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The Cult-Figure Physicist 费曼出招,真相难逃








A Great Mind


In 1986, at the Rogers Commission hearing investigating the January 28th explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, Richard Phillips Feynmen illustrated one of the traits that had made him famous – the Nobel laureate physicist effortlessly made the complex simple.



By submerging a piece of rubber in ice water, he clearly demonstrated what had caused the tragic failure of the O-rings that should have contained the heat of the shutter’s two booster rockets; on that atypically cold Florida morning, the flexible rubber rings froze, rendering the material stiff – and dangerously ineffective.



In addition to making difficult concepts easy to understand, Feynmen, known for having a friendly, mischievous, charismatic personality, was able to explain science in an entertaining way; his lectures on physics while a professor at California State University are legendary for their insight and lively methods of delivery.



But this “regular” kind of guy was also one the greatest scientific minds of modern time: in his early twenties, Feynman joined the Manhattan Project to help develop the atomic bomb, and in 1965 he won a Nobel prize in physics for his theory on quantum electrodynamics. Today, fourteen years after his death, Richard Feynamn is regarded as something of a scientific cult figure.








cult [kʌlt] adj. 受特定群体欢迎的;作为偶像崇拜的

hearing [ˋhɪrɪŋ] n.【美】意见听取会

illustrate [ˋɪləstret] v.(用图,实例等)说明,阐明

trait [tret] n. 特征,特点,特性

laureate [ˋlɔrɪɪt] adj. 获奖者的

contain [kənˋten] v. 控制; 遏制; 防止…蔓延

atypically [eˋtɪpɪk!ɪ] adv. 不同寻常地; 异常地

render [ˋrɛndɚ] v. 使得;造成

stiff [stɪf] adj. 硬的; 不易移动的,不灵活的

mischievous [ˋmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 调皮的﹐ 淘气的

charismatic [͵kærɪzˋmætɪk] adj. 有魅力的;有吸引力的

legendary [ˋlɛdʒənd͵ɛrɪ] adj. 非常有名的﹐ 大名鼎鼎的﹐ 传奇式的

insight [ˋɪn͵saɪt] n. 洞悉;深刻的理解; 洞察力﹐眼光

delivery [dɪˋlɪvərɪ] n. 发言(或演说)的方式

quantum [ˋkwɑntəm] n.【物】量子

electrodynamics [ɪ͵lɛktrodaɪˋnæmɪks] n. 电动力学; 电气力学



Sentence of the Day

Great minds think alike.










Continuing to Inspire


Even though Feynman passed away in 1988, aged sixty-nine, his memory lives on: his many dedicated followers are forever trying to get the U.S. Postal Service to put his image on a set of commemorative postage stamps, and his book, including his published lectures on physics, are still highly sought-after.



The Pleasure of Finding Things Out is a collection of Feynman’s interview and lecture transcripts and reports. The subjects range from his childhood to quantum science to working on the top-secret Manhattan Project, where Feynman’s irreverent exploits included learning how to crack open the lab’s safes to illustrate his concern that the project’s security was inadequate.



Feynman loved to question authority: While the tales of his youthful high-jinks at the project may be amusing, he also discusses more seriously how he later questioned the use of the nuclear weapons he had helped design; the collection also includes the “Minority Report to the Space Shuttle Challenger Inquiry,” in which he accused those at NASA of putting emphasis on political concerns rather than safety. As those who knew him had the pleasure of finding out, Richard Feynman’s straightforwardness and tenacity were just part of the many traits that made up this brilliant and remarkable man.



by Mary Beth Maslowski





live on 继续存在着 to continue to exist

commemorative [kəˋmɛmərətɪv] adj. 纪念性的

postage [ˋpostɪdʒ] n. 邮资,邮费

sought-after [ˋsɔt͵æftɚ] adj. 广受欢迎的﹐ 吃香的〔但罕有或难得到〕in demand; wanted

transcript [ˋtræn͵skrɪpt] n.(录音的)文字记录

irreverent [ɪˋrɛvərənt] n.〔对组织﹑习俗﹑信仰等〕不尊敬的; 不恭的

exploit [ˈɛksˌplɔɪt] n. 功绩,功勋;辉煌的成就;英勇的行为

crack [kræk] v. 破解(密码),

inadequate [ɪnˋædəkwɪt] adj. 不充分的;不足的

high-jink [ˈhaɪˌdʒɪnks]  n. <口>喧闹的玩乐,狂欢作乐

amusing [əˋmjuzɪŋ] adj. 有趣的,好玩的

minority [maɪˋnɔrətɪ] adj. 〔人〕少数的; n. 少数

inquiry [ɪnˋkwaɪrɪ] n. 调查

accuse [əˋkjuz] v. 指控,控告;谴责[(+of)]

straightforwardness [͵stretˋfɔrwɚdnɪs] n. 坦率;直率

tenacity [tɪˋnæsətɪ] n. 固执;坚持,顽强,不屈不挠

remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 非凡的;显著的



Sentence of the Day

He was soon found out.






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