No Kidding! 乱开玩笑祸之肇
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年1月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:481
Matty and Joanna are discussing a meeting they have just attended concerning office policies: 麦提和裘安娜刚参加一个有关公司政策的会议,此刻正在讨论:
M: I think the new policy on offensive office jokes is way too extreme; I don’t think they’re seeing the whole picture.
J: If jokes in the workplace that discriminate against or belittle others are condoned, the company could face a discrimination suit.
M: Look, making jokes helps people relax and create friendships, which can only improve productivity; these new policies will interfere with all that.
J: Well, that just means we’re going to have to start telling jokes that aren’t at the expense of others such as women, minorities, or gays.
M: But, if the kind of people you’re joking about isn’t present, there’s no harm done.
J: Wrong, Matty – you never know who’s listening, nor if the people you’re joking with is part of the group you’re joking about.
M: That’s true – I only found out last week that our boss is gay.
J: Exactly. And, regardless, it would send the message that socially unacceptable jokes in the office are fine.
M: In that case, people in these groups can’t even joke about themselves!
J: Nope; if they did, it would only perpetuate an atmosphere that encourages disrespect and hostility.
M: Well, one thing’s for sure: it’s no laughing matter.
offensive [əˋfɛnsɪv] adj. 无礼的﹐冒犯的﹐令人恼火的
way [we] adv. 大大地
to see the whole picture 一窥全豹 the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things
discriminate [dɪˋskrɪmə͵net] v. 歧视[+against]
belittle [bɪˋlɪt!] v.【正式】轻视; 贬抑
condone [kənˋdon] v. 宽恕;赦免
at the expense of 以……为代价
perpetuate [pɚˋpɛtʃʊ͵et] v. 使..永久存在
disrespect [͵dɪsrɪˋspɛkt] n. 不尊敬﹐失礼﹐ 无礼
hostility [hɑsˋtɪlətɪ] n. 敌意,敌视
no laughing matter 不是闹着玩的, 非同小可,不是儿戏 something serious that people should not make jokes about
Sentence of the Day
You are kidding!
Katie and Bob are shooting the breeze during a coffee break: 凯蒂和鲍伯在休息时闲抬杠:
B: Did you hear Stan’s getting fired for sexually harassing his personal assistant?
K: Well, that’s what you deserve for inappropriately propositioning a coworker.
B: But he was only kidding; dismissing him will turn his life upside down. How can you advocate such a severe punishment?
K: Because there’s an element of truth to every joke, and there should be zero tolerance of misogyny in this day and age.
B: I agree that his comments could be misconstrued as chauvinist, but what “day and age” are you talking about?
K: The feminist day and age: When women stand up for themselves against prejudice and discrimination; when we demand the same rights as men and receive the same respect.
B: But Stan didn’t actually do anything to his assistant: he just joked that they should have a sexual encounter where he’s the master and she’s the servant.
K: He did plenty, Bob: The quality of our action is a clear reflection of the quality of our thoughts; Stan harassed a female coworker through unwarrantable propositioning and he needs to be made an example of or patriarchy will never be defeated.
B: You can get down off your soapbox, now, Katie! I agree with you.
-by David Needham
shoot the breeze【美】【口】聊天; 闲聊
harass [ˋhærəs] / [həˈræs] v. 骚扰
proposition [͵prɑpəˋzɪʃən] n.【口】(向女性)求欢,挑逗
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 免……的职;解雇;开除
advocate [ˋædvəkɪt] v. 拥护;提倡;主张
element [ˋɛləmənt] n. 要素,成分
misogyny [mɪˋsɑdʒənɪ] n.【心】厌恶女人
misconstrue [ˋmɪskənˋstru] v.【正式】误解
chauvinist [ˋʃovɪnɪst] n. 本性别至上主义者〔尤指大男子主义者〕
feminist [ˋfɛmənɪst] adj. 主张男女平等的
prejudice [ˋprɛdʒədɪs] n. 偏见,歧视
unwarrantable [ʌnˋwɑrəntəb!] adj. 无法律依据的;不合法的; 无法证明为正当的
patriarchy [ˋpetrɪ͵ɑrkɪ] n. 父权制(社会); 男权至上的社会制度; 男性政体
soapbox [ˋsop͵bɑks] n. 临时表演台
Sentence of the Day
No one should be subjected to that.
be subjected to 遭受, 经受. 受到…控制