Talking Turkey 你不知道的感恩节
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年11月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:435
On the last Thursday of this month, people all over America will sit down at the dinner table with family and friends to partake of Thanksgiving dinner. Many believe that the idea originated in the seventeenth-century New England colonies; however, the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Hebrews, Chinese, and even Native Americans celebrated their own form of giving thanks for bountiful harvests long before Americana adopted the practice.
Another reputed “fact” is that the first thanksgiving feasts were also gestures of goodwill toward American natives; however, according to many Native American historians, this idealistic notion of cultural harmony is far from the truth. What is not reported in U.S. history book, they say, is that thanksgiving feasts were most often held in celebration of “victories” over American Indians — such as when whole villages were massacred in the bitter struggle for control of the land.
Thankfully, the bloody side to the holiday is now a thing of the past, and the global meaning of that thanksgiving has prevailed. Today, Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving as their forefathers did, with feasting and drinking. But now they only do so as an act of reverence, or to express gratitude for sustenance, family and friendships, and material bounty.
partake [pɑrˋtek] v.【书】参加,参与[(+in)]; 分享
originate [əˋrɪdʒə͵net] v. 发源;来自;产生[Q][(+in/from/with)]
bountiful [ˋbaʊntəfəl] adj. 充足的,丰富的
adopt [əˋdɑpt] v. 采取;采纳
reputed [rɪˋpjutɪd] adj. 驰名的,出名的;享有声望的
gesture [ˋdʒɛstʃɚ] n.(表明态度或意图的)姿态; 表示
goodwill [ˋgʊdˋwɪl] n. 善意,好心;友好,亲善
idealistic [aɪ͵dɪəlˋɪstɪk] adj. 理想主义的;空想的
massacre [ˋmæsəkɚ] n. 大屠杀,残杀
bitter [ˋbɪtɚ] adj. 痛苦的;难堪的
prevail [prɪˋvel] v. 流行,盛行;普遍
forefather [ˋfor͵fɑðɚ] n. 祖先,祖宗;前辈
reverence [ˋrɛvərəns] n. 敬爱,崇敬;敬畏
gratitude [ˋgrætə͵tjud] n. 感激之情,感恩,感谢
sustenance [ˋsʌstənəns] n. 生计; 【正式】〔使人健康强壮的〕食物; 营养
bounty [ˋbaʊntɪ] n. 收成;物产; 大量提供的东西;慷慨的赠予
Sentence of the Day
No thanks to you.
no thanks to 并非由于
Sue, an American, is visiting her Canadian friend, Glen, at his Rocky Mountain home: 美国人苏正造访她的加拿大朋友葛林位于落矶山脉的家:
S: So how come you Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October? Is it because your growing season is shorter and you have an earlier harvest?
G: Maybe, but I think the real reason is because you Americans have Thanksgiving in November.
S: So, just to be different, huh?
G: Pretty much, eh. But you may be interested to know what you guys didn’t invent the “uniquely American” holiday.
S: I know Native Americans celebrated harvests with the Green Corn Ceremony, but I suppose now you’ll tell me the first non-native thanksgiving was in the Canadian Arctic or something.
G: That’s right! In 1578, English explorer Martin Frobisher was up there looking for the Northwest Passage; he and his crew celebrated the first North American thanksgiving right there in the middle of the tundra.
S: Huh?! That was forty-three years before the Plymouth Pilgrims! But what on earth could they possibly have been celebrating? A harvest of ice and snow?
G: No, they were just thankful they’d survived the hostile Canadian climate.
S: Then maybe you guys should have Thanksgiving in April or May instead.
G: How do you figure?
S: Because then every spring you could truly say, “Thank God winter’s over!”
-by Stephen A. Nelson
Arctic [ˋɑrktɪk] n. 北极地带;北极圈
crew [kru] n. 一组(或一队等)工作人员
tundra [ˋtʌndrə] n.【地】苔原;冻土地带,冻原
pilgrim [ˋpɪlgrɪm] n.(大写)1620年搭乘五月花号(Mayflower)移居美国的英国清教徒
hostile [ˋhɑstɪl] adj.(情况、形势等)不利的,恶劣的,造成阻碍的
figure [ˋfɪgjɚ] v. 认为,以为;估计[Y][+(that)];料到
Sentence of the Day
They did it cold turkey.
cold turkey: 直截了当的话(或方式)without planning or preparation; also immediate,complete withdrawal from something, especially an addictive substance