In Good Faith 浅谈新兴宗教
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年11月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:528
Since 1987, when martial law was lifted, more than one hundred new religious movements have emerged in Taiwan. Some mostly follow an established doctrine, but others, far less orthodox are raising concern among their more conventional counterparts.
Much criticism is aimed at alternative faiths because they often purport to preach the “Truth,” provide “salvation,” and hold the “real” answers to life’s questions; their charismatic, messianic leaders often become led by megalomania, lust, or greed down to the opposite path from that which they profess to follow; their recruitment strategies are overly fervent and possibly deceptive; and they all usually have excessive tithing and loss of personal freedom present to some degree.
Those supporters of established faiths who seek to defame emerging religions because of their questionable customs may find themselves in a catch-22; the practices they abhor may also be evident in the mainstream faith in which they themselves worship
Regardless of their methods, most emerging religions do seem to benefit society by offering followers faith and social support—if nothing else. Many apologists argue that even established faith systems started out somewhere. Religious philosophies are inherently unprovable, so all faiths, even “alternative” ones; benefit from being likewise impossible to refute.
martial law 军事管制, 戒严
lift [lɪft] v. 解除(封锁等)
doctrine [ˋdɑktrɪn] n.(宗教的)教义,教旨
orthodox [ˋɔrθə͵dɑks] adj. 正统的;传统的
purport [pɝˋport] v.【正式】声称是…﹐据称是…﹐像是…
salvation [sælˋveʃən] n.〔基督教中〕对灵魂的拯救﹐ 救赎
charismatic [͵kærɪzˋmætɪk] adj. 有吸引力的; 有感召力的; 有魅力的
messianic [͵mɛsɪˋænɪk] adj. 弥赛亚的;救世主的;以救世主自居的
megalomania [͵mɛgələˋmenɪə] n. 夸大狂; 妄自尊大﹐自高自大
lust [lʌst] n. 性欲,淫欲; 强烈的欲望;贪欲
profess [prəˋfɛs] v. 宣称信奉(宗教等);公开宣称
recruitment [rɪˋkrutmənt] n. 征募新兵; 招募;招聘
fervent [ˋfɝvənt] adj. 热情的;强烈的
deceptive [dɪˋsɛptɪv] adj. 欺骗的﹐欺诈的
tithing [ˋtaɪðɪŋ] n. 什一税〔旧时支付给基督教会的一种税〕之征收
defame [dɪˋfem] v. 诽谤;破坏……的名誉
questionable [ˋkwɛstʃənəb!] adj. 可疑的; 不确定的; 有问题的
catch-22 不合逻辑的或矛盾的问题、情况
abhor [əbˋhɔr] v. 厌恶;憎恶
apologist [əˋpɑlədʒɪst] n. 辩护者﹐ 辩解者
unprovable [ʌnˋpruvəb!]adj. 无法证明的,无法证实的
refute [rɪˋfjut] v. 驳斥,反驳,驳倒
Sentence of the Day
You made a believer out of me.
Marilyn bumps into Charles at a Taipei bus stop 玛丽莲在台北的一个公车站前遇到查尔斯:
M: Hey, Charles! Haven’t seen you in a while.
C: I’ve been checking out a new religious movement; I’m quite caught up in it.
M: Oh, gosh! You’ve joined a cult!
C: No, I’m doing research for my sociology thesis — and I prefer to call them emerging religions: cult has negative connotations, but they can be a good thing.
M: But how can institutes that promise answers they can’t deliver be beneficial to anyone?
C: Among other things, they help combat the feelings of alienation that are prevalent in our “impersonal” modern society and relieve anxiety in times of turmoil?
M: I suppose that is useful on an island that’s so susceptible to natural and political threats, but what about the heads—aren’t they just power-hungry con-artists?
C: Sometimes, sometimes not; the important thing is that they have the ability to install faith in people.
M: But don’t they just take over every aspect of followers’ lives? What about freedom?
C: Many devotees want to relinquish control: they often feel happier not having to make decisions –to them, that is freedom.
M: Well, I wouldn’t touch one of those “emerging religions” with a ten-foot pole. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Charles, I have an Amway meeting to attend.
-by Sean McCormack
bump [bʌmp] into【口】碰见某人; 偶遇; 巧遇
while [hwaɪl] n. 一会儿,一段时间
check out 调查﹐ 检查﹐ 核实﹐ 查证
be caught up in 受...吸引; 受...感染 having become involved involuntarily
cult [kʌlt] n. 异教;教派
sociology [͵soʃɪˋɑlədʒɪ] n. 社会学
thesis [ˋθisɪs] n. 论文〔指大学的高级学位论文﹐如文学硕士论文或哲学博士论文〕
connotation [͵kɑnəˋteʃən] n. 内涵,言外之意
institute [ˋɪnstətjut] n. 机构; 协会
alienation [͵eliəˋneʃən] n. 疏远;离间
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj. 流行的,盛行的;普遍的
impersonal [ɪmˋpɝsn!] adj. 无人情味的,冷淡的; 非人的;不具人格的
relieve [rɪˋliv] v. 缓和,减轻;解除
turmoil [ˋtɝmɔɪl] n. 骚动;混乱
susceptible [səˋsɛptəb!] adj. 易受……影响的[F][(+to)]
con artist【俚】骗子,以花言巧语骗人的人
take over 接管;接收
devotee [͵dɛvəˋti] n. 虔诚(或狂热)的宗教信徒
relinquish [rɪˋlɪŋkwɪʃ] v. 交出,让与[(+to)] ; 放弃
wouldn’t touch someone or something with a ten-foot pole 一次也不想碰… not have anything to do with it under any circumstances
Sentence of the Day
He has such a holier-than-thou attitude.
holier-than-thou [ˋholɪɚðənˋðaʊ] adj. 自以为道德上高人一等的