Will The Real Shakespeare Please Stand Up? 莎翁本尊有分身?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年1月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:427
William Shakespeare is the greatest playwright of the English language, and perhaps of any language. But did he actually write the plays which have become so famous? In 2002 book Shakespeare, Co-Author, Professor Brian Vickers presents startling evidence that Shakespeare had help writing some of his plays. Professor Vickers proves his case by showing that some of the rhetorical devices, word choices, and meter within five minor Shakespeare plays are typical of the work of lesser-known authors.
However, not everyone is willing to accept Professor Vickers’s theories. On one side of the co-authorship debate are scholars, like Vickers, who use linguistic methods to dissect the plays in their search for clues of co-authorship. Opposing them are the conservators, scholars who scoff at any claim of co-authorship and passionately insist that the entire Shakespeare canon was written by the English genius himself.
Professor Vickers’s textual proof leaves little doubt that Shakespeare had help with at least five of his lesser plays, such as Titus Andronicus and Pericles. The real question involves the nature of the co-authorship: Did the two writers work together? Or did the second author work on the play after Shakespeare had already completed his version? Whatever the case, there is certainly fuel for future debate.
playwright [ˋple͵raɪt] n. 剧作家
rhetorical [rɪˋtɔrɪk!] adj. 修辞的﹐ 与修辞有关的
device [dɪˋvaɪs] n. 手段
meter [ˋmitɚ] n.(诗歌等的)韵律
linguistic [lɪŋˋgwɪstɪk] adj. 语言的;语言学的
dissect [dɪˋsɛkt] v. 仔细分析;细心研究
conservator [ˋkɑnsɚ͵vetɚ] n. 保护者;管理员
scoff [skɔf] v. 嘲笑, 藐视.[(+at)]
canon [ˋkænən] n.(公认的)重要作家和作品
textual [ˋtɛkstʃʊəl] adj. 按原文的,逐字的; 〔书﹑杂志等〕正文的﹐原文的
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] n. 刺激因素[U][(+for/of)]
Sentence of the Day
Shakespeare has “pride of place” amongst English writers.
pride of place 最突出的位置, 最重要的位置
Hanna and Eli, college students, are discussing their literature class over a couple of pints of ale at the student pub: 汉纳和艾力是大学同学,两人正在学生酒吧里一边喝麦芽啤酒、一边讨论文学课程:
E: Can you believe that stuff Professor Bloom was telling us in class today about Shakespeare’s plays?
H: I must admit, I was surprised to learn that Shakespeare had help writing some of his plays.
E: Yeah, Shakespeare is a literary god. It seems like a tabloid scandal to discover that the Bard was cheating the public with his writing.
H: That’s a bit harsh! People collaborate on artistic projects all the time. Many movie scripts have been written by more than one author.
E: I see your point. Books are co-written, too. So I guess it’s really not that strange that Shakespeare had help writing some of his play – after all, he sure did write a lot of them.
H: What’s strange is the way that some literary types get so worked up over this co-authorship debate. Prof. Bloom said that next week he’d discuss the anti-Stratfordians.
E: Now that’s another kettle of fish. They claim that Shakespeare was just a front for a ghostwriter who actually wrote all his plays!
H: Hey, no matter who put the words to paper, the plays are still incredible.
E: Let’s drink to that!
-by Jason Smith
pint [paɪnt] n.(啤酒等的)一品脱的量[(+of)]
ale [el] n.(含酒精较一般啤酒多的)麦芽(啤)酒
literary [ˋlɪtə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 文学的,文艺的
tabloid [ˋtæblɔɪd] n.(以轰动性报导为特点的)小报
collaborate [kəˋlæbə͵ret] v. 共同工作;合作
type [taɪp] n.【口】具有某种特点的人
worked up【非正式】〔对某事〕非常不安的; 激动的 to arouse the emotions of; excite.
kettle of fish【口】截然不同的人(或事物) if you say that something or someone is a different kettle of fish, you mean that they are completely different from something or someone else that has been talked about
front [frʌnt] n. (非法或秘密的组织或活动的)掩护,幌子
ghostwriter [ˋgost͵raɪtɚ] n. 为人捉刀的作者
Sentence of the Day
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
“玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。” – 莎翁剧本「罗密欧与朱丽叶」第二幕第二场