动作 the quality of lacking taste and refinement
bestial [ˋbɛstʃəl] adj. 兽类的
bowel [ˋbaʊəl] n. 肠子
stench [stɛntʃ] n. 恶臭 a strong, foul odor; a stink
flush [flʌʃ] v. 用水冲洗
genteel [dʒɛnˋtil] adj. 彬彬有礼的;有教养的 refined in manner; well-bred and polite
dictate [ˋdɪktet] v. 命令; 发号施令; 强行规定 to issue orders or commands
vogue [vog] n. 流行;风行
evolve [ɪˋvɑlv] v. 发展;进化
Sentence of the Day
Don’t flush it all away.
Marc’s friend Emily has just emerged from the restroom at a restaurant: 马克的朋友爱蜜莉刚在餐厅上完厕所。
E: Glad that’s been flushed away!
M: Remember that documentary we watched last week? Hundreds of years ago, you would have been crapping into a pot that some unlucky soul would have had to deal with.
E: There must have been an awful stench everywhere in those days. Let’s raise a glass to Alexander Cumming and his perfection of the technology of flushing.
M: The narrator mentioned that Cumming’s design successfully suppressed foul odors, too.
E: It was a few years, though, before the introduction of London’s sewage system, so I guess all the feces still had to be manually removed.
M: That’s right. London’s sewage system was constructed in the late 1880s and is still in operation today.
E: Didn’t it take cholera ravaging the city before people realized that a drainage network was necessary?
M: Yes. Can you imagine what it was like when the contents of chamber pots were thrown into the street below?
E: Or in Roman times when it was common for nobles to relieve themselves in front of others while socializing!
M: Fortunately, as society has developed, people have increasingly limited such distasteful activities to a private sanctuary where everything gets whisked away.
E: Remember the old saying “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”
M: Meaning, if you take care of your physical hygiene, your mind will soar.
-by Nick Wheeler
crap [kræp] v.【粗】拉屎 to defecate
soul [sol] n. 人
narrator [næˋretɚ] n. 叙述者,讲述者
foul [faʊl] adj. 恶臭的
ravage [ˋrævɪdʒ] v. 毁灭;蹂躏 to cause extensive damage to
drainage [ˋdrenɪdʒ] n. 排水系统,排水设备;下水道
distasteful [dɪsˋtestfəl] adj. 使人不愉快的;讨厌的
sanctuary [ˋsæŋktʃʊ͵ɛrɪ] n. 避难所; 躲避处
whisk [hwɪsk] away 快而轻地掸去,拂去; 匆匆送走 take away quickly and suddenly
cleanliness is next to godliness 【谚】整洁近于美德; 意思是一个人的身体和品行(身心)是否清洁,其重要性仅次于对上帝是否忠诚。something that you say which means that except for worshipping God, the most important thing in life is to be clean
godliness [ˋgɑdlɪnɪs] n. 神圣;虔信,虔敬
hygiene [ˋhaɪdʒin] n. 卫生
Sentence of the Day
Necessity is the mother of invention.