Following the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Peru 走印加古道,访马丘比丘
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:514
For the ancient Incas, the trail to Machu Picchu was not just a road; it was likely the pilgrimage route to a sacred citadel. Though their civilization has long since disappeared, the Inca Trail remains, beckoning the adventurous traveler to relive the experience.
Be warned that this forty-four kilometer, four-day hike is not for the faint-hearted. Countless hikers have cursed themselves at the end of the first day – a relatively easy four-hour hike, 2750m above sea level.
On day two, stiff muscles gradually loosen as the hike reaches its highest point, ominously dubbed “David Woman’s Pass.” If hikers have any breath left this 4200m summit, it’ll certainly be taken away by the snow-capped splendor of the Peruvian Andes towering even higher above.
On day three, the hike enters verdant cloud forests featuring pink orchids and lush hanging mosses. On this day, original Incan stonework appears, including a tunnel and paving stones. Finally, a knee-breaking thousand steps lead travelers to the last campsite.
At 4:30 a.m. on day four, the last stretch to Intipunktu, the “Sungate,” begins. Aching limbs and feet are sure to be forgotten here, high above Machu Picchu, when the sun’s first rays brush over this “Lost City of the Incas.”
pilgrimage [ˋpɪlgrəmɪdʒ] n. 朝圣,朝觐
citadel [ˋsɪtəd!] n.(护城)城堡;堡垒
beckon [ˋbɛkn] v.〔招手〕示意﹐召唤
relive [riˋlɪv] v.(在想象中)再体验;再经历
be warned 小心; 提防 If someone says to you 'be warned', they are advising you to be cautious, because there are risks that you may not have thought about.
faint-hearted [ˈfentˈhɑrtɪd] adj.无勇气的, 胆怯的
curse [kɝs] v. (尤指用粗话)抱怨,发牢骚
stiff [stɪf] adj.(手足等)僵直的,僵硬的
ominously [ˋɑmənəslɪ] adv. 恶兆地;不吉利地
splendor [ˋsplɛndɚ] n. 壮丽;壮观
verdant [ˋvɝdnt] adj.(指植物、田野)青翠的
moss [mɔs] n. 苔藓;地衣
stonework [ˋston͵wɝk] n. 石雕工艺; 砌石工程
stretch [strɛtʃ] n.(竞赛跑道的)直线跑道,最后阶段
brush [brʌʃ] v. 擦过,掠过
Sentence of the Day
For hikers, getting to Machu Picchu is half the fun.
half the fun a large part of the fun
half [hæf] adv. used to emphasize something, especially when a situation is extremely bad 极其﹐ 非常〔尤指情况很糟〕
Cousins April and Jesse are resting in their tent after day one of the Inca Trail: 表兄妹爱波和杰西第一天的印加古道之行后,在他们的帐篷内休息:
J: My feet are killing me!
A: Come on. We’ve barely trekked a tenth of the trail. Tomorrow’s the big day.
J: April, the reason I’m walking up that pass is for the campsite below. I hear tell of flushing toilets.
A: Whatever! I just can’t wait for the sight of those snow-capped peaks. We’re becoming regular Edmund Hillarys, my friend!
J: Edmund Hillary?! But I’m still struggling with this altitude. What does our guidebook say about day three? Any towns or convenient stores along the way?
A: The only town you’ll see is “The town in the clouds.” It says here it’s the most impressive ruin before Machu Picchu. Oh …. There’s some Incan baths just beyond it.
J: Great. Do they take traveler’s checks?
A: No, silly. They’re ancient. The Incas used them in their worship of water.
J: At least I can look forward to seeing a condor along the way. Even better, we’re sleeping at the Trekker’s Hostel tomorrow night.
A: Our guide told me you can have a hot shower there for a buck-fifty.
J: The way I’m feeling, I’d pay ten.
A: You and your creature comforts, Jesse.
J: What can I say? I’m a city boy.
【注】Edmund Hillary是第一位登上圣母峰之人。
-by Charles Thompson
trek [trɛk] v. 艰苦跋涉;缓慢地行进
hear tell of 据说,听说… If you hear tell (of) something, someone tells you about it.
altitude [ˋæltə͵tjud] n. 高度;海拔
guidebook [ˋgaɪd͵bʊk] n.〔关于城市﹑地区等的〕旅行指南
ruin [ˋrʊɪn] n. 废墟;遗迹
worship [ˋwɝʃɪp] n. 崇拜;敬仰
condor [ˋkɑndɚ] n.【鸟】兀鹰
creature comforts 物质享受 material things or luxuries that help to provide for one's bodily comfort
Sentence of the Day
Jesse is feeling walked off his feet.
walk off one’s feet (=walk off one’s legs) 走得精疲力竭
AD 1519 Conquest of the Incas