Househusbands: When Mommy Brings Home the Bacon 家庭主夫:男主内、女主外的时代现象
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年5月21日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:473
During the heyday of the nuclear family in the fifties, family structures and parental roles were clearly defined. However, three decades of feminism have hoisted women into high salary positions, and now some 30 percent of working wives earn more than their husbands. This modern shift in gender roles is beginning to transform the “man of the house” into “househusband.”
Stay-at-home dads will likely admit that giving up the rat race to run a household is no walk in the park. Social pressures, such as ridicule or misunderstanding from peers, can damage self-esteem and threaten a marriage. Furthermore, even men who feel secure in their new role sometimes experience a sense of aimlessness or unimportance. Nevertheless, an online poll showed over 60 percent of men and 80 percent of women loved the idea of househusbands.
But is this role reversal so new? Twenty years ago, Hollywood showed us Michael Keaton donning an apron in Mr. Mom, and more recently, we saw Eddie Murphy become a childcare professional in Daddy Daycare. So shouldn’t househusbands be a commonplace experience by now? For centuries, women sacrificed careers for caretaking and no one batted an eye. Perhaps someday househusbands will also be considered the norm and not anomalies.
househusband [ˋhaʊs͵hʌsbənd] n. 操持家务的家庭主夫
bring home the bacon 养家糊口;维持生计
heyday [ˋhede] n. 最兴盛[最有影响﹐最成功]的时期
nuclear family 小家庭,核心家庭(仅由父母及子女组成)
parental [pəˋrɛnt!] adj. 父母亲的
feminism [ˋfɛmənɪzəm] n. 女权主义
hoist [hɔɪst] v. 举起;升起
rat race【俚】(商界)日常紧张的竞争活动
ridicule [ˋrɪdɪkjul] n. 嘲笑,揶揄
aimlessness [ˋemləsnɪs] n. 无目的,盲目性
reversal [rɪˋvɝs!] n. 反转; 倒转
don [dɑn] n. 穿上;披上;穿着
apron [ˋeprən] n. 围裙;工作裙
childcare [ˋtʃaɪldkɛr] n. 儿童看护﹐儿童照管
not bat an eye【口】不露声色; 处之泰然 to not show any reaction
norm [nɔrm] n. 标准; 准则; 规范
anomaly [əˋnɑməlɪ] n. 反常(事物);异常(现象)
Sentence of the Day
He’s not wearing the pants anymore.
wear the pants【贬】(通常指女子)作主, 当家, 掌权(尤指婚姻关系)
Darren speaks to his girlfriend, Paige, after talking to a friend on the phone: 达伦和朋友通完了电话,对女朋友佩琪说:
D: That was Greg. He just told me he’s decided to become a househusband for a year to try it out.
P: Wow! That takes guts. I hope you guys don’t make fun of him.
D: My dad might have, but there’s no way I will. I think it’s great! His wife’s a lawyer, so she’s pulling in enough money for the family.
P: Have they considered how they’ll divvy up the domestic work in this new arrangement?
D: They’re still working out the details. But she’s still going to arrange social events, while he takes over the housekeeping and raising their two kids.
P: I’m not sure Greg is much of a homemaker. If his wife’s making so much money, they should hire a nanny.
D: C’mon. That would be a waste of money. Also, it would hardly be giving Greg the chance to show his domestic competence.
P: You’re right. I was thinking a bit anachronistically there.
D: Greg’s even looked online for manly inspiration. He found an ex-FBI agent and investor who’s set up a site called for househusbands married to go-getter wives.
P: No fooling? Well, I guess we’ve come a long way since Mr. Mom.
-by Jaleea Price
try out 试验, 试用
make fun of 取笑, 嘲弄
no way【口】当然不,一点也不,决不
pull in 赚到, 获得
divvy [ˋdɪvɪ] up <俚>分掉,分摊 give out as one's portion or share
work out 解决; 制定出
much of 了不起的 to any appreciable degree or extent
homemaker [ˋhom͵mekɚ] n. 主妇,持家的人
nanny [ˋnænɪ] n.【主英】保姆
competence [ˋkɑmpətəns] n. 能力
anachronistically [ə͵nækrəˋnɪstɪkəlɪ] adv. 不合潮流地; 被时代错置
manly [ˋmænlɪ] adj. 适合男性的,男子的
set up 建立,创立
go-getter [ˋgoˋgɛtɚ] n.【口】干劲十足的人
Sentence of the Day
The shoe’s on the other foot.