A Lifeline Beyond the Womb 「脐带血」下生命新页
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年12月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:457
Everyone knows that the umbilical cord is our lifeline in the womb. But, until recently, most umbilicals were discarded after birth without so much as a second thought. Now, an increasing number of doctors believe that the three to five ounces of blood that the umbilical contains could be as vitally important outside the womb as the cord itself is inside it.
In the event that someone contracts a serious illness such as leukemia, cord blood cells could provide the only hope of rebuilding his or her blood-cell-producing system. While it is true that stem cells can also be harvested from relatives’ bone marrow, a patient’s own cord blood cells provide a genetically perfect match and are very young and healthy.
The process for saving cord blood is simple, painless, and safe: Shortly after delivery, the umbilical is clamped and cut as usual; the blood is then drained and cryogenically stored at a cord blood bank.
Cord blood storage is not yet common practice—the exact shelf life of cord blood cells is still unknown and the cost of storage is somewhat prohibitive at about NT$130,000; nevertheless, the idea that our umbilical cords could sustain us far beyond the womb remains an intriguing one.
lifeline [ˋlaɪf͵laɪn] n. 生命线﹐命脉
umbilical [ʌmˋbɪlɪk!] adj. 脐的;脐状的
umbilical cord 脐带
womb [wum] n. 子宫
discard [ˋdɪskɑrd] v. 抛弃,摒弃,丢弃
without so much as 甚至不..., 甚至连...都不做
second thought【口】〔经过重新考虑之后〕改变主意 after having thought about something again
contract [kənˋtrækt] v.【正式】感染〔疾病〕﹐患〔病〕
leukemia [luˋkimɪə] n.【医】白血病(俗称血癌)
stem cell【医学】造血干细胞
harvest [ˋhɑrvɪst] v. 获得,得到
delivery [dɪˋlɪvərɪ] n. 分娩
clamp [klæmp] v. 钳紧;夹住
drain [dren] v. 排出(液体);使流出
cryogenically [͵kraɪəˋdʒɛnɪklɪ] adv. 低温地
cord blood bank 脐带血库(亦作cord bank,用来保存新生儿脐带血中丰富的造血干细胞,旨在进行医学研究或为需要造血干细胞移植的患者提供储备资源)
shelf life(罐装食品等的)保存期限;货架寿命;耐储时间
prohibitive [prəˋhɪbɪtɪv] adj.(费用、价格等)过高的
sustain [səˋsten] v. 维持,供养;支援
intriguing [ɪn`trigɪŋ] adj.〔由于奇特﹑神秘或出人意料而〕引起好奇心的; 令人感兴趣的
Sentence of the Day
We’re saving something for a rainy day.
save something for a rainy day 节省(尤指金钱)以备不时之需; 未雨绸缪
George is reading an article to his wife, Mary, who is six months pregnant with baby Alice: 乔治正在读一篇报导给太太玛莉听,她肚里怀着六个月大的爱丽斯:
G: Did you know that the birth of Wu Shu-chen’s grandchild could help her to walk again?
M: Are you kidding? That’s unbelievable!
G: it’s true; doctors believe they could use stem cells from the baby’s umbilical cord to repair Wu’s damaged nerve system.
M: I’ve heard about using stem cells to cure diseases, but I didn’t know that doctors could use them to cure paralysis.
G: They’re not so sure if it will work; this kind of therapy is still in the experimental stage.
M: I thought as much; Wu’s doctors would probably need special approval before they could try such a radically new technique on the first lady.
G: True, but who better to give approval than her husband! There is another complication though: Wu’s bone marrow cells would also have to be regrown.
M: Would she need a bone-marrow transplant for that?
G: No, doctors say they can use the stem cells taken from the umbilical cord for that, too.
M: Hmm….maybe we should consider saving little Alice’s cord blood cells.
G: I don’t think that’s necessary! I’m not planning on getting paralyzed any time soon!
-by Michael Costello
paralysis [pəˋræləsɪs] n. 麻痹,瘫痪
I think as much 我就是这么想的; 果然不出我所料 something that you say when you discover that something you thought was true is really true
radically [ˋrædɪk!ɪ] adv. 1.根本地, 完全地; 2. 激进地;极端地
complication [͵kɑmpləˋkeʃən] n.(新出现的)困难,障碍
regrow [rɪˋgro] v. 再生
transplant [trænsˋplænt] v. 【医】移植
Sentence of the Day
They’re trying to push it through.
push something through 使〔新法律〕获得通过