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Elementary, My Dear Dr. Lee 现代神探:李昌钰博士








For most Americans, it was “the trial of the century” – a media circus that lasted nine months and divided a nation. But for world-renowned forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee, the O. J. Simpson trial was just the most public of the more than 1,000 testimonies he has given in court.



In the O.J. Simpson case, the professional football player turned T.V. star was accused of murdering his estranged wife and her boyfriend. Dr. Lee provided crucial evidence for the defense by reexamining photographs taken by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). In court, Dr. Lee testified that he had discovered a trail of blood that the LAPD had never analyzed and which – he believe – could support the theory that there was a second assailant. This – together with Dr. Lee’s identification of other uncollected evidence (such as blood stains and partial shoe print) – was enough to create a picture of a shoddily conducted investigation.



Little wonder, then, that Mr. Simpson was eventually acquitted. But his trial is remarkable for another reason: it’s one of the few in which Dr. Lee was called as a witness for the defense as former Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety, it’s usually been his job to prove guilt, rather than innocence.








trial [ˋtraɪəl] n. 审问,审判

forensic [fəˋrɛnsɪk] adj. 法医的

testimony [ˋtɛstə͵monɪ] n.【律】证词,证言

estrange [əˋstrendʒ] v. 使疏远;使感情失和[(+from)]

trail [trel] n. 痕迹;踪迹;足迹

assailant [əˋselənt] n.【正式】攻击者

identification [aɪ͵dɛntəfəˋkeʃən] n. 鉴定;确认

shoddily [ˋʃɑdɪlɪ] adv. 粗制滥造地;品质很差地

acquit [əˋkwɪt] v. 宣告……无罪,无罪释放

commissioner [kəˋmɪʃənɚ] n.(委员会的)委员



Sentence of the Day

They raised Cain.



raise Cain【口】大怒; 大吵大闹






When he isn’t in the courtroom, Dr. Lee is either analyzing evidence or instructing others in the disciplines of forensic science. As the current Chief Emeritus for the Connecticut Division of Scientific Services and professor of forensic science at the University of New Haven, Dr. Lee is also available for consultation to over three thousand international agencies. Not bad for a man who couldn’t speak a word of English when he arrived in the USA.



Henry Lee was born into a family of thirteen children in China in 1938. After completing his schooling, he enrolled in Taiwan’s police academy because he was unable to pay for a college education, and graduated at the top of his class. In 1965, Lee furthered his studies at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice before earning a doctorate in human genetics and biochemistry from New York University.



Throughout a celebrated academic and professional career, Dr. Lee has received several honorary degrees and has been an adjunct professor at eight different universities. Despite his advanced years, Dr. Lee still works seventeen-hour-days in his lab. “In this world there are two ways to make it,” Lee says. “One is to be named Rockefeller or Kennedy. The other is to work hard.”



by Michael Costello





analyze [ˋæn!͵aɪz] v. 分析

discipline [ˋdɪsəplɪn] n. 训练

emeritus [ɪˋmɛrɪtəs] adj.〔大学教师〕退休后仍保留头衔的﹐荣誉退休的

Connecticut [kəˋnɛtɪkət] n. 美国康乃迪克州

schooling [ˋskulɪŋ] n. 学校教育

enroll [ɪnˋrol] v. 入学,注册;入伍[(+in)]

doctorate [ˋdɑktərɪt] n. 博士头衔,博士学位

genetics [dʒəˋnɛtɪks] n. 遗传学

celebrated [ˋsɛlə͵bretɪd] adj. 著名的,驰名的

adjunct [ˋædʒʌŋkt] n. 助手;副手

advanced [ədˋvænst] adj. 年迈的;后阶段的



Sentence of the Day

It's all in a day's work.



all in a day's work  每日常规的一部分, 日常工作





当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English People (人物) Elementary, My Dear Dr. Lee 现代神探:李昌钰博士