Mr. Entertainment’s Century of Hope 欢笑与希望──鲍伯霍普的百年典范
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年8月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月10日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:414
On July 27, 2003, Leslie Townes Hope, better known to the world as “Bob,” took his final curtain call after a remarkable eighty years in showbiz. Hope’s career encompassed a dizzying variety of accomplishments including work as a vaudeville performer, stand-up comedian, actor, radio and TV broadcaster, semi-professional golfer, philanthropist, and USO stalwart – earning him the nickname “Mr. Entertainment.” He always looked at the funny side of life, and his own life seemed like the epitome of the American Dream.
The Hope family immigrated to the U.S. from England when Bob was four (he later joked “I left England … when I found out I couldn’t be king.”) Along with stints as a boxer, pool hustler, and shoe salesman, Bob honed his performing skill throughout the twenties as a vaudeville performer and cultivated his trademark wisecracking comic style.
But the vaudeville theater circuit couldn’t contain Hope’s entertainment genius. First, Broadway beckoned. There, Hope met his wife, Dolores, while performing in the 1933 musical Roberta; the two were married in 1934. Starting with The Big Broadcast of 1938, Bob brought his talents to the silver screen. However, he was truly catapulted to international fame with the film, The Road to Shanghai (1940). A star had been born.
【注1】:vaudeville 是北美地区于1870年至1930年大为流行的一种轻歌舞剧或歌舞杂耍表演。
【注2】:美国联合服务组织USO是United Service Organization的缩写,美国的志工团体,以促进美国军人的生活为目标。
curtain call (演员的)谢幕 The appearance of performers or a performer at the end of a performance to receive applause from the audience.
showbiz [ˋʃobɪz] n.【口】娱乐性行业;娱乐界
encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] v. 包含
vaudeville [ˋvodə͵vɪl] n.【美】歌舞杂耍表演﹐综艺节目〔盛行于1880年至1950年的一种剧院娱乐形式﹐有演唱﹑舞蹈﹑笑话等〕
stand-up comedian 单口相声演员; 独角滑稽秀演员
philanthropist [fɪˋlænθrəpɪst] n. 慈善家
stalwart [ˋstɔlwɚt] n. 忠实成员,坚定分子
epitome [ɪˋpɪtəmɪ] n. 缩影;象征; …的典型[典范]
stint [stɪnt] n. (工作)任务
pool [pul] n. 撞球
hustler [ˋhʌs!ɚ] n. <美,非正>耍诡计骗钱的人
wisecracking [ˋwaɪzkrækɪŋ] adj. 说俏皮话的,爱说俏皮话的
circuit [ˋsɝkɪt] n.(尤指工作时的)巡回线路,巡回
contain [kənˋten] v. 控制,遏制
beckon [ˋbɛkn] v.(招手或点头)向……示意;召唤
catapult [ˋkætə͵pʌlt] v. 使…一举成名; 用弹射器发射
Sentence of the Day
Bob Hope had the gift of the gab.
gab [gæb] n.【非正式】喋喋不休﹐闲聊
Throughout the forties, Bob Hope went from American superstar to American institution. Along with Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour, he made seven highly successfulRoad to ….. movies. As well, in 1949, he began a relationship with NBC television that continued for an unprecedented fifty-plus years. And on May 6, 1941, Bob Hope performed his first of countless USO shows. He is dearly remembered for entertaining America’s troops through to the 1990 Persian Gulf War.
Bob Hope’s charitable work was important as his entertainment work. He contributed a great deal of time and money to charitable causes and according to his agent, made lifetime donations totaling more than US$1 billion. Bob and Dolores showed that this humanitarian spirit started at home by adopting four children.
Bob Hope the semi-professional golfer was another hat he wore. He golfed with nearly every president from Eisenhower to Bush Sr. and his Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Golf Tournament is now entering its forty-sixth year.
Among his innumerable honors, he was made a knight by Queen Elizabeth II, and in 1977 Congress made him the first and only, honorary military veteran. On his deathbed, when asked where he would like to be buried, he quipped, “Surprise me.”
-by Iain Ferguson and Mark Rawson
institution [͵ɪnstəˋtjuʃən] n. <口>名人,名物 One long associated with a specified place, position, or function.
unprecedented [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] adj. 无先例的,空前的
dearly [ˋdɪrlɪ] adv. 充满深情地
humanitarian [hju͵mænəˋtɛrɪən] n. 人道主义者;慈善家
adopt [əˋdɑpt] v. 过继,收养
hat [hæt] n. 角色; 职位; 工作
tournament [ˋtɝnəmənt] n. 锦标赛;联赛
innumerable [ɪˋnjumərəb!] adj. 无数的;数不清的
knight [naɪt] n.(近代英国的)爵士
honorary [ˋɑnə͵rɛrɪ] adj.〔称号﹑官阶﹑学位等〕作为一种荣誉授予的﹐荣誉的
deathbed [ˋdɛθ͵bɛd] n. 临终所卧的床;临终的一段时间
quip [kwɪp] n. 说俏皮话﹐说妙语
Sentence of the Day
Bob Hope had more feathers in his cap than any other entertainer.
a feather in one’s cap 可夸耀的事,卓越的成就
The Big Broadcast of 1938
Road to Bali - "Hoot Mon!" with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby
Road to Rio