Trouble in the Workplace: The Art of Dealing with Difficult Coworkers 他不难相处,他是我同事
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年3月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:468
People can choose their friends but usually not their colleagues. Most working relationships are not problematic and they often develop into long-term contacts and friendships. But when colleagues don’t get along, and one of those coworkers might include yourself, steps must be taken to improve the situation, or negativity will pervade the workplace.
When you are responsible for dealing with a difficult coworker, handle the situation with kid gloves. The goal is to solve the problem, not make it worse, so you need to think about what to say before you face a problematic colleague. Try jotting down three to five main points to address so you’ll stay focused, and the uncomfortable discussion will take less time and be less stressful.
When speaking with a difficult coworker, avoid laying blame. Choose phrases that aren’t personally accusatory like, “You need to finish this today.” Instead, say something like, “This needs to be finished today.” Also, choose your words wisely. Tempers flare upon hearing emotionallyloaded words and phrases like “rude,” “you never,” “wrong,” and “you don’t care.” Those words trigger anger, and anger shuts down useful communication. And if you start to get hot under the collar, never raise your voice!
The name of the game is keeping everybody calm so an already tense situation isn’t exacerbated. Then, problems can be worked out.
get along 和睦相处 to be or continue to be on harmonious terms
negativity [͵nɛgəˋtɪvətɪ] n. 消极性;负面性
pervade [pɚˋved] v.〔感觉﹑想法或气味〕弥漫于﹐遍及﹐ 充满
handle something with kid gloves 以温和的或圆通的手段处理某事 handle with great care and sensitivity
jot down 草草记下; 匆匆记下 write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of
lay the blame on someone or something 责怪某人或某事 to say that someone or something is responsible
accusatory [əˋkjuzə͵torɪ] adj. 责问的;非难的 containing or implying accusation
flare [flɛr] v. 突然发怒(或激动)
loaded [ˋlodɪd] adj. 充满…的 heavy with meaning or emotional import
hot under the collar 发怒的; 尴尬的 very angry
the name of the game 问题的关键, 事情的实质, 事物的本质 the most important part of an activity, or the quality that you most need for that activity
exacerbate [ɪgˋzæsɚ͵bet] v. 使恶化;使加重 to make (pain, disease, emotion, etc.) more intense; aggravate
Sentence of the Day
“Keep cool and you command everybody.” – Louis de Saint-Just
“保持冷静才能治理人民。” – 路易德圣余斯特
Anita and Barry used to work together. Now, Anita is a project manager at a new company. They are having lunch together. 阿妮塔和贝瑞以前曾共事,现在她在新公司当项目经理,他们正在一块用午餐。
B: So, how’s your new job? Tough being a manager?
A: It’s pretty good, but I’m not looking forward to going back to work this afternoon.
B: Why is that?
A: I have to talk with one of my group leaders. He has great ideas, but he’s always argumentative with everyone.
B: That’s too bad. You know, you should talk to him face-to-face about this.
A: Oh, definitely. Sending an e-mail or memo would be much easier, but it wouldn’t solve anything.
B: Do you know what you’ll say to him?
A: I’ll start by thanking him for his great ideas. You know – a compliment.
B: Try using the word “professional” when you tell him how much you appreciate his work. That always butters them up.
A: I’ll even admit to him that some of his frustration might be my fault. I didn’t give him clear parameters for his project.
B: Good idea, but how will you get him to change his behavior?
A: That’s the most delicate part. I have some ideas, though, that might really help him work with the whole team better.
B: That’s good. No one likes criticism just for criticism’s sake.
A: I won’t argue with you there. Enough shop talk. Let’s order lunch.
B: Excellent! We don’t need to argue about that either. I’m starving.
-by Nick Wheeler
look forward to 期待 to anticipate something with pleasure
argumentative [͵ɑrgjəˋmɛntətɪv] adj. 好争论的 fond of or given to argument; disputatious
compliment [ˋkɑmpləmənt] n. 赞美的话;恭维 an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation
butter (someone) up 讨好..;奉承… to praise someone in order to get them to like you or do what you want
parameter [pəˋræmətɚ] n. 参数;限制因素;决定因素 one of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behavior and are varied in an experiment
delicate [ˋdɛləkət] adj. 需要小心处理的;微妙的 requiring tactful treatment
shop talk 谈论本行; 说句行话 talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand
Sentence of the Day
“Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots.” – Frank A. Clark
“批评要像雨一般,应该轻至足以滋育一个人的成长,而不至于摧毁其根基。” – 法兰克克拉克