Tune In; Stay Safe 锁定频道,永保安康
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年1月17日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:497
Two accountants, Carl and Gina, are returning to Taipei from a business meeting in Hualien. Carl is driving, when Gina reaches for the radio: 会计师卡尔和吉娜在花莲开完公务会议,正返回台北。卡尔在开车,吉娜伸手要转收音机:
C: Hey! Don’t change the frequency; I’m enjoying this, anyway, we’re still in Ilan, so it’s impossible to get your –
G: Don’t be so sure….Aha! Got it – the Taipei Broadcasting Station.
C: I can’t imagine why you’re addicted to such an official – and boring – station. Is it because you get to listen to Mayor Ma’s “sweet” voice?
G: Don’t be so mean. I listen to TBS because it provides me with valuable info that’s closely related to Taipei life.
C: Yeah – I recall you’ve lectured me before about tuning in to TBS when there’s a typhoon.
G: You should; it reports the latest forecasts from the Central Weather Bureau – and accurately.
C: Unlike some cable channels whose self-appointed experts always exaggerate the danger – the farce last year surrounding Typhoon Sinlaku was so embarrassing.
G: Well, a burnt child dreads the fire, I guess – speaking of which, it’s 119 Firefighters’ Day in a couple of days.
C: Who cares? It’s not even a holiday.
G: With you around, I guess we don’t need firefighters: you always know how to throw water on my fire!
tune in (调整收音机、电视机等的频率、频道等)收听或收看某一节目
frequency [ˋfrikwənsɪ] n. 频率
addicted [əˋdɪktɪd] adj. 沉溺于某种(尤其是不良的)嗜好的;入了迷的
mean [min] adj. 刻薄的; 吝啬的,小气的
recall [rɪˋkɔl] v. 回想,回忆
lecture [ˋlɛktʃɚ] v. 教训,训斥
self-appointed [͵sɛlfəˋpɔɪntɪd] adj. 自命的﹐ 自封的
exaggerate [ɪgˋzædʒə͵ret] v. 夸张,夸大;对……言过其实
farce [fɑrs] n. 笑剧;闹剧
embarrassing [ɪmˋbærəsɪŋ] adj. 令人尴尬的﹐ 使人难堪的
a burnt child dreads the fire 一朝被灼烧, 三年怕火光。; 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 if something has hurt you once, you avoid it after that
throw (cold) water on 泼冷水, 使气馁 to be negative about someone's ideas or plans
Sentence of the Day
She likes to listen in.
listen in 偷听(谈话等); 收听电台广播
Carl and Gina head up into the mountains, toward Taipei, while listening to TBS: 卡尔和吉娜返回台北途中开上山区,他们正收听台北广播电台:
C: Don’t say that! I’ve always believed safety is paramount – we installed smoke detectors at home years ago.
G: Within earshot of every room, I hope. What about maintenance – are you testing them and replacing the batteries at regular intervals?
C: Yes, We clean and test them every week, and the batteries are changed every New Year’s Day. We save the old batteries for the TV remote control.
G: Good idea. I’m sure it goes without saying that you should never do it the other way around.
C: Of course. And we have fire drills every six months. I’ve drummed it into my family that nobody’s to go back into a burning building, only firefighters.
G: Good to hear: people tend to panic less in a fire when they know the drill, and heroics are often fatal.
C: It’s true. My family knows exactly what to do in all kinds of emergencies: fires, earthquakes, typhoons.
G: I’m impressed! How did you learn all these things?
C: My wife….she….erm….listens to TBS.
G: Aha! Good for her; she’s being a good mom. If people choose to ignore potentially life-saving advice – well, they’re just playing with fire!
paramount [ˋpærə͵maʊnt] adj. 至高无上的;最重要的
earshot [ˋɪr͵ʃɑt] n. 听力所及之范围
it goes without saying 不消说,不言而喻, 毋庸置疑 it should be generally understood or accepted
the other way around 从相反的方向, 以相反的方式 with the order reversed
fire drill [drɪl] 火灾避难训练;消防演习
drum it into someone 经常重复某事使某人记住 to force someone to remember (something) by repeating it constantly
heroics [hɪˋroɪks] n.〔过分的〕豪言壮语; 逞英雄行为
play with fire 玩火
Sentence of the Day
She soon smoked out the truth.
smoke out the truth 查出了真相