Kick Butts! 踢掉烟屁股!
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年3月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:474
What’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever had to do? For many people, it’s throwing away their cigarettes and never lighting up again. As difficult as this is, however, it’s not impossible. In Canada, there are now more ex-smokers than there are smokers. So why and how did they do?
The health benefits of stubbing out the final butt are well-known. Non-smokers enjoy healthier hearts and lungs, while other ailments such as the flu and gum disease are less common and less severe. However, what is less well-known is that the benefits of quitting begin almost immediately. Within two days, the chances of a heart attack decrease, and within three days, lung performance begins to improve.
So how do so many people kick the habit of smoking? Each person is different, so there are many ways of succeeding. Some smokers quit cold turkey. Others need the assistance of pharmaceuticals, such as the nicotine patch or antidepressants, while some gradually cut down on cigarettes until they have stopped completely.
The important thing is to try to quit smoking until you finally succeed. You will become stronger with each attempt, so don’t lose heart if you fail at first. In the end, your heart and lungs will thank you.
butt [bʌt] n. 烟蒂
stub [stʌb] out 把〔香烟〕捻灭 to put out something, such as a cigarette or cigar, by crushing the burning end against a hard object
ailment [ˋelmənt] n. 病痛;(尤指轻微的)疾病
gum [gʌm] n. 齿龈,牙床
kick the habit【口】戒除某嗜好
succeeding [ sək'sidɪŋ] n. 达到目的; 成功做成
quit cold turkey 断然戒烟; 断然戒烟,不采渐进方式,也不用药物辅助
cold turkey 直截了当的话(或方式); 使有毒瘾者突然停用毒品而不是逐渐减少剂量的处理方法 describes the actions of a person who gives up a habit or addiction all at once — that is, rather than gradually easing the process through gradual reduction or by using replacement medication
nicotine [ˋnɪkə͵tin] n.【化】烟碱;尼古丁
lose heart 气馁 to stop believing that you can succeed
Sentence of the Day
It’s easy to become a creature of habit.
Randall and Jessica are at a restaurant. Randall reaches for a cigarette and goes to light it: 蓝道和洁西卡在一家餐厅里,蓝道拿出香烟正想把它点着:
J: Hey! What are you doing? This is a non-smoking area!
R: Oh, sorry. I guess I tried to light one by force of habit.
J: Hey, I know you’re addicted to nicotine and all that. But even so, you might want to consider others when exposing them to your secondhand smoke.
R: Are you worried about getting cancer? You know, the WHO conducted the largest study ever done on secondhand smoke and it showed a statistically insignificant increase in lung cancer for non-smokers who are around smokers.
J: I read about that, and the WHO has a few words to say about that interpretation. Those words were: Don’t let them fool you. Cancer aside, cigarette smoke stings my eyes, makes my clothes stink, and generally irritates me. I just don’t want to be around it!
R: Of course. I understand. Anyway, I really ought to give up smoking.
J: Why don’t you talk to your doctor? There’s lots of ways now to help smokers quit without them suffering from too many cravings.
R: That’s a good idea. I’d love to break this habit.
-by Mark Hamilton
force of habit 由于习惯, 出于习惯 behavior that has become automatic through long practice or frequent repetition
addicted [əˋdɪktɪd] adj. 有瘾的﹐上瘾的
secondhand [ˋsɛkəndhænd] adj. 二手的; 间接的
statistically [stəˋtɪstɪklɪ] adv. 统计上
interpretation [ɪn͵tɝprɪˋteʃən] n. 解释﹐说明
sting [stɪŋ] v. 刺痛,使疼痛
stink [stɪŋk] v. 散发出恶臭
irritate [ˋɪrɪ͵tet] v. 使感到不适; 使难受
craving [ˋkrevɪŋ] n. 渴望﹐热望
Sentence of the Day
He smokes like a chimney.
chimney [ˋtʃɪmnɪ] n. 烟囱