A Roof Over Your Head 当个有壳蜗牛
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年11月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:481
Affordable shelter is one of the most basic human needs, whether home is a palm-thatched hut, a sturdy structure that protects weather – or anything in between. While the diversity of housing around the world is virtually limitless, the desire for home ownership is universal.
有能力拥有自己的窝是人类的基本需求之一,不管这个窝是个茅草顶的陋室,或是确实能庇护成员免于风吹雨打的坚固建筑物 ── 或者是介于两者之间的任何房舍。全世界的建物种类多得不可胜数,但冀望拥有自己房子则是共通的梦想。
Buying a house is the most secure method of acquiring shelter. Holding title to the property and building that houses your family means you cannot be subject to a landlord’s decision to raise rents, convert the property to more expensive housing, or sell outright and demolish your home. Unfortunately, the costs of home ownership are prohibitive for countless millions of families in the developed world.
In Canada, for example, about sixty percent of households own their home; the rest rely mainly on private-sector landlords who set rents according to market demand. Only five percent of Canadian households live in subsidized public housing – housing units owned by the government and rented at below-market rates. As a result, families are the fastest growing group among the homeless in Canada, partly due to government funding cuts to public housing programs in the past decade. For many citizens of even the wealthiest countries, affordable shelter remains an unattainable dream.
palm [pɑm] n. 棕榈叶
thatched [θætʃt] adj. 茅草盖的
hut [hʌt] n.(简陋的)小屋
sturdy [ˋstɝdɪ] adj. 坚固的,经久耐用的
diversity [daɪˋvɝsətɪ] n.〔人或事物的〕多种多样
title [ˋtaɪt!] n. 权利,资格
subject [ˋsʌbdʒɪkt] adj. 受..支配的; 使服从于...[(+to)]
landlord [ˋlænd͵lɔrd] n. 房东;(旅馆,家庭公寓等的)主人
outright [ˋaʊtˋraɪt] adv. 全部地;彻底地; 当场;立即
demolish [dɪˋmɑlɪʃ] v. 毁坏,破坏;拆除
prohibitive [prəˋhɪbɪtɪv] adj.〔价格〕高得负担不起的﹐ 贵得使人望而却步的
private sector【经】(社会经济中心)私营部分
subsidize [ˋsʌbsə͵daɪz] v. 给……津贴,补助,资助
unattainable [͵ʌnəˋtenəb!] adj. 达不到的;做不到的
Sentence of the Day
Home is where the heart is.
Jeremy and Anne have just heard from their lawyer that the paperwork has been completed for the purchase of their first home: 杰洛米和安从他们的律师那儿听到消息,他们打算买的第一栋房子的文件都已经准备妥当了:
A: Waiting to find out whether the sellers would accept our purchase offer was nerve-racking.
J: Tell me about it! Before we got involved in buying a house, I only considered the salient feature I wanted in a house- plenty of room, a garage ….
A: It turned out to be a lot more complicated, didn’t it? There were so many steps: checking that the seller had clear title to the property, that the taxes and utility bills were settled, ensuring that creditors had no rights over chattel sold with the house ---
J: Let alone confirming that the land was surveyed properly and spending hours talking to the mortgage officer at the bank.
A: Yeah, it was a relief to finally cross the t’s and dot the i’s.
J: There was a lot of red tape, for sure. Government regulations may be designed to protect consumers, but they wound up costing us big money.
A: We’ll be OK. We have good jobs, and in a few years we can look at refinancing our monthly payments. Anyway, we’re of the landowning class now!
J: Now all we need is a butler named Jeeves!
【注】:Jeeves吉夫斯,人名,是P.G. Wodehouse 所著一系列小说中善于施奇计的忠实管家。
-by Mary Lasovich
nerve-racking [ˋnɝv͵rækɪŋ] adj. 极使人不安的;伤脑筋的
salient [ˋselɪənt] adj. 显著的;突出的
creditor [ˋkrɛdɪtɚ] n. 债权人;贷方
chattel [ˋtʃæt!] n.【法律﹐过时】动产; 私人财产
mortgage [ˋmɔrgɪdʒ] n. 抵押借款
relief [rɪˋlif] n.〔因恐惧﹑忧虑或痛苦的解除而感到的〕安慰
cross the t’s and dot the i’s 一丝不苟; 重视细节, 一丝不苟地完成任务To take care of every detail, even minor ones; To be meticulous or thorough.
red tape 繁文缛节, 官样文章, 拖拉费时的繁琐手续等
wind up 最终沦落到;最终落得;(以…)告终
refinance [͵rifɪˋnæns] v.(为……)再提供资金;(为……)再筹款项
landowning [ˋlænd͵onɪŋ] adj. 拥有土地的
butler [ˋbʌtlɚ] n. 男管家;司膳总管
Sentence of the Day
They're on the home stretch to home.
home stretch(旅程或活动等的)最后部分,最后阶段